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    Usa "in distress" in una frase

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    in distress

    1. only succeeded in distressing the poor girl even more

    2. In his dashing clothes she almost expected to find a white horse outside – the proverbial handsome warrior on a white steed ready to rescue the damsel in distress

    3. The cry of an animal in distress

    4. Then somewhere in the distance a cow bellowed, as though in distress, and Lyra snapped on the torch again, shuddering at the pain in the animals calls

    5. So much for trying to be a gallant knight saving a damsel in distress – all I did was hurt two innocent guys intent on destroying a soulless robot

    6. choice to change the flat tire for a lady in distress

    7. 2 And everyone who was in distress, and everyone who was in debt, and everyone who was discontented, gathered themselves to him;

    8. “That’s no damsel in distress beyond this door

    9. Meredith in distress

    10. The demeaning damsel in distress crap made her sick

    11. acting really strange; I obviously knew he was in distress, but he

    12. “I have a damsel in distress situation that calls for someone with your unique abilities

    13. 37 For my spirit was greatly set on fire, and my soul was in distress

    14. She told this to an English friend, Helen Kolaklidies, who later called her up in distress because he husband was in Greece and was trying to wire her money and couldn‘t

    15. The trouble of the first stroke is the injury of the eyes; the trouble of the second stroke, of the hearing; and so in succession, all the strokes shall overtake you; And Adam so speaking to his sons, groaned out loud, and said: What shall I do? I am in great grief; And Eve also wept, saying: My Lord Adam, arise, give me the half of your disease, and let me bear it, because through me this has happened to you; through me you are in distresses and troubles; And Adam said to Eve: Arise, and go with our son Seth near paradise, and put earth on your heads, and weep, beseeching the Lord that He may have compassion on me, and send His angel to paradise, and give me of the tree in which flows the oil out of it, and that you may bring it to me; and I shall anoint myself, and have rest, and show you the manner in which we were deceived at first

    16. God said to Adam, Since you have disobeyed my commandment, and obeyed your wife, cursed is the ground in your labours; For whenever you labour in it, and it will not give of its strength; thorns and thistles shall it raise for you, and in the sweat of your face shall you eat your bread; And you shall be in distresses of many kinds

    17. You shall weary yourself, and rest not; you shall be afflicted by bitterness, and shall not taste of sweetness; you shall be afflicted by heat, and oppressed by cold; and you shall toil much, and not grow rich; and you shall make haste, and not attain your end; and the wild beasts, of which you were Lord, shall rise up against you in rebellion, because you have not kept my commandment; And having turned to me, the Lord says to me, Since you have obeyed the serpent, and disobeyed my commandment, you shall be in distresses and unbearable pains; you shall bring out children with great tremblings; and in one hour shall you come to bring them out, and lose your life in consequence of your great straits and pangs; And you shall confess, and say, Lord, Lord, save me; and I shall not return to the sin of the flesh; And on this account in your own words I shall judge you, on account of the enmity which the enemy has put in you; and you shall turn again to your husband, and he shall be your Lord

    18. 7 And Jephthah said to the elders of Gilead, Did not you hate me, and expel me out of my father's house? and why are you come to me now when you are in distress?

    19. The trouble of the first stroke is the injury of the eyes; the trouble of the second stroke of the hearing; and so in succession all the strokes shall overtake you; And Adam so speaking to his sons groaned out loud and said: What shall I do? I am in great grief; And Eve also wept saying: My Lord Adam arise give me the half of your disease and let me bear it because through me this has happened to you; through me you are in distresses and troubles; And Adam said to Eve: Arise and go with our son Seth near paradise and put earth on your heads and weep beseeching the Lord that He may have compassion on me and send His angel to paradise and give me of the tree in which flows the oil out of it and that you may bring it to me; and I shall anoint myself and have rest and show you the manner in which we were deceived at first

    20. God said to Adam Since you have disobeyed my commandment and obeyed your wife cursed is the ground in your labours; For whenever you labour in it and it will not give of its strength; thorns and thistles shall it raise for you and in the sweat of your face shall you eat your bread; And you shall be in distresses of many kinds

    21. You shall weary yourself and rest not; you shall be afflicted by bitterness and shall not taste of sweetness; you shall be afflicted by heat and oppressed by cold; and you shall toil much and not grow rich; and you shall make haste and not attain your end; and the wild beasts of which you were Lord shall rise up against you in rebellion because you have not kept my commandment; And having turned to me the Lord says to me Since you have obeyed the serpent and disobeyed my commandment you shall be in distresses and unbearable pains; you shall bring out children with great tremblings; and in one hour shall you come to bring them out and lose your life in consequence of your great straits and pangs; And you shall confess and say Lord Lord save me; and I shall not return to the sin of the flesh; And on this account in your own words I shall judge you on account of the enmity which the enemy has put in you; and you shall turn again to your husband and he shall be your Lord

    22. 37 For my spirit was greatly set on fire and my soul was in distress

    23. Mention has been made of women in the Lighthouse Service who contributed to the safe navigation of sea vessels and risked their lives saving fishermen, other seafarers and ship passengers in distress

    24. In that capacity women braved stormy seas to save the lives of mariners in distress

    25. The buoys were scheduled for maintenance over the winter months, as was the Sundew after a season of aiding mariners and a downed pilot in distress, collecting ecological samples, stocking fish, and icebreaking

    26. The rectangular tower on the roof allowed watch-standers to survey the harbor in search of mariners and ships in distress

    27. It had been a late night when she had enticed the doorman to break the cardinal rule of not allowing strangers in, but with her scantily-dressed clothing half-ripped from her imaginary assailant he could not turn down the damsel in distress routine

    28. She was in distress; she had lost her best friend once again, and began to blame herself

    29. He shakes his head in distress and tries to apologize, “I… I… I…mm…”

    30. He put his hand to his head and wincing, looked up at his friend, obviously in distress at the effort of recalling the event

    31. This little boy had wandered away from his home, and Jesus found him crying in distress

    32. On learning how Jacob appointed himself to defend Jesus, Ganid said: "Oh, I begin to see! In the first place very seldom would any normal human being want to attack such a kindly person as you, and even if any one should be so unthinking as to do such a thing, there is pretty sure to be near at hand some other mortal who will fly to your assistance, even as you always go to the rescue of any person you observe to be in distress

    33. I presume you are fairly safe in your journey through life since you spend much of your time helping others and ministering to your fellows in distress -- well, most likely there'll always be someone on hand to defend you

    34. When you find my children in distress, speak encouragingly to them, saying:

    35. Thus, he thought of a home for women in distress and wrote to his father to build one under the auspices of Vanaprastham

    36. those in need and in distress;

    37. Nova Scotia’s Shelter for Homeless Animals in Distress, but by that stage there

    38. “Tab, for your first mission, pirates knew we had a freighter in distress when we met at a carefully selected point in the middle of nowhere

    39. When you are suffering and in distress, your first thought is to stop the agony

    40. Here I was a victim in distress, only to be manhandled by

    41. strings of his mother’s lute humming in distress

    42. The wife cried out in distress, her hand flew up to cover her mouth, and she turned away, trying to think of a solution to this nightmare

    43. With the steak gone he cracked a beer and was settling for the night when the thought of the lady in distress entered his mind

    44. He found Sue easy to talk to and his initial embarrassment at fronting his damsel in distress was soon dispelled

    45. Steve thought maybe he should leave her alone but couldn't stand to watch a woman in distress

    46. with a heart of gold--unfazed by danger and bull-headedly determined to save this damsel in distress

    47. It always seems to bathe her, this feeling of hope, of joy, even in distress

    48. While Fernand and the two black workers with him stopped once water came to their upper legs, Pierre started swimming resolutely towards the girl in distress

    49. Gart was even unimpressed with Tam’s mental screaming, which, had it been vocal, would have brought every mother this side of the planet running to the aid of a child in distress

    50. Had you been in distress in an area where people pass less frequently, the compulsion to stop and render aid increases

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