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    Usa "indigen" in una frase

    indigen frasi di esempio


    1. Still, they had a different feel for life than he did, something more like the indigenous tribes in the preserves

    2. “They are indigenous to this planet, and there is nothing fiercer or more deadly

    3. And we always tried to hide our existence from the planet’s indigenous population

    4. Blankets made from the hides of the indigenous animals of Aura were best suited to keep one warm in this kind of weather

    5. When they rolled back the boulder in the morning the men found the frozen body of an obviously pregnant Snotig, a large cat-like animal indigenous to the area

    6. willing to accept of less than the legal allowance, on account of the indigence of their situation

    7. undoubtedly be less than it is, if the competition of those yet more indigent men of letters,

    8. indigent people to the learned professions, the rewards of eminent teachers appear to have

    9. where all indigenous are considered to be Catholics due

    10. But it was enough to attract the attention of the nearby indigenous predators

    11. That which is carried on for the benefit of the poor and the indigent is too often either neglected or oppressed

    12. For one very rich man, there must be at least five hundred poor, and the affluence of the few supposes the indigence of the many

    13. The inferior ranks of people no longer looked upon that order as they had done before; as the comforters of their distress, and the relievers of their indigence

    14. The further removed from time and space from some noteworthy event, but not so far as to reduce that event to an historical footnote, but far enough to allow the passage of time to ease a society‘s (collective) anxieties; future generations, no longer encumbered by such matters of immediate concern(s), will be in a better position to place these (historical) events in proper perspective, hindered as they might otherwise have been by contemporary currents or personal biases indigenous to the time(s) these historical events took place; that is to say, by being too close to the ―action‖

    15. That the musical odors indigenous to the culture of his day may very well have produced that desired effect is problematical in our own musically erratic times, however

    16. It can not be manufactured or conditioned inasmuch as it is indigenous to individuals who naturally possess it

    17. Over a century of racism, land theft, violence, and forced assimilation failed to end Mexican identity among the 10% of Mexico's population indigenous to the region

    18. The Mexican-American population in the US is both indigenous and immigrant, but students are rarely taught this

    19. While on the subject of numbers, please explain how African Americans, who comprise approximately 12% of America‘s population, are over-whelming represented in most major sports? Do they possess genetic traits indigenous to their (own) race or is desire the key motivating factor? I will readily allow that sports have traditionally provided many under-privileged people, from all walks of life, a viable means of escaping poverty

    20. Almost all those who suffer from Plan Colombia are African descent or indigenous, especially the huge numbers displaced by fighting

    21. It was an ideology of conquest or extermination against both indigenous groups, American Indians and Mexicans

    22. Cardenas was a leftist president, leading the Institutional Revolution Party, with a Mexican constitution influenced by the anarchist and indigenous ideas of Ricardo Flores Magon and Emiliano Zapata

    23. Another cartoon depicted senior police as snails, slow to investigate an indigenous death in custody on Palm Island, which resulted in rioting that burnt down the only police station, barracks and court house on the island

    24. In simple terms a wild flower is a flower that grows naturally in its environment without cultivation and may be indigenous to one particular area of the world

    25. Friedle, boss cat of the old garden, stepped back before Ikati's joyous proclamation of this indigenous wilderness as his own place

    26. The next day they would pick up Jaro who would escort them to the indigenous people

    27. Nothing but the indigenous inhabitants were preventing the Jew from taking posses-

    28. at the indigenous population in some African and Latin American countries

    29. 1 In those days there was in the land of Shinar a wise man who had understanding in all wisdom, and of a beautiful appearance, but he was poor and indigent; his name was Rikayon and he was hard set to support himself

    30. At the time of Roger’s visit to the Philippines, some of Metro Manila mayors were showing signs of uneasiness, not only for the precarious conditions of the squatters themselves, but also for the appearance of neglect and abandonment that those corridors of indigence represented for their respective city

    31. It was not possible for them to value either the wild life of the interior or the indigenous culture, which even today not too many people know with depth

    32. party, on the other hand, relied on the indigenous Marxist tradi-

    33. the Pinion’s were not indigenous to the area

    34. commonalities indigenous to the theories, they are alien to one another and should not be

    35. Romans and Italians (with Roman citizenship) flocked to Rome seeking work, or failing that, to partake of the free bread rations provided by the state for indigent citizens

    36. 1 In those days there was in the land of Shinar a wise man who had understanding in all wisdom and of a beautiful appearance but he was poor and indigent; his name was Rikayon and he was hard set to support himself

    37. Over thousands of years, they physically interacted with indigenous earthlings having a lower vibration, which eventually lowered their previous level of knowledge, wisdom, and understanding

    38. It was a compilation of thoughts and sayings from the elders of most of the indigenous tribes across the country

    39. Ties between some immigrant and indigenous groups and terrorist organizations have been revealed

    40. depicting animals in Peru that were not indigenous to the area

    41. This created a feeling among Indians that their indigenous system was inferior and began to prefer sending their sons and daughters to schools providing ‘English’ education

    42. I had never been healthier so what was the cause? Public and political rumblings about decriminalisation [which didn't arrive till 1967, the year Australians finally accepted that their indigenous people were human] had sent the police into overdrive

    43. Then as I grew older it became an intellectual revolt against a world that judged me a criminal, while the governments that made those laws waged war, assisted multinationals to destroy the environment and rip off indigenous people, encouraged religions to brainwash kids with mind destroying crap, and put out the welcome mat to trading partners that torture their prisoners

    44. The long established term used by the indigenise population to describe the Irish was of course Paddy or Paddy’s

    45. However, this varies greatly depending on the country of origin with immigrants from some regions having lower crime rates than the indigenous population

    46. Some of the evidence for this is archaeological, but we can also get a good idea of how our ancestors may have lived by looking at various contemporary indigenous cultures that have not yet been overly influenced by contact with western civilisation (the Kogi of Colombia, the Bushmen of the Kalahari and the Penan in Malaysia)

    47. A century ago, the only spiritual tradition available to most people was the one that was indigenous to their own culture

    48. Julie Baker had combined her skills as a chemist with Darrell Minor’s skills with plastics to develop a process for extracting liquid fuels from indigenous local plants

    49. No sooner had the first of the Marines splashed into the water than the indigenous sea life attacked them

    50. Even so, some of the passengers in the stopped craft were dumped into the water where they were again set upon by the indigenous predators

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