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    Usa "in theory" in una frase

    in theory frasi di esempio

    in theory

    1. In theory the kids have all gone to do their homework but you’ll have to do some tactful checking

    2. In theory we should be able to do it because your hardware is reprogramable, but I can’t find a way

    3. He knew they did not run the Kassikan in theory, but in practicality they made up a large portion of the staff and were very powerful in their way

    4. In theory you could win the entire pot if you

    5. "If you can find a panel of scientists from several leading universities who can convince me I have to give up that theory, I will support the lost basin theory

    6. He told her pretty much the whole story, the original clients, Luray, the hibernation theory, the lost basin theory, even the way he fell in love with Luray

    7. She discarded both the hibernation and lost basin theory, believed the part about the slavery, and was amused by his love for Luray

    8. "I still believe in the lost basin theory myself, but I see you don't believe that

    9. The fact that mind could exist outside of biology was something they had a hard time with, even in theory, but mainly for its sociological and philosophical aspects

    10. “Erm, so, do you know where I would, in theory, find General Tullius of the Legion?” Sorex’s grin melted away, his brow rapidly furrowing

    11. In theory, the way of the Tao is simple

    12. In theory he could go anywhere, but in reality he knew the B’tari were monitoring his every move

    13. "Well," said Eric, hesitantly, "maybe in theory

    14. This was quite simple in theory due to the strength of numbers against the few; however, it was difficult to block a wielder’s abilities once they already held the Power

    15. In theory they shouldn’t let anybody through, but this wasn’t just anybody

    16. As wonderful as that sounds in theory, it is utter rubbish on the mean streets

    17. In theory, according to regulations, we were not allowed to do push-ups after that abusive intrusion into our arms, but clearly the sergeant (being so concerned with us that he had other things on his mind) sometimes forgot that minor point, and we then had dreadfully blue arms for a week

    18. As said it is a risky business to sue without excellent cause in Africa for it reduces the amount of summonses being issued in theory

    19. The readers wanted to know why the members did not wait for reinforcement meaning SWAT which is obviously the right thing to do in theory

    20. Even the existence of an Eternal Being is plausible in theory when one is willing to allow, however far-fetched to some, a (supreme) being transcending beginning and end; that is to say, the ―possibility‖ of eternal life

    21. Indexing is one of those Microsoft features that is good in theory and not so good when the theory is tested by everyday life

    22. In theory, your files and folders should only be indexed when the computer is idle, so that there aren’t any performance issues

    23. Many of the Founding Fathers were ambivalent and hypocritical about slavery, often sharply critical and opposed in theory, but continuing to own many slaves and live off slavery profits

    24. Therefore, in theory, we should not belong to any of them

    25. This ability, while in theory might be seen to enhance their viability and survivability, for obvious reasons breeds authoritarian opposition

    26. feeling because in theory

    27. In theory it sounded good, but in practice, it would be impossible to carry out and lead to constant wars of succession

    28. “In theory, yes,” said Sephiroth thoughtfully, “but…there’s

    29. Everyone, in theory, has the same opportunity as anyone else

    30. you have passed the exam – in theory at least!

    31. If you have excelled in theory, chances are that you have also practiced

    32. you innermost thoughts, and where, in theory, you can fly wherever you want to,

    33. M: Its simplicity, both in theory and practice

    34. M: In theory — yes

    35. For example: In theory campaign

    36. closely connected to reality, just as the liquidity of water is, in theory, torturously connected to

    37. Still, in the early part of the nineteenth century, acceptance was still open (in theory) to Jews who would become “true Germans

    38. You have accepted a certain theory

    39. In theory, it is supposed to be an engine to ensure that legal services are provided to the poor

    40. I had knowledge of such beings, but only in theory

    41. 70 In theory, the Interim Constitution of

    42. put forward early in the twentieth century – the Kaluza-Klein theory now,

    43. exercising, so in theory your ALWAYS in the “fat burning zone”

    44. comment about a procedure that “Yes, I know it works in practice, but does it work in theory?”

    45. Could his shadow be used against him? In theory, yes

    46. those set forth in theory by the Constitution: health,

    47. In theory, it could be used to destroy a god—or even

    48. In theory, if a number has not appeared lately, its chances to appear

    49. in theory, that number should be drawn (based on probability), there is no way to

    50. In theory then you should be able to see that your partner will be doing nice stuff for you in return

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