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    Usa "in compliance with" in una frase

    in compliance with frasi di esempio

    in compliance with

    1. what they want whether or not it is in compliance with God's will

    2. In compliance with the order, Waddell took passage on a Pacific

    3. We think it would be proper for her Majesty’s government, in compliance with Mr

    4. In compliance with CC policy, Jimmy could not be told the reality (that he had been repeatedly squashed to a pulp and reassembled, that his brain had not experienced a third of the ten-minute process)

    5. are seldom apparent to those who, in compliance with conventional practices, are exclusively committed to pursuing material things for their own sake

    6. I am giving seriously thought about purchasing a slide ruler to ensure that my tires are in compliance with the twelve (12) inches from the curb ordinance lest I too risk receiving a summons

    7. some communities are not yet in compliance with the 1997 standard

    8. in compliance with a NAFTA ruling

    9. In compliance with the deal we made; I went out there once every month to visit her and my family

    10. Meanwhile, states are in the midst of planning to meet the 2008 ozone standard, while some communities are not yet in compliance with the 1997 standard

    11. they are carried out in compliance with the requirements of the Hunting and

    12. So in compliance with my unjustly convicted friend's request, here goes

    13. In compliance with the command of their Leader the black-robed monks and firbolgs withdrew from the spacious, earthen chamber

    14. When Conan turned, in compliance with Thalis's request, to glare at the doorway opposite, Natala had been standing just behind him, close to the side of the Stygian

    15. In compliance with this instruction the following morning they pitched their tents in the hillside ravine overlooking the public camping park of Gethsemane, on a plot of ground belonging to Simon of Bethany

    16. " When Peter heard this declaration, coupled with the fact that Jesus continued kneeling there at his feet, he made one of those decisions of blind acquiescence in compliance with the wish of one whom he respected and loved

    17. permitted use has to be in compliance with the Creative

    18. will be in compliance with Creative Commons' then-

    19. Transmit the data I need to be in compliance with this stupid ritual thing of yours

    20. When the spirit performs these actions in compliance with these Commands, these deeds will result in good things and ease for the spirit, as they will be followed by everlasting comfort and happiness

    21. year and not be in compliance with basic safety code requirements? The

    22. Of course, we hope that you will support the ProjectGutenberg-tm mission of promoting free access to electronic works by freely sharing Project Gutenberg-tm works in compliance with the terms of this agreement for keeping the Project Gutenberg-tm name associated with the work

    23. Of course, we hope that you will support the Project Gutenberg-tm mission of promoting free access to electronic works by freely sharing Project Gutenberg-tm works in compliance with the terms of this agreement for keeping the Project Gutenberg-tm name associated with the work

    24. Thus, we usually do not keep eBooks in compliance with any particular paper edition

    25. freely sharing Project Gutenberg-tm works in compliance with the terms of

    26. In compliance with this

    27. In compliance with today

    28. features: some particular events are interpreted in compliance with the

    29. in compliance with required sociotype, as wel as therapeutic smooth-

    30. bols in compliance with archaic behavioral scenarios

    31. In compliance with animistic

    32. In compliance with this theory it was

    33. In compliance with logic of animism the

    34. For instance, in compliance with

    35. cataclysms that could have happened in compliance with homeopathic

    36. tered in compliance with certain ritual

    37. for deliverance the individual should act in compliance with his duty

    38. Weeks forattaining their result in compliance with the contents off ered

    39. It comes in compliance with each stage of the study and the rate of

    40. For instance, in compliance with eff ective legislation

    41. modifi cation of one’s own body in compliance with norms of the soci-

    42. Violet Movement) were established in compliance with a scheme that is

    43. performed in compliance with canon, in formal way, and thus they do

    44. The barber was all this time on his knees at great pains to hide his laughter and not let his beard fall, for had it fallen maybe their fine scheme would have come to nothing; but now seeing the boon granted, and the promptitude with which Don Quixote prepared to set out in compliance with it, he rose and took his lady's hand, and between them they placed her upon the mule

    45. Dashwood would sit up with her all night; and Elinor, in compliance with her mother's entreaty, went to bed

    46. way towards the meeting-house; where, in compliance with a custom thus early established, and ever since observed, the Reverend Mr

    47. And, as it happened, I could not have put myself into worse, or into better hands in all London: into worse, because keeping a house of conveniency, there were no lengths in lewdness she would not advise me to go, in compliance with her customers; no schemes, or pleasure, or even unbounded debauchery, she did not take even a delight in promoting: into a better, because nobody having had more experience of the wicked part of the town than she had, was fitter to advise and guard one against the worst dangers of our profession; and what was rare to be met with in those of her's, she contented herself with a moderate living profit upon her industry and good offices, and had nothing of their greedy rapacious turn

    48. Upon expiration of our most recent amendment on March 30, 2009, we will not be in compliance with certain financial covenants under the credit agreement

    49. Dashwood WOULD sit up with her all night; and Elinor, in compliance with her mother’s entreaty, went to bed

    50. works in compliance with the terms of this agreement for keeping the

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