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    in a trice

    1. For if God tendered the reward of the righteous in a trice straightway were it commerce that we practised and not godliness

    2. and they’ll fix it in a trice with a therapist’s phoned-in order

    3. leave this sordid, sleazy world in a trice

    4. Our Lady Mary gave birth to our Master Jesus (cpth) in a trice

    5. In a trice he was up on the stage, had lifted the hatch and was now lowering himself into St

    6. In a trice, still quite concussed, he jumped to his feet and propelled himself into a sprint that was more horizontal than vertical

    7. Posturing defensively in a trice, he barely riposted the headlong charge of multiple attackers

    8. The herbs that I take may not work in a trice

    9. but I saw in a trice

    10. And if you have any desire to shorten the journey and put yourself easily in the way of salvation, come with me, and I will show you how to become a knight-errant, a calling wherein so many hardships and mishaps are encountered that if they be taken as penances they will lodge you in heaven in a trice

    11. "I thank you, sirs," said Don Quixote; "but I cannot stop for an instant, for sad thoughts and unhappy circumstances force me to seem discourteous and to travel apace;" and spurring Rocinante he pushed on, leaving them wondering at what they had seen and heard, at his own strange figure and at the shrewdness of his servant, for such they took Sancho to be; and another of them observed, "If the servant is so clever, what must the master be? I'll bet, if they are going to Salamanca to study, they'll come to be alcaldes of the Court in a trice; for it's a mere joke--only to read and read, and have interest and good luck; and before a man knows where he is he finds himself with a staff in his hand or a mitre on his head

    12. draw her pins, and as she had no stays to unlace, she was in a trice, with

    13. but I was in the coach in a trice, and he by the side of me, with his arms

    14. loosened in a trice, and I divested of it; my stays next offered an obstacle

    15. still things did not go to his thorough liking; changing them in a trice his

    16. inventive for its own ends: he strips me in a trice stark naked, and

    17. After this homily which he delivered with much warmth of asseveration Mr Mulligan in a trice put off from his hat a kerchief with which he had shielded it

    18. (Virag unscrews his head in a trice and holds it under his arm

    19. undressing myself: my gown then was loosen'd in a trice, and I divested of it; my stays next offered an obstacle which readily gave way, Louisa very readily furnished a pair of scissors to cut the lace; off went that shell and dropping my uppercoat, I was reduced to my under one and my shift, the open bosom of which gave the hands and eyes all the liberty they could wish

    20. I straddled, I humoured my posture, and did my best in short to buckle to it; I took part of it in, but still things did not go to his thorough liking; changing them in a trice his system of battery, he leads me to the table and with a master-hand lays my head down on the edge of it, and, with the other canting up my petticoats and shift, bares my naked posteriors to his blind and furious guide; it forces its way between them, and I feeling pretty sensibly that it was not going by the right door, and knocking desperately at the wrong one, I told him of it:—"Pooh!" says he, "my dear, any port in a storm

    21. What should we do now? both intolerably heated: both in a fury; but pleasure is ever inventive for its own ends: he strips me in a trice stark naked, and placing a broad settee-cushion on the carpet before the fire, oversets me gently, topsy turvy, on it; and handling me only at the waist, whilst you may be sure I favoured all my dispositions, brought my legs round his neck; so that my head was kept from the floor only by my hands and the velvet cushion, which was now bespread with my flowing hair: thus I stood on my head and hands, supported by him in such manner, that whilst my thighs clung round him, so as to expose to his sight all my back figure, including the theatre of his bloody pleasure, the centre of my fore pair fairly bearded the ob-jest of its rage, that now stood in fine condition to give me satisfaction for the injuries of its neighbours

    22. A chance meeting, a service rendered, a happy phrase, a knack of facetious mimicry, and a man’s career might be made in a trice

    23. ” In a trice, he leads Lustre to an Enclosure behind the Pulpit, hands the Halter to his Manservant, and mounts the Booth again before the teeming Crowd

    24. Then, in a trice, I was back in the Circle, whirling and turning, joining the Witches as they made a smaller Circle within the larger Circle, dancing closer and closer to the Grandmaster, who still play’d upon his Wond’rous Pipe

    25. WE WERE RIDING ALONG as roughly as you please, the English Drizzle misting the entire Countryside (in spite of what the Ballad Singers may say about fine June Weather), when, in a trice, there comes a Stampede of Hoofbeats beside us, and a Pearl-handl’d Pistol is thrust in at the Window next to my Nose, and Shouts are heard from the Postilion and Coachman (who presently come flying past the Window and roll Head o’er Heels into a Ditch by the side of the Road), whereupon the Coach begins to move at such a Pace that we are all rattl’d like Apples in a rolling Barrel, and Mrs

    26. “Quiet!” shouts the Highwayman, and in a trice he leans his Head outside the Window of the Coach, shouts something to his Confederates, and lo! the Coach begins to slow

    27. In a trice we began to roll at top Speed again and the Coach rattl’d along the Highway as if ’twould fly apart at its very Seams, and I silently pray’d for Mercy to the Great Goddess of the Witches, and presently we rode off the Highway into a Thicket where the Coach bump’d to a Stop and Lancelot held the Pistol to my Head, saying:

    28. In a trice, Horatio and the Merry Men march’d out of my Chamber and into the adjoining one, busied themselves there for a Time, whereupon they march’d back, carrying a long Trestle Table set with Breakfast for all of us, and serv’d in such resplendent golden Plates and Goblets that I should have thought myself the Queen of England to merit it

    29. I was near to fainting with the Pain, expiring there in the Reek of the House of Easement, with its fetid Odours rising and its Dampness like the Ante-Room to Hell itself—when, in a trice, my Womb cramp’d entirely in one horrid Convulsion, and the wretched black Thing (or what remain’d of it) came out

    30. Then, in a trice, he leapt up and ran to me where I lay naked on the Bed

    31. In a trice, one of these Skulls began to speak: “Welcome Sisters,” came a thund’ring Voice, follow’d by a Gale of devilish Laughter that near knockt me off my Feet with Terror

    32. At first, I thought I should ne’er find Lord Bellars again; whereupon, in a trice, I felt a Tap upon my Shoulder, and a low Voice said:

    33. Many great Ships were loading up Provisions and Ballast for Sea-Voyages, and Hogsheads of Wine were being roll’d along the Docks by stout-shoulder’d Fellows who shouted more Curses to each other in a trice, than one might hear e’en upon the Thames

    34. I saw a Dagger twinkle at his Waist; in a trice, ’twas in his Hand

    35. In a trice, he slit his Nose

    36. In a trice, it came to me! Whitehead was afraid of Epidemicks, was he not? Whitehead had directed that the Men be delous’d, had he not?

    37. In a trice, I knew that this “Whale” was not a Whale at all

    38. In a trice, Horatio drew a crusht and folded Pyrate Flag from his Coat and made quick Work of hoisting it

    39. Yet more than that, we oft’ succeed because most Seamen are so abus’d at Sea that they turn Pyrate in a trice! Sometimes, ’tis true that Boarding Axes and Grappling Hooks and Broadsides of Cannon Fire are us’d, but oft’ the very Cry of Pyrates! is enough to stifle all Resistance

    40. But when the Wind freshen’d suddenly and Squalls o’ercame us in a trice, Nature herself turn’d from Helpmeet to Harridan and Harmony turn’d to Horror! O what Panick suffus’d our Hearts as we scurried up the Masts to take in the Sails lest we heel o’er into the Drink! I learnt to be as nimble in clambering up a Mast barefoot as any Common Tar, but ne’er did I do so without a Pounding in my Breast that seem’d to say: Turn back, turn back, this is no Task for the Fair! Yet I still’d those Voices and continu’d just the same, for I had Contempt for Womanish Fears and fancied myself neither Man nor Woman but a Combination of the noblest Qualities of the twain! Always in my Life have I sought to press myself to do the Things I’ve fear’d the most; for only when one snatches Fear by the Scruff of its Neck and proclaims oneself its Mistress, doth one live Life to the fullest

    41. In a trice, the Pyrates who were holding us fell back; Lancelot beam’d with Vanity; Horatio breath’d a deep-fetch’d Sigh of Relief, and I—I was consum’d with Jealousy!

    42. In a trice, she and Horatio grapple on the Floor and they are making the Beast with two Backs with the greatest Gusto

    43. But in a trice, I had the most curious Pang

    44. All the good Things I had gain’d—leaving Lymeworth to seek my Fortune, making my Mutiny within the Brothel, insisting upon my own Terms for being kept by Lord Bellars, becoming Whitehead’s Scribe, altering Lancelot’s Pyrate Articles, learning the Craft of Pyracy itself—were gain’d thro’ killing the Lady in myself and playing the Pyrate! The Lady and the Pyrate! ’Twas as if two people battl’d for Supremacy within my very Soul: one a Vapourish Lady and one a Daring Pyrate, and they were so unlike each other they were scarce on speaking Terms! Whilst the Lady in myself was quiv’ring and quailing in Cowardice, the Pyrate was itching to breathe free! ’Twas the Pyrate who could command a Ship, scale a Shroud in a trice, climb to the Top of a Crow’s-Nest, and scour the Seas expertly with a Spying-Glass! ’Twas the Pyrate who had beguil’d Lord Bellars into keeping me, all unknowing of my True Identity; and ’twas the Pyrate who had earn’d Whitehead’s wary Trust by becoming his Amanuensis! ’Twas the Pyrate who had endur’d a Childbirth few endure, but ’twas the Lady who, in her Guilt and Vapourish Fear, allow’d a Wet-Nurse to tyrannize o’er her and steal the very Jewel of her Existence! ’Twas the Pyrate who amended Lancelot’s Articles, but ’twas the Lady who at first resented Bonny both for her Beauty and for her Freedom! O I must learn from Bonny, not resent her, I thought; for she is what all Women long to be! E’en Chaucer says it thro’ the Wife of Bath: The Fair Sex seeks that “absolute Command / With all the Government of House and Land; / And Empire o’er his Tongue, and o’er his Hand!”

    45. Shout on all sides the crowd, and in a trice

    46. The excited hero in a trice

    47. Upon the table in a trice

    48. Pyotr Stepanovitch pounced on the cutlet with extraordinary appetite, had eaten it in a trice, tossed off the wine and swallowed his coffee

    49. The matter was settled in a trice

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