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    in conjunction with frasi di esempio

    in conjunction with

    1. It was made to be used in conjunction with other organic fertilizers and not with chemical fertilizers

    2. Used numerous times in conjunction with

    3. This method of skin care in conjunction with other skin treatments will result in the optimal skin care

    4. This treatment is usual y performed in conjunction with the Obagi Blue Peel treatment

    5. The body uses this vitamin best in conjunction with vitamin D in the proportion of 7-1

    6. We could market it in conjunction with Sophia

    7. The first election to be held in conjunction with State and local polling, and Committee members shall be required to serve terms of two years

    8. pays you, but it works in conjunction with your payment gateway

    9. Not to mention one sent in conjunction with news and instructions about Penelope and her “personal mission”

    10. He could see off to the northwest, a body of water which must be the Cambria Lake Reservoir, one of six reservoirs built in conjunction with the Aquifer

    11. We know that today our atmosphere and a thin layer of Ozone alone, consisting of gases only, in conjunction with the magnetic field that is generated by the Earth, protects us from a reasonable amount of the harmful effects of the sun

    12. was in conjunction with another shipping line to carry mail from the eastern side of Panama to the eastern United States

    13. Motorized retractable awnings work in conjunction with a motorized

    14. I believe that it is very important I use this last chapter to give you some practical examples how to use your confessions and declarations in conjunction with the Holy Communion

    15. Each phase is a diferent type of specialized tool that, used in sequence or in conjunction with the other tools (phases), will attack every area of your bodybuilding

    16. Monty was an erudite eccentric, self educated man who appreciated intellectual stimulation in conjunction with the act of physical and emotional debasement of his submissives

    17. General Chaffee's Brigade was ordered to form the advance in conjunction with Lawton's division, and reached Jaragua at dusk on the 23rd

    18. Garcia, realizing the impossibility of holding the entire west of the Bay against six thousand Spaniards, who might advance at any point of his scattered lines, asked and received permission from Shafter to ship half his men, under Rabbi, down the coast a few miles to Assedero, where, in conjunction with Colonel Estrada at Contre Maestre, they could hold a pass at the Aguacate River through which the Spaniards must march

    19. Personal interpretations (judgments) should be joined together with (the) news, however not in conjunction with (the) news

    20. By this argument alone, worldly and eternal cannot be separated otherwise such equivocations that must inevitably follow would negate the eternal order of things that transcends, although embracing, the worldly order of things each in conjunction with Eternal Designs

    21. In other words, higher performance standards in conjunction with broad-based curricular formats initiated by under performing schools is the only sure fire way of ensuring that each student achieves his or 28

    22. Immigration Reform is unlikely to occur anytime soon for the (very) simple reason that such measures designed to quiet the tides of illegal immigration must necessarily conflict with the efforts of corporate lobbyists and their political minions in conjunction with private enterprises that have come to rely heavily on cheaper sources of labor to operate their businesses and who have repeatedly demonstrated their calloused indifference to rules of law and native born working men and women and are willing to operate outside the law if that‘s what it takes, at the expense of Native Americans for the ―benefit‖ of Illegal Aliens who are ―here‖ to collect a paycheck if nothing else, who routinely flaunt our nation‘s laws while abetting an underground economy injurious to open markets

    23. Supply and Demand cuts both ways, and in most instances will (actually) generate higher salaries for workers in conjunction with their job‘s specific skill requirements

    24. An individual‘s essential makeup in conjunction with that individual‘s acquired habits oftentimes (render) popular opinion

    25. How low density air volume in conjunction with (accelerated) motion is

    26. ‖ This ―unbroken chain of events,‖ that finds ostensible expression in future behavior, is irreconcilable, it would seem, with causal/effects partially achieved in conjunction with problematical outcomes, that, in any event, could neither shape nor influence an uncertain future unless its ―collective actions‖ were uniformly mapped out, absent the intervention of Accident or Chance or other contaminating elements occasioned by voluntary actions not in keeping with ―programmed‖ designs that would (otherwise) render such a scenario, unthinkable; that is to say, there are far too many contending variables that need to be factored into the equation

    27. Any Press releases should be done in conjunction with the Authorities and Security Experts and with Board permission

    28. Such methods constitute a composite measure of native aptitude in conjunction with learned behavior

    29. Three squadrons, one of Bristol Fighters, one of Camels and one of SE-5a fighters would be the minimum suitable to carry out the program I propose to work out in conjunction with Air Ministry requirements and other authorities as directed or as the need is identified, or as I deem fit

    30. Recently the government of Canada has decreed that the subject of homosexuality, in conjunction with other sex education, has to be dealt with in the schools, beginning in grade four

    31. When acid erosion occurs in conjunction with the clenching/grinding habit the wear on the teeth can be much more severe

    32. Global coalitions in conjunction with corrupt governments are lying to their citizenry

    33. (11-22-1963) President Kennedy was assassinated by the military industrial complex elite in conjunction with organized crime

    34. These are in conjunction with physical laws which operate while you are incarnate on Mother Earth

    35. She advises on what is needed in conjunction with the chemicals that are being

    36. There was also a civil war in Ingalaterra over the succession, but the current king, Eduardo the Fourth (Edward IV), had staged a little incursion against Frantzia in conjunction with Ardangori until the king of Frantzia, Luis the Eleventh, bought him off

    37. Japanese government, in conjunction with the American government, deliberately hid

    38. the near future in conjunction with a fitness

    39. One by one, the targets stood up, in conjunction with several

    40. In conjunction with Mike’s Hartford appellate attorney, I represented him in the bogus criminal matters and got those charges dismissed

    41. that occurred in conjunction with, or right after, the

    42. The Movement spell can also be used in conjunction with the sails to move the ship at very high speed if you need to flee a superior force, but that is a dangerous operation requiring a full complement of experienced crew, and relatively smooth waters

    43. That left Cornell University, where my father’s ties began back in the 1950s when he engaged Cornell to research American eating habits in conjunction with the launch of his Duncan Hines food line

    44. In conjunction with this, I felt motivated to find out what was wrong with me

    45. It is unwieldy enough to have target authorization requests come up from J-3 Operations at MACV, in conjunction with Seventh Air Force, through CINCPAC, without being shunted off to a side office such as mine

    46. by using the audio sessions in conjunction with the treatment

    47. In another study, 53% of migraine patients who eliminated smoking in conjunction with the elimination

    48. Simultaneously with what you are doing, David has been investigating street drugs and some unexplained deaths in conjunction with the homicide squad

    49. The Spirit of Truth works in conjunction with the Spirit of God to guide you into all truth

    50. The Holy Spirit acts in conjunction with the indwelling Spirit and the Spirit of Truth to minister to our deepest longings and pain

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