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    Usa "in comparison with" in una frase

    in comparison with frasi di esempio

    in comparison with

    1. Interpretation: The dream shows my inner feeling of not being loved by my parents, especially in comparison with Alice, the star of our family

    2. We follow him out into the woods, light now in comparison with the deep gloom of the cave

    3. I’ve known her for several years, and she’s a straightforward, non-hysterical woman; some people would say that she was cold and unemotional but that may just be in comparison with the temperamental musician she’s married to – after all someone would have to be the down-to-earth sane one in that partnership! Try as I do, I cannot imagine her screaming at me or making a scene … a consoling thought to some extent, but it still doesn’t explain why she wants to see me

    4. But even that pales in comparison with Italy

    5. In the beginning of the sixteenth century, Spain was a very poor country, even in comparison with France, which has been so much improved since that time

    6. The produce of all the other mines which are known is insignificant, it is acknowledged, in comparison with their's ; and the far greater part of their produce, it is likewise acknowledged, is annually imported into Cadiz and Lisbon

    7. (By the way, many millions of people are actually living this scenario right now, and many, many millions—a billion or more?—of others around the planet would view the above as paradisiacal conditions in comparison with what they currently have!)

    8. But that when it imported to a greater value than it exported, a contrary balance became due to foreign nations, which was necessarily paid to them in the same manner, and thereby diminished that quantity : that in this case, to prohibit the exportation of those metals, could not prevent it, but only, by making it more dangerous, render it more expensive: that the exchange was thereby turned more against the country which owed the balance, than it otherwise might have been; the merchant who purchased a bill upon the foreign country being obliged to pay the banker who sold it, not only for the natural risk, trouble, and expense of sending the money thither, but for the extraordinary risk arising from the prohibition; but that the more the exchange was against any country, the more the balance of trade became necessarily against it; the money of that country becoming necessarily of so much less value, in comparison with that of the country to which the balance was due

    9. The progress of some of them, therefore, though it has been considerable in comparison with that of almost any country that has been long peopled and established, has been languid and slow in comparison with that of the greater part of new colonies

    10. Under so unfavourable an administration, its progress was necessarily very slow, in comparison with that of other new colonies; but it became much more rapid when this company was dissolved, after the fall of what is called the Mississippi scheme

    11. This superiority of conduct is suitable both to the character of the French nation, and to what forms the character of every nation, the nature of their government, which, though arbitrary and violent in comparison with that of Great Britain, is legal and free in comparison with those of Spain and Portugal

    12. Those who consider the blood of the people as nothing, in comparison with the revenue of the prince, may, perhaps, approve of this method of levying taxes

    13. This constant expense in time of peace, though very great, is insignificant in comparison with what the defence of the colonies has cost us in time of war

    14. His concern about being punished for being AWOL was inconsequential in comparison with what he had just heard, but knowing that Karol and his friends needed reassurance, he forced himself to calmly ask, “Is it possible that all of us can remain a few days in your house, Uncle Karol?”

    15. The importance is minimum in comparison with the volume of money that already spent at those countries with frustrated tentative of solving its problems

    16. The few seeds he planted were nothing in comparison with the baskets full of red ripe tomatoes!

    17. · Evergreen Content: Evergreen content represents the posts and articles on your blog that will always be relevant to your audience, in comparison with topics that may change over time

    18. And in comparison with this principle, he says:

    19. positive features of Capitalism in comparison with the negative features of its competing societal system, Socialism

    20. discoveries in the history of human civilization, it will pale in comparison with the

    21. of those who are really determined to do something is minute in comparison with

    22. The farmland and woods were serene in comparison with the wild tracts of trees they saw in Arkadia

    23. And aside from the ethical and moral considerations, my fault, so tiny in comparison with other harvested by other specimens of the human race, did not seek hurt anyone, but benefiting me

    24. As I watched, I thought about how insignificant I was in comparison with the vast sea of the stars and planets in the universe

    25. This part of the world is made up of these tiny realms, diminutive in comparison with the great kingdoms of the West, or the great sultanates of the farther East, but important in their control of the caravan routes, and in the wealth concentrated in them

    26. Once again, women are, in comparison with

    27. The puppy considered fat only seemed to be so in comparison with his nearly skeletal mother, and it seemed a great exaggeration to say that the little female was pretty

    28. But now, as she considered the uncaring serial polygamy practised in the west, often after having produced unwanted children, it all seemed crude and barbaric in comparison with the selflessness revealed in Liloe’s letter

    29. He was quite conscious of how terribly dressed and out of place he was in comparison with the other attendees

    30. through classes that seemed remedial in comparison with his

    31. People in these similar external experiences may feel closer to one another in comparison with the rest of the world, but they do not necessarily feel connected with everybody else in the situation

    32. Each of these options pales in comparison with mounting one covered with ice

    33. � While small in comparison with adult Global Council citizens, there was no mistaking her for a young teenager, as she had a very feminine, well developed body

    34. She felt certain the Duke would forgive her, for his immense pride was small in comparison with his love for Lana, and he knew he had failed her when she left him the first time

    35. profits will be extracted from less use of long-term debt in comparison with equity

    36. muscular in comparison with the plump looks favored in her time

    37. Effectiveness of plantago seed husks in comparison with wheat brain on stool frequency and manifestations of irritable colon

    38. This one, however, sounded pretty tame in comparison with past adventures

    39. ‘We needed something different, a concept that would stand out in comparison with the competition,’ is how one Congress leader puts it

    40. “Atomic energy in comparison with this force is only a children's toy

    41. In comparison with the Universe and planets, a human practically does not exist

    42. “What if she weighed me light in comparison with someone more successful?” he continued

    43. The best time in this world has a pale color in comparison with what the Lord has kept for us

    44. jects, but they are insignificant in comparison with the yagya of know-

    45. How great is the science of the first in comparison with that of the latter!

    46. Man is unable to put his stuff on a camel when it is stand-up due to his shortness in comparison with the camel’s high body

    47. How great is the knowledge of the former in comparison with that of the latter!

    48. Anne watched as well, but her heart was a piece of heaven in comparison with her

    49. This concept is quite new and entirely strange in comparison with the reported speech that people used to hear

    50. This light is permanent, everlasting and increasing, whilst these physical lights are but faint and insignificant in comparison with it, and they are only a simple beam of the light of the Great Creator (Glory to His Names)

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