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    Usa "inexpedient" in una frase

    inexpedient frasi di esempio


    1. We cannot shed our rules and processes just because they seem inconvenient — inexpedient, even

    2. But at every instant of your choice you have no time to become aware of this and thus you consider such “a sacrifice” to be irrational, inexpedient, premature, and superfluous

    3. Therefore, their simultaneous application is inexpedient because it will not add a sufficient volume of new information to the whole risk management system

    4. Government is at best but an expedient; but most governments are usually, and all governments are sometimes, inexpedient

    5. Why inexpedient? You just collar the money, and the woman's in your hands

    6. What we are doing now is both cruel and inexpedient

    7. I disagree with the gentleman from Tennessee as to the expediency of continuing the embargo; I do not believe that it would be inexpedient to try it beyond May

    8. Yet many gentlemen object to this, as being inexpedient at this period

    9. If, then, it be inexpedient to make this discrimination against Great Britain, how is it less so, when directed against France? We are to admit British and exclude the French

    10. Since the resolutions were offered, he further remarked, the aspect of things seemed to be somewhat varied, and a hope is entertained, from the advices received, that a change of attitude may be rendered unnecessary; and that, under present circumstances, such change is inexpedient, and may prove injurious

    11. If, however, it should be believed that this bill might pass into a law, in strict conformity with the spirit and letter of the constitution, it is apprehended that the measure would be extremely impolitic and inexpedient at the present moment

    12. The remarks I shall make are intended to show that Congress possesses no power to incorporate a bank; to show its effect on the government, and to satisfy the committee that the exercise of the power, even if possessed, is inexpedient

    13. It will not be inexpedient, however, for Congress to authorize an enlargement of them

    14. The report of the committee being read, which concluded with a resolve that it is inexpedient to open the act of limitations for the claims in question:

    15. Sir, I deem it inexpedient to commence a permanent Naval Establishment at this time

    16. Although it would be highly inexpedient that you should in any manner appear as an avowed agent, yet, if you could contrive to obtain an intimacy with any of the leading party, it may not be improper that you should insinuate, (though with great caution,) that, if they should wish to enter into any communication with our Government, through me, you are authorized to receive any such, and will safely transmit it to me

    17. While Great Britain waits for this natural, I might say necessary, result of the negotiation, would it not be extremely inexpedient to conclude a treaty with the American Government? Every sort of evidence and experience prove that the Democrats consider their political ascendency in a great measure dependent on the hostile spirit that they can keep alive towards Great Britain, and recent events demonstrate that their conduct will be predicated upon that conviction; it is, therefore, not to be expected that they will meet, with corresponding feelings, a sincere disposition on the part of England to adjust all matters in dispute

    18. Resolved, That it is inexpedient to appropriate money for erecting a bridge over Youghiogany River on the said road

    19. But legislating as we are for a confederated Republic, it is worse than idle not to regard the character, situation, and interest of the people, in the several sections of the Union; and I ask gentlemen who are so ardent in the war, whose bosoms seem to glow with patriotic fire, is it just and fair to abandon the internal taxes and impose so much of the burden of the war upon the people of the Northern and Eastern States, the majority of whom are known to be opposed to it; whose hearts and souls are not in the business; who are driven, and dragged, and forced into a war, in which they will go with you no further, nor any longer, than a patriotic obedience to the constitution and laws of the country requires; a war which they consider unwise, impolitic, inexpedient, and ruinous; a war which must annihilate their commerce; that commerce to which they owe their rapid progress in population, in the arts of civilized life, in knowledge, in literature, in all that adorns and makes society valuable and interesting? From this people, in such a war, you have little to expect

    20. There is another part of this bill which strikes me as being inexpedient; but, as I do not wish to blend considerations of expediency with those of great and vital principles, I shall waive any thing on that head

    21. If the views of the Government were not now confined to the present war, he considered it inexpedient to build public ships

    22. Resolved, That it is inexpedient to grant the prayer of the petitioners

    23. I will ask how many regiments you have in your present establishment? Say thirty-five, and you add twenty, making together fifty-five: what use is there in multiplying regiments without men? The Chairman did state that from prudential motives, he had thought it inexpedient to give the number now actually in service, or enlisted by the present establishment

    24. How shall the law be repealed? How can we get rid of the war, if we may not say that it is inexpedient, impolitic, and ruinous? How abominable the doctrine is, that the declaration of war shuts the door against all inquiry, is manifest from the consideration, that it would enable a wicked Administration to perpetuate its power by declaring war

    25. "That it is inexpedient to prosecute the war, because we have no means of coercing our enemy or enforcing our claims

    26. Here let me call on the House to distinguish between unjust and inexpedient

    27. A thing may be just and yet inexpedient: the justice of an act relates to the conduct of another, the expediency of our own situation

    28. It may be just for me to sue the man who withholds from me the smallest sum; and yet so inexpedient as to be even ridiculous

    29. Thus a war may be perfectly just, and at the same time highly inexpedient

    30. Having thus far explained my ideas relative to the justice of the commencement and continuance of the war, I will now proceed to answer the third objection, namely: That it is inexpedient to carry it on, because we have no means of coercing our enemy—of compelling him—to what? barely to a just and honorable peace; for that is all we demand

    31. But, in the most unjust and inexpedient war, it can scarcely be possible, that disunion and defeats can have a salutary operation

    32. Bacon opposed the bill as inexpedient and unprecedented

    33. The resolution, reported by the Committee of Ways and Means, "that it is inexpedient to legislate upon the subject of the petitions," was disagreed to; and the following was reported to the House as a substitute thereto:

    34. inexpedient to give a territory with so small a population an equal representation in the Senate with a State, 592;

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    Sinonimi per "inexpedient"

    inexpedient unwise inadvisable inconvenient