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    Usa "in hindsight" in una frase

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    in hindsight

    1. formal training, but was blindingly obvious in hindsight, was the

    2. In hindsight I feel that these images were archetypes as mentioned in the Tibetan Book of the Dead

    3. That one important consideration seemed obvious in hindsight, missed in their haste to have Gerrid Lytum rescued

    4. In hindsight it had seemed like a fool's errand

    5. In hindsight I believe that the legal training was simply not good enough

    6. In hindsight, I can see that he suffered physically, mentally, and emotionally from the effects of cancer just like I did

    7. ” In hindsight, I think he was depressed, but ordinary people didn’t know about this condition in those days

    8. In hindsight, a letter in the post would have been much safer; in my haste to have Margaret by my side, I fear that I have thrown caution to the proverbial winds

    9. In hindsight, it often seemed to him that the only time in his life worth living had been the days of the council

    10. It worked very well in hindsight

    11. In hindsight, it is pretty easy for me to see that my ability to

    12. But I still know who I was then (in hindsight, of course), and I

    13. In hindsight, it did not really matter what the actual

    14. of PND that in hindsight should have been addressed while

    15. In hindsight, what have you gained most from this journey and do you have any regrets?

    16. In hindsight, it is pretty clear that the communal type of “cooperation of property” goes against human nature

    17. In hindsight one can note that mail subsidies actually retarded progress and innovation

    18. In hindsight it is apparent

    19. and trust them with my love? In hindsight, I realize that all of the

    20. In hindsight, I was wrong to have done that to

    21. In hindsight, he was really glad he had avoided

    22. Though in hindsight,

    23. This is normally only seen in hindsight

    24. Yet, time and events will show that your intuition was correct – and, in hindsight, eminently logical

    25. In hindsight I would say it was comical if the results had not become so dramatic

    26. In hindsight, I wish I had

    27. In fact in hindsight, I should never have stepped out the door

    28. We even counted the non parole period and maximum sentence out in days which in hindsight was a dumb idea as it stayed with me for ages

    29. Ed was not happy and in hindsight I was probably a bit of a prick but anyway I grabbed the stuff and went solo again

    30. I have loved you and the children here as much as I could have loved my own but, now, in hindsight, would it really have been so wicked?’

    31. Times are changing all the time and again in hindsight of years previous,

    32. And I found something in all those books that in hindsight is now blindingly obvious

    33. In hindsight, it

    34. In hindsight, he had always wrongly assumed they

    35. He had let the diamonds slip through his fingers! In hindsight, he should have waited for the man to get it ashore and then steal the wheel

    36. In hindsight, it may be easy to dismiss the behaviour of the First Sea Lord as ineffectual and puzzling

    37. Perhaps in hindsight, he should have listened to them though he had the sense that he was about to be made privy to something that both Del and Higgins may already have known

    38. In hindsight, it appears to have been unwise to leave part of the army behind

    39. (We tend to see these errors, but only in hindsight

    40. It was one of those portentous moments that physical beings, locked within the boundaries of time, think about only in hindsight

    41. In hindsight, the gravestone he was making a rubbing of wasn’t real y that

    42. I wouldn’t have done it to myself in hindsight

    43. In hindsight, it seems that it was supposed to appear that my career with Star Fleet was finished

    44. In hindsight, it is easy to recognize this as a strategic acquisition by ROSS

    45. In hindsight, we sold out cheaply

    46. I became frustrated and as a result seemed to be attracting people and situations that made me even more frustrated; in hindsight I can clearly see the root causes of my frustration

    47. ‘Haven’t I known that he’s lusting for me,’ thought Roopa, as though in hindsight

    48. It was all too tempting not to follow the lead, more so as I was just then shunned by Devi, who opted to marry Raju, a bank clerk then; now I realize in hindsight that if only his father was half as resourceful as my dad had been, he might’ve been no less an engineer than me

    49. “As I see it in hindsight, Satish was born to a right couple gripped by a wrong psyche,” he said with apparent sadness

    50. Won’t the Indian Musalmans’ resentment of the British validate the adage that “one’s meat is another man’s poison”? It’s another matter though that in hindsight it appears that the Pakistani capital-shift from Rawalpindi to Islamabad was a forerunner into its Islamic disaster!

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