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    Usa "in good faith" in una frase

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    in good faith

    1. So you extend him credit and in good faith send him the goods because he always paid before and you trust him by now

    2. Fin took the teasing in good faith and munched on his meal as he made his way back to his rock-seat, shaking his head

    3. It is merely an extension of courtesy, in good faith

    4. Furthermore, I cannot conceive that he or any ACO would have in good faith threatened to award the re-competed 5 year balloon contract to Litton, PSL’s subcontractor, when it was re-solicited in Fall 2002

    5. Now, in the calmer light of adulthood, Annyeke told herself that it had been done in good faith, but at the time she had been beaten down, almost defeated by it

    6. “We’ve made you a business offer in good faith

    7. In good faith he had ridden into Ophir, and had been confronted by the supposed rivals allied against him

    8. negotiate in good faith, but should they fail to uphold their side of the bargain, we will not hesitate to use force

    9. you are in the wrong, an open apology admitted in good faith

    10. There’s no right way or wrong way of doing it: all approaches made in good faith, in a true spirit of searching for truth, are valid

    11. Melissa had told her those details in good faith

    12. Potheads, where they unanimously found in favor of the State of Kentucky, which emphasized, 'if it smells illegal, presume the worst', allowed any agent or deputized operator of a security institution to 'bust down doors or bust open heads if done in good faith to protect the interests of the good citizens of the US of All

    13. got the instrument in good faith and for a consideration

    14. If Girish received it in good faith and for value and without

    15. In good faith, I believe

    16. Lowering his voice, if others found out he was talking about things given in good faith,

    17. Sometimes it is the older man or woman who married in good faith only to lose sight of the values of monogamy

    18. He had taken service with the prisoner, in good faith and simplicity, four years ago

    19. Don Quixote consented, and he, taking it with both hands, in good faith and with a better will, gulped down and drained off very little less than his master

    20. "In good faith, senor," replied Sancho, "there's no trusting that fleshless one, I mean Death, who devours the lamb as soon as the sheep, and, as I have heard our curate say, treads with equal foot upon the lofty towers of kings and the lowly huts of the poor

    21. and tried, as he protested in good faith, by several means to bring me to

    22. "It seems that the circumstance of his going down, or sinking, which in my extreme ignorance I had mistaken for something very fatal, was no other than a trick of diving, which I had not ever heard, or at least attended o, the mention of: and he was so long-breathed at it, that in the few moments in which I ran out to save him, he had not yet emerged, before I fell into the swoon, in which, as he rose, seeing me extended on the bank, his first idea was, that some young woman was upon some design of frolic or diversion with him, for he knew I could not have fallen asleep there without his having seen me before: agreebly to which notion he had ventured to approach, and finding me without sign of life, and still perplexed as he was what to think of the adventure, he took me in his arms at all hazards, and carried me into the summer-house, of which he observed the door open: there he laid me down on the couch, and tried, as he protested in good faith, by several means to bring me to myself again, till fired, as he said, beyond all bearing by the sight and touch of several parts of me, which were unguardedly exposed to him, he could no longer govern his passion; and the less, as he was not quite sure that his first idea of this swoon being a feint, was not the very truth of the case; seduced then by this flattering notion, and overcome by the present, as he styled them, super-human temptations, combined with the solitude and seeming security of the attempt, he was not enough his own master not to make it

    23. Moreover, this question on Levin’s part was not quite in good faith

    24. The cotton was given me in good faith to buy leather and rifles and machinery with

    25. And it was taken by me in good faith to buy the same

    26. She rose often, went to her glass, and looked at herself, as an author in good faith looks at his work to criticise it and blame it in his own mind

    27. In other words, in this field the usual presumption of superior knowledge and judgment on the part of the management should not obtain, and any criticism offered in good faith deserves careful consideration by the stockholders

    28. Our family is convinced that his most extreme symptoms were caused by medications prescribed in good faith but with unhappy results, almost without exception

    29. I sold it on in good faith

    30. The prisoner, it was true, and his counsel, "in good faith," was obliged to admit it, had adopted "a bad system of defence

    31. Hence his possession was in good faith

    32. Now, we say it in good conscience, Louis Philippe being in possession in perfect good faith, and the democracy being in good faith in its attack, the amount of terror discharged by the social conflicts weighs neither on the King nor on the democracy

    33. In conjunction with the purchase agreement, the company’s existing lenders have agreed to negotiate in good faith to amend and restate the company’s current credit agreement

    34. Moreover, this question on Levin's part was not quite in good faith

    35. It was assumed, of course, that all this was done freely, and in good faith, by way of voluntary submission and salutary guidance

    36. “Surely it cannot have been all in good faith that that fellow assured me of his love for me, beating his breast, and with his under lip trembling, as he spoke!

    37. "Calculating that the overtures which have been made by Great Britain will be executed in good faith, the committee are willing to believe that the stipulated arrangements will be of such a character as to guard our flag from insult, our jurisdiction from aggression, our citizens from violation, and our mercantile property from spoliation

    38. I would ask, if this diplomatic evidence, the established mode of communication between nations, is not to be received and respected, if national confidence is not destroyed, and an end put to all diplomatic intercourse? Was not the President, in good faith, bound to believe the fact, and, believing it, bound to act as he did?

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