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    Usa "in anticipation" in una frase

    in anticipation frasi di esempio

    in anticipation

    1. Dizzie tongues her lip ring in anticipation

    2. He went silent, his whole body tensing in anticipation

    3. It looked very much as though her choice had been a good one; tantalising odours spiralled in the steam rising from the pastry parcel on her plate, making her mouth water in anticipation

    4. shake in anticipation as the front gate clanged open

    5. Her violet eyes were flashing in anticipation; she looked almost cat-like herself

    6. It wouldn’t surprise me to learn that she hangs around in the pub during the evening purely in anticipation that someone she knows will come in and buy her a drink

    7. buzzing in anticipation, the famous television gardener and his wife

    8. Roman could almost see the drool slide down Brunno’s chin in anticipation

    9. Apothecary’s – his chest heaving in anticipation of what he

    10. She felt he was searching her soul, as he gazed down upon her trembling lips, wetting his own as if in anticipation

    11. When the Players met again, all were hushed in anticipation of the declaration

    12. in anticipation of another warm, humid day

    13. For the most part, the courtyard was now vacant, the gardeners having rounded up most of the wildlife, as well as any edible plant life, to be immediately delivered to the kitchen, prepped for storage and added to the keep's list of supplies in anticipation of a lengthy siege

    14. expected a thrashing and had closed my eyes in anticipation when

    15. He waited in anticipation for any further revelations, but none came

    16. Both men lurched backward in anticipation

    17. All she could do was very barely close her eyes in anticipation for impact with the ground

    18. You are either in anticipation or in fear of having children

    19. Zarko could feel the Euphrates of sweat running down his back in anticipation of the reaction to this boldness

    20. He puckered his nose in anticipation of the stench

    21. Koyo was trained well and merely sauntered over to a shady patch to feed on some grassy bits in anticipation of her master’s return

    22. He released the button and they all waited in anticipation

    23. Not only this but we would be able to make Gallipoli pancakes and at the thought of these saliva ran out of the corners of my mouth and I licked my lips in anticipation

    24. eyes as her heart began to beat a little faster in anticipation

    25. What we do know however, is that God left us enough information in the Bible to understand certain facts clearly and that he also provided clarifying information in the Bible in anticipation of questions we may have about certain aspects unclear to us

    26. Why did God create the Sun, Moon and stars only on the fourth day? Is it perhaps because people would one day adopt the Theory of Evolution? Did God in anticipation of this, have an order and sequence in his creation work, that would provide insight into the fact that it happened over a short period of time and was completed within 6 actual days, as opposed to Evolution’s billions of years? How can we be sure that everything was in fact created in 6 days and that these days are not to be interpreted as ages? If we look at Exodus, we have the following two passages:

    27. But Doc was animated and nervous in anticipation of his favourite band taking the stage

    28. ' She could see that Aoife was measuring her tolerance in anticipation of being left to the devises of a baby-sitter

    29. The cold sweat of fear ran down our backs and faces and our stomachs tensed in anticipation of the first bullet that would penetrate and rip its way inside

    30. ' Doc rubbed his hands gleefully in anticipation

    31. horny but he was slightly hard in anticipation despite the visions

    32. Who would be first? He saw a man move in the first row, and he tensed his muscles in anticipation

    33. The people had loved Khan and lived every moment of their lives in anticipation of the next time they would see their hero

    34. Imbrahim glanced at the first officer and felt his stomach knot in anticipation

    35. Nathan passed Ray a taste of his chocolate and waited for his reaction, his eyebrow raised in anticipation

    36. Everyone in the restaurant stopped eating, the clinking of cutlery and crockery went silent and everyone paid attention to our table, to Spencer, and waited in anticipation for my reply

    37. His mouth moved as if he was trying to form a word and we all held our breath, his eyes flickered but not yet opening, and we all glanced at each other in anticipation

    38. He threw his letter of resignation at Mr Drake which he had written that morning in anticipation, and walked out

    39. He smiled in anticipation

    40. For I have called to My lambs, their hearts sing in anticipation

    41. The sun had long passed its zenith when Soffen finally reached the outskirts of Brockenhurst Forest and she quickened her pace in anticipation of seeing Darkburst, Broshee and Brock once more– having convinced herself during her return journey that they would be waiting for her when she finally arrived

    42. “Sugar, sir?” The servant, in anticipation of a positive reply, had already filled a teaspoon and directed it toward William’s cup

    43. " Turning back to Uncle Hobart, Dave rubbed his hands together in anticipation

    44. William held his breath in anticipation of Frank’s answer

    45. My blood roared in my ears, my lips already parting in anticipation of his kiss

    46. I was ‘fully erect,’ but we just ignored it as I stood there in anticipation

    47. My stomach growled some, in anticipation, but

    48. If my glass count was accurate, he had already finished three beers while he had been waiting for us, and he was smacking his lips in anticipation of his fifth

    49. Claire could hear snorting and the beast smacked its lips in anticipation

    50. Carlos’ truck was parked inside in anticipation of transferring the cargo

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    Sinonimi per "in anticipation"

    expecting hopeful eager awaiting waiting watchful