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    Usa "inherent" in una frase

    inherent frasi di esempio


    1. Each sheath or vehicle through which the soul expresses itself (on physical, emotional and mental levels) carries latent within itself certain inherent potencies, but the soul, which is the source of them all, has them in their purest and most sublimated form

    2. scrutiny when we consider the true faith inherent in origin

    3. impotence inherent in not quite understanding the concept of the scratch, Smith

    4. This was not the time, place, or company for a philosophical conversation on the inherent shallowness of their lives

    5. So far as concerns congregational obligation, and expedient is that which is in harmony with the Scriptures, in which there is inherent advantage, and which may be

    6. This limitation to life is, of course, entirely human-centric and bears no real scrutiny when we consider the true faith inherent in origin

    7. All that Smith was aware of was the equivalent of a cosmic itch, and he endured the madness of the itch because he was impotence personified, that impotence inherent in not quite understanding the concept of the scratch, Smith unwittingly agreed with the future earthly Buddha in that He found the unformulated conjecture of eternal peace to be vexatious and maddening

    8. to acknowledge the inherent stability and beauty

    9. Some newspapers, tiring of the feel good factor inherent in the immediate events of the day, started to ask questions about the presence of such people in the country

    10. Most people's inherent underlying personalities wouldn't take the illness to such extremes as I did, but it can happen with a type 1

    11. Like many young men Tom felt the excitement inherent in the imminent promise of resting his head in the arms and on the bosom of an older and more experienced woman

    12. Ken found company difficult, preferring the routines of parenthood, work and horticulture to the efforts and strains inherent in the pursuit of conviviality and social exchange with his peers

    13. I finally saw the sense inherent in the

    14. feel good factor inherent in the immediate events of the day, started

    15. parenthood, work and horticulture to the efforts and strains inherent

    16. Teenage constitutions are remarkable things, but even in their relatively short social lives both of them have experienced the fatal charm inherent in mixing the sauce

    17. Despite Arbnor Jasari's inherent dislike of provincial life he is too smart to make a beeline for bright city lights

    18. all the ups and downs inherent in life

    19. Then again…your inherent aversion to the arcane is well documented

    20. She had the same prejudices and 'reasonable' exceptions to her inherent and trained cultural biases as any other living woman

    21. healing ourselves there is an inherent mechanism within the instinctual part of

    22. Perpetual motion is rhythmic in nature, imposing an inherent order within the apparent order of the Universe

    23. Because you may not be able to predict how your choices will affect your life, it makes little sense to spend time trying to judge the inherent value of your purposes

    24. His inherent charms did not fail him

    25. Tohm pointed out, “And it is the inherent prerogative of the First Water to choose for themselves, remember

    26. Instead, the climate changes are the inherent characteristics of Mother Nature

    27. I believe that it is an inherent and important aspect of

    28. And there’s a humbleness inherent with being the lowest

    29. „Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery

    30. noun, for example, when it refers to a quality which is inherent and

    31. Such interpretations or judgments that inevitably follow once (the) news has been properly assimilated (often) reflect conditioned opinions, responses or explanations reflecting a journalist‘s essential points of view, not necessarily; however, the inherent properties of (the) news itself

    32. I‘m not sure where I‘m going with this so try and follow my line of reasoning inasmuch as I am liable to form an uncertain analogy as it relates to the childlike treatment of the (subject) people involved: undermining freedom, initiative, self-reliance, (human) potential and an individual‘s moral and intellectual authority; that is to say, contrary to an individual‘s inherent right to naturally evolve into a productive human being; to learn, think and act independently in his or her (own) inestimable manner

    33. individual‘s self-awareness; a sense of his or her (inherent) dignity and self-worth, thereby (existentially) alienating that individual from him or her self by becoming less a free-thinking individual than an integral component of the common herd

    34. Art Stupefaction conceals an inherent baseness common to affected styles and manners that is often lost on the casual observer, captivated as many of them are by erratic forms for their own sake without giving considered thought to their (social) implications; radical ―art‖ forms whose intended meaning, if any, are often unclear, its premises anti-social, tasteless, adolescent, absurd, valueless and immoral

    35. The shortcomings inherent in Modern Art (merely) serve to debase the dignity of our society, its customs and traditions, while degrading (higher) culture in general

    36. Inherent in the selection process is a disturbing tendency common among most attorneys of ―nullifying‖ clear-minded, informed individuals in favor of unsophisticated, impressionable types who may otherwise render a ―favorable‖ verdict predicated upon individual biases and pedestrian prejudices likely to promote the arguments of prosecutors and defense attorneys alike

    37. Socialism (without the brutal trappings) shares a number of characteristics common to Autocratic Rule including an inherent contempt for mainstream conventions

    38. ‖ (As Doctrinal Christians of course, the inherent limitation of good works is correctly understood; that salvation is obtained through Grace alone

    39. It is Humankind‘s inherent capacity for being (human) that allows an individual to distinguish between right and wrong, for example, although that individual may oftentimes behave in a manner contrary to his or her (own) better judgment

    40. It (naturally) follows that the less gifted should (otherwise) entrust their confidence to individuals who are better informed or suited to sustain or encourage them and that the beneficiaries of such gifts should never breach their sacred trust as it relates to their fellows, whatever their (social) position or rank, as emissaries of God‘s Kingdom and therefore equal in His Eyes, whatever their (inherent) differences

    41. The inherent ―right‖ to terminate one‘s (own) life as it relates to vague or questionable notions defining quality of life, introduces yet another dubious precedent as it relates to Choice, especially in rather gray areas where the decision to either perpetuate or curtail an individual‘s life has been proxied (sic) at a time when that individual could not possibly foresee the (uncertain) consequences of such decisions entrusted to the care of family members or friends (concealing underlying motives for authorizing such decisions, perhaps) or where a potential illness at some uncertain point in time or that individual‘s problematical reaction (to that illness) could not possibly be understood in advance; that is to say, until that individual is actually sitting on Death‘s doorstep

    42. It is an inherent response to immoral or inappropriate behavior contrary to what God expects from any individual or what that individual (should) otherwise perceive intuitively

    43. There exists an underlying current of confidence inherent in teleological designs reposed in a (presumed) understanding of ―things‖

    44. By having surrendered our inherent right to make personal decisions considered appropriate to our own particular lifestyles and needs, we have summarily relinquished our customary right to appeal such decisions made on our (own) behalf by government institutions that we‘ve provided with (reckless) authoritative powers far exceeding their intended scope and purpose; institutions that no longer pretend to be our servants but the masters, rather, of our own determined way of life

    45. chooses to worship without prejudice or bias to (any) individual with respect to that individual‘s (religious) customs and beliefs including nonbelievers; upholding such practices privately invested in the Individual and not the State without undermining the Public‘s (inherent) awareness of an Almighty Presence…

    46. ) Adopting conspicuously faulty and (otherwise) self-serving reasoning conveniently side-steps a very important fact; that we all exist in a less than perfect world subject to changing fortunes and other unexpected events that routinely challenge our mettle; and that Nature, however, has its own inestimable manner of compensating each of us with an innate capacity to endure hardships and rise above our present condition however unfavorable or improbable our prospects for a ―better‖ life may appear and that an individual‘s threshold for suffering and privation oftentimes vary in proportion to that individual‘s (mental) endurance and acquired habits in spite of that individual‘s accustomed environment and in any event, such (gratuitous) impressions are problematical at best and should not serve as a litmus test in determining who should or should not be permitted to live or given an equal opportunity to exercise free choice(s) pre-empted by selfish motives indifferent to such rights; motives whose arbitrary designs are (otherwise) impervious to the apparent limits or consequences of questionable solutions whose (hardened) indifference to Life must inevitably diminish the (inherent) value a society confers upon its citizens regardless of their station in life

    47. Although ―intellectual designs‖ are invariable in nature, such does not prohibit, however, the (inherent) capacity of most individual‘s to reach the highest thresholds of their (native) potential

    48. The headmaster was not impressed and talked about the inherent superiority of the white man in Africa

    49. You will not stay because of inherent political weakness

    50. Young boys coming into their own, especially during their formative years, should not be discouraged from engaging in physical activities; that is to say, the type of ―horse play‖ or ―rough housing‖, common among growing boys, that gives vent to their masculinity; that is to say, gender characteristics underlying decidedly masculine attitudes inherent in the male species

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    Sinonimi per "inherent"

    implicit in inherent underlying built-in constitutional inbuilt integral instinctive intrinsic congenital innate inbred