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    Usa "increased" in una frase

    increased frasi di esempio


    1. In recent years it has become clear that not only does interest and capacity for sex continue well beyond menopause, but that many women report an increased enjoyment of sex because worries about unwanted pregnancy are no longer a concern

    2. Walking briskly on a daily basis not only results in calorie burning, it increases enzyme and metabolic activity that may result in increased calorie consumption for up to 12 hours after walking as little as 2 miles

    3. You should also have increased your organic usage by 80 percent

    4. Adding to a woman's increased dose of stress chemicals, are her increased "opportunities" for stress

    5. of the ‘ageing’ population, both on account of increased lifespan for pension and social security and higher healthcare costs

    6. The advent of constant media influence and increased mobility make it so that the morals and values of family groups are not passed down as unchanged as they once were

    7. · Capital: Money raised from promoters and shareholders to start and expand the company's operational capabilities (Authorised-As per registration and increased with the approval of the share holders from time to time

    8. The increased bacteria stimulates the composting process

    9. Your vegetables will have increased mineral

    10. "That could mean it went from one in a billion to one in a million, still not cause for generating increased adrenaline," doostEr said

    11. hands, and his possessions have increased in the land

    12. With an increased speed

    13. The two hundred mile trip to Lastriss increased to four hundred miles by the meandering of the river, making the trip from Hazorpean take at least four weeks altogether when the wind was this light

    14. My department had to take on two new staff last week to cope with the increased volume of administration

    15. Two crewmembers, working nearby, stop what they are doing to watch and Joris, responding to the increased audience, cranks his antics up a notch

    16. She pounced upon the thing tearing and slicing; her strength had increased in size to match that of her rage

    17. Something came with an overwhelming sense of inclusion, or familiarity, something like an increased awareness of the cycle of life

    18. increased oxygenation of the blood

    19. He also told him the bull’s strength had increased to over 500 abominations

    20. Karen chips in about how dreadful a teacher’s life has become as a result of the increased paperwork demanded by the powers that be, Alastair adding his pennyworth that, as a musician, he doesn’t have to do paperwork

    21. The large animals had started off at a slow gallop, but their speed increased until the coach was speeding along at a fast clip

    22. In this way the amount of quantum information in the universe was increased

    23. They parried for a bit and then Altera increased the strength of her blows

    24. good, and his arrogance increased with the purchase of every new

    25. white blood cells was increased

    26. As the abuse increased in her marriage, her subconscious

    27. environment is either limited, voided, increased, or amplified to the

    28. Even with Dave’s more exalted role and increased financial status, the erratic hours he worked soon caused major problems between them

    29. howled loudly; snow and ice swirled about wildly; the storm had increased in ferocity

    30. wind had increased in velocity and the snow was making it difficult to move

    31. He was enveloped in a force field of complete serenity; with each step the feeling increased

    32. His speed increased as he realized the truth and began to understand why the tests were

    33. The humming of the Companions increased and took on a lilting tone

    34. “Any boyfriends?” I asked and the tension increased a notch or two

    35. Joseph turned the gas to compensate for it but it only increased in speed

    36. 9 So I was great, and increased more than all who were

    37. When goods increase, those who eat them are increased; and what advantage is there to

    38. As with all knowledge, when used and made practical, understanding is increased and a person's own being is enhanced

    39. The train increased speed and the cars passed under his

    40. Allcock again for the charming company upon his arrival which so increased his spirits, and went up the broad stairway to the first floor and his rooms

    41. Jameson was officially promoted to assistant chef and his time in the kitchens increased

    42. They set a schedule of bi-weekly rehearsals, to be increased as need be; the sets' construction was entrusted to Miss Bunker and her determinations of assistance were also set on a 'as needed' basis

    43. Over the next week, life’s pace increased tenfold

    44. My increased workouts burned the calories quicker than usual, and

    45. It was something to do with increased muscle strength and they were specifically examining how that would effect the waterfronts in certain cities

    46. The snow was falling even harder, and the wind had indeed increased, whipping her hair at a furry about her face

    47. distance from their starting point increased the webbing of leaves and branches

    48. The cloud cover had increased

    49. Gradually the traffic increased and the suburbs

    50. My love for others increased as

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