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    Usa "indistinctly" in una frase

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    1. } the author who writes concerning it the least indistinctly, says, that it was imposed upon all successions, legacies and donations, in case of death, except upon those to the nearest relations, and to the poor

    2. After what seemed like the last of these rapids, the river was joined by several smaller streams as it ran through the lowering hill country toward what in the haze of great distance only indistinctly indicated might be a flatter land

    3. Then grumbled indistinctly

    4. “You can find me by the tree in the horizon”, she replies smiling indistinctly

    5. “Fine,” he muttered indistinctly

    6. I looked back at the party scene and indistinctly saw a figure that looked like Alejandro, heading towards the pool

    7. And being in “the audience” of this boundless cosmic “theater of shadows”, it is absolutely impossible to understand the external appearance of “the invisible actors” and the color of their “clothes” if you only judge their barely perceptible movements that are dimly highlighted by “luminescent light” and very indistinctly reflected by their “shadows” on “the screen” of your Self-Consciousness

    8. and indistinctly, hurrying and spluttering

    9. He kept trying to say something to her; he began moving his tongue with difficulty and articulating indistinctly, but Katerina Ivanovna, understanding that he wanted to ask her forgiveness, called peremptorily to him:

    10. He would have quoted Chinese or Greenlandish had he known those two languages, for he was in one of those crises in which the whole soul shows indistinctly what it contains, like the ocean, which, in the storm, opens itself from the seaweeds on its shores down to the sands of its abysses

    11. "You said you could read my mind," he said indistinctly

    12. Then a low, deep sound was heard, like the suppressed accompaniment of distant music, rising just high enough on the air to be audible, and yet so indistinctly, as to leave its character, and the place whence it proceeded, alike matters of conjecture

    13. Perhaps it should be added that the effect is greatly increased if Owen's verse be spoken somewhat slowly and indistinctly in a tone suggestive of suppressed rancour

    14. Their voices came down, afar and indistinctly, from the upper heights where they habitually dwelt

    15. Throwing his eyes anxiously in the direction of the voice, he indistinctly beheld a form under the trees, clad in garments so sombre, and so little relieved from the gray twilight into which the clouded sky and the heavy foliage had darkened the noontide, that he knew not whether it were a woman or a shadow

    16. “Whatcha talking about?” he asked a bit indistinctly, and Ruhsail twitched his head at the pimple-faced private peering down the road

    17. He spoke indistinctly

    18. croak; but he, too, was saying something, and just as quickly and indistinctly, hurrying and spluttering

    19. The boy gave a loud, high shriek, which, lost in the rest of the shock of sound, might have seemed, indistinctly, though I was so close to him, a note either of jubilation or of terror

    20. ‘You thought!’ shouted the prince, his words coming more and more rapidly and indistinctly

    21. He interrupted him, talked rapidly and indistinctly, without looking at the man he was addressing, and did not reply to questions put to him

    22. He was indistinctly conscious that the pardon of this priest was the greatest assault and the most formidable attack which had moved him yet; that his obduracy was finally settled if he resisted this clemency; that if he yielded, he should be obliged to renounce that hatred with which the actions of other men

    23. These groups, warmly illuminated by the full glow of midday, or indistinctly seen in the twilight, occupy the thoughtful man for a very long time, and these visions mingle with his dreams

    24. Jondrette, he could only be indistinctly seen

    25. Marius indistinctly made out a pale head which was lifted towards him and which was saying to him:—

    26. I remember that when I first looked into these depths there were many large trunks to be seen indistinctly lying on the bottom, which had either been blown over formerly, or left on the ice at the last cutting, when wood was cheaper; but now they have mostly disappeared

    27. But once, the mood was on him too deep for common regardings; and as with heavy, lumber-like pace he was measuring the ship from taffrail to mainmast, Stubb, the old second mate, came up from below, with a certain unassured, deprecating humorousness, hinted that if Captain Ahab was pleased to walk the planks, then, no one could say nay; but there might be some way of muffling the noise; hinting something indistinctly and hesitatingly about a globe of tow, and the insertion into it, of the ivory heel

    28. The voice of her assailant was so horrible from spite and rage that it was almost a croak; but he, too, was saying something, and just as quickly and indistinctly, hurrying and spluttering

    29. he began moving his tongue with difficulty and articulating indistinctly, but Katerina Ivanovna, understanding that he wanted to ask her forgiveness, called peremptorily to him:

    30. I was breathless, and spoke indistinctly, but I looked at her boldly

    31. Ivan Ilyitch became aware that he was beginning to articulate indistinctly and with difficulty, that he was longing to say a great deal, but that his tongue refused to obey him

    32. But he spoke so indistinctly that hardly a dozen words could be gathered

    33. There are truths which have long ago been recognized by a man himself or have been transmitted to him by education and tradition, and have been taken by him on faith, the execution of which has become to him a habit, a second nature; and there are truths which present themselves to him indistinctly, in the distance

    34. If the meaning of a man's life presents itself to him indistinctly, that does not prove that reason is of no use for the elucidation of this meaning, but only this, that too much of what is irrational has been taken upon faith, and that it is necessary to reject everything which is not confirmed by reason

    35. “You thought!” shouted the prince, his words coming more and more rapidly and indistinctly

    36. I have been told that this subject is unpopular, and it has been not indistinctly hinted, that those who become the zealous advocates of the bill will not advance by their exertions the personal estimation in which they may be held by their political associates

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    Sinonimi per "indistinctly"

    dimly indistinctly