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    Usa "inflict on" in una frase

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    inflict on

    1. Dukkha is emotional pain in the form of dissatisfaction and unhappiness that we inflict on ourselves in response to these realities of life

    2. but the damage it would inflict on the nuclear industry would be untold

    3. those looking to test the limits of pain – how much they could endure or possibly inflict on

    4. cruelty I could possibly inflict on her, and more

    5. If that man is connected to that traffic or is the main source of it and if we could charge him for those offenses, the jail term that we could then inflict on this bastard would be much more severe

    6. “You can watch as your friends, loved ones and children, die in whatever agony you planned to inflict on the unsuspecting, innocent public

    7. A greater tonnage of bombs was dropped and more civilians killed in this single attack than the Luftwaffe managed to inflict on Britain during the entire war

    8. Hitler insisted that his forces must go all out to inflict on Eisenhower a defeat as crushing as that suffered by the French in 1940

    9. fantasise about the damage he would love to one day inflict on his overlords

    10. one per cent of the population, but the damage they inflict on

    11. “Stop, stop you beast how much more cruelty you would inflict on my country…? Leave something behind at least some thing…

    12. try to inflict on me

    13. misery that you are about to inflict on yourself?”

    14. And yet again, when Ulysses must face the violence of the Suitors, who have settled in his house and arrogantly devour his goods, Ulysses is at first in a state of powerlessness and he must withstand all the humiliations that the Suitors wish to inflict on him, without any possibility of reacting to them

    15. � Drivers who drive aggressively and thus badly do so under stresses they inflict on themselves by their conduct, a consequence of conduct

    16. which He will inflict on His helpless, children-all this, and

    17. the stern severity and gloom of His government; the horrible and never-ceasing tortures which He will inflict on His

    18. government; the horrible and never-ceasing tortures which He wil inflict on His helpless, children-

    19. gloom of His government; the horrible and never-ceasing tortures which He will inflict on His

    20. The character ascribed to Him; the dreadful wrath and vengeance with which He is moved; the cold and malignant purpose of creation in regard to million of souls; the stern severity and gloom of His government; the horrible and never-ceasing tortures which He will inflict on His helpless, children-all this, and much more of like character, defies the power of language to set it forth in its true light, or to present it in a manner adequate to its shocking revolting reality

    21. But then the inquiry is naturally suggested, If death, in the case of Adam, signified the dissolution of his compound nature, and after that, the infliction of everlasting suffering upon his soul in hell (a definition which assuredly fixes our attention upon the fate of the spirit; a fate, in comparison of which the mortality of the body was a circumstance unworthy of regard), how could the simple death of an animal, the shedding of its blood, which was the extinction of 'the life thereof,’ convey to his mind the idea of such a destiny? He was not commanded to inflict on the unoffending creature a series of prolonged tortures; much less was he directed to contemplate the condition of its 'spirit’ when the life was gone; but he was ordered to slay it, to kill it, to destroy it, to put it to death

    22. But we must now encounter a final objection urged on all sides with wonderful confidence—that it is wholly irreconcilable with any rational view of the Divine Attributes of Wisdom, justice, or Goodness, thus to represent the Almighty as 'raising wicked men from a state of death only to inflict on them a second and more thorough annihilation

    23. The character as-cribed to Him; the dreadful wrath and vengeance with which He is moved; the cold and malig-nant purpose of creation in regard to million of souls; the stern severity and gloom of His government; the horrible and never-ceasing tortures which He will inflict on His helpless, children-all this, and much more of like character, defies the power of language to set it forth in its true light, or to present it in a manner adequate to its shocking revolting reality

    24. "Well then," returned Don Quixote, "to my mind it is you who are the one that is out of his wits and enchanted, as you have ventured to utter such blasphemies against a thing so universally acknowledged and accepted as true that whoever denies it, as you do, deserves the same punishment which you say you inflict on the books that irritate you when you read them

    25. imploring the Cadi not to inflict on him such a heavy loss

    26. The very circumstances which inflict on you, as a principal in the tragic scene enacted here, such painful emotions, are to me, on the contrary, a source of something like contentment, and serve but to enhance the value of this dwelling in my estimation

    27. He knew what a shock he would inflict on his father and mother by the news of this loss, he knew what a relief it would be to escape it all, and felt that Dolokhov knew that he could save him from all this shame and sorrow, but wanted now to play with him as a cat does with a mouse

    28. ‘Yes, we know that, but the harm I am conscious of in myself is something I cannot inflict on others,’ said Prince Andrew, growing more and more animated and evidently wishing to express his new outlook to Pierre

    29. He deferred his departure a whole week, and during that time he made me feel what severe punishment a good yet stern, a conscientious yet implacable man can inflict on one who has offended him

    30. Most ants have a stinging bite and some large jungle ants can inflict one that will lay the victim out for 24 hours

    31. If the victim did not choose to cry out, his executioner, whom in other respects I should consider a good man, looked upon it as a personal offence; he meant, in the first instance, to inflict only a light punishment, but directly he failed to hear the habitual supplications, "Your nobility!" "Have mercy!" "Be a father to me!" "Let me thank God all my life!" he became furious, and ordered that fifty more blows should be administered, hoping thus, at last, to obtain the necessary cries and supplications; and at last they came

    32. He knew what a shock he would inflict on his father and mother by the news of this loss, he knew what a relief it would be to escape it all, and felt that Dólokhov knew that he could save him from all this shame and sorrow, but wanted now to play with him as a cat does with a mouse

    33. “Yes, we know that, but the harm I am conscious of in myself is something I cannot inflict on others,” said Prince Andrew, growing more and more animated and evidently wishing to express his new outlook to Pierre

    34. Is there a reflecting man in the nation who would not charge Congress with a culpable neglect of its duty, if, for the want of such a force, a single ship were to bombard one of our cities? Would not every honorable member of this committee inflict on himself the bitterest reproaches, if, by failing to make an inconsiderable addition to our gallant little Navy, a single British vessel should place New York under contribution? Yes, sir, when the city is in flames, its wretched inhabitants begin to repent of their neglect in not providing engines and water buckets

    35. Let us have non-importation, non-intercourse, and embargo—thus the restrictive system may have its full bearing; let us refuse to purchase manufactures of the British; let us refuse to furnish them with provisions, then we may be consoled for the privations which we ourselves must experience, by reflecting on the great evils which we inflict on the enemy

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