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    Usa "inserted" in una frase

    inserted frasi di esempio


    1. Ackers carefully inserted the device into the crack on the door, and then he squeezed what looked like the blue mercury down the tube, out of the device and into the door

    2. " A new screen flashed up in the air beside them, an entry was inserted on that screen and the screen disappeared

    3. Kate had four large poles inserted into the mountain and the tenting was tied to these

    4. inserted the coins and dialled again

    5. over to Roman’s VCR and inserted the tape

    6. "I don't know what you’re talking about," Rob inserted "But it really would be safer in the morning

    7. When he finally inserted the key, his eyes focused on the picture on his door

    8. He inserted one of

    9. They did, however, refer to each other by interesting epithets, unused hitherto, but inserted at opportune moments ever afterwards to the enjoyment of their absent men

    10. On her feet now she inserted one of the keys but the lock would not

    11. So I very gently picked up the broken jar of peanut butter from the floor of my dorm room, carefully laid it on a paper towel or napkin and then very carefully I still inserted the knife into the peanut butter and I was eating it trying very carefully to avoid any pieces of glass

    12. This veil can be compared to a thin sheet of glass inserted in a window

    13. the animal, not inserted into it

    14. “That and a certain little Command memo inserted into their Com logs

    15. “Here Dena,” Jista waved, “this is the compilation of the data we've extracted from the navigation systems on the nine 'guests' vessels we 'escorted' to the Gorim stations---and the data we gleaned from their command systems that was inserted automatically from all other contact ships over the last four years

    16. ” Saying this, she seized his quivering cock, inserted the head of it into the recesses of her crotch and carefully, strangely, sat down upon it

    17. It was even nicer when the young boy inserted his prick into you

    18. He stopped his frantic movement until she inserted his cock for him

    19. “Try not to yank it out of my cunt this time, Richard,” she said as soothingly as she could when she inserted his cock once again

    20. First of all Ted put in the explosive charge then he passed the tin to me and I filled it with bits of iron old nails cartridge cases and even stones then I passed it on to Elijah who inserted a fuse into the detonator

    21. goodies he'd prepared at home and inserted it in the computer tower beneath the desk, then

    22. Then, a large hook was inserted behind the whale’s front fin

    23. In Great Britain, the annual land and malt taxes are regularly anticipated every year, by virtue of a borrowing clause constantly inserted into the acts which impose them

    24. ’ He then immediately inserted the device, separating his jaw

    25. inserted into the intestines of his victims

    26. Charges were inserted all around the massive trunk, the cable was attached, and when everyone had withdrawn to a safe distance, the lever was pressed

    27. That way they get you at night, and suggest that you don’t really see where they inserted the computer chip under your skin

    28. I had a Sub Thompson with a thirty clip inserted and was about to start firing into the underbrush

    29. inserted the point of it between Sacobie's unresisting jaws

    30. Carefully she inserted the key into the keyhole, and slowly, oh so slowly, she turned it

    31. Urgently, cautiously, the skipper inserted a pair of pliers

    32. She walked to the water’s edge and inserted a toe, careful to keep her body faced towards him

    33. The CD changer had just replaced the Gypsy Kings with the Rolling Stones, when Caroline inserted, amid her continuous chatter about Brian Walston’s wonderful qualities and her trials and tribulations at having a troupe of prostitutes to herd, that the stable boy, Alfredo, had mentioned that a horse had died at sea of colic

    34. Thankfully, she was alone in the elevator and inserted her card into the door slot, wondering what lay behind the door this time!

    35. Step1: Ensure all the pins of IC are properly inserted

    36. And earlier in chapter 10, I inserted a quote concerning the genealogy of Noah, his son Ham and Ham’s son Cush

    37. As the permanence of his stay was gradually made known to him, John had walked the difficult road of not losing heart, but there were times in the course of regular nightly prayers a desperate plea inserted itself

    38. bill was passed with the addition of pork barrel programs and a mental health bill inserted by the

    39. Very carefully, she inserted herself into his mind to watch what he was doing

    40. All of us are inserted at human society or determined country, whether it wishes or not, without having choice option

    41. “Well, when our predecessors at the Bureau inserted ‘corrected’ genes into your ancestors, they also included a genetic tracker, which is basically something that shows us that a person has achieved genetic healing

    42. I understand that this means I will be given a new background and a new identity by the Bureau and inserted into the experiment in Chicago, Illinois, where I will live out the remainder of my days

    43. After all the names and legal numbers have been inserted, write something like this down: (formulate your own words of course)

    44. When the jawbone was damaged or eroded over time, it must be “rebuilt”, so to speak prior to a new tooth being inserted or implanted into the bone

    45. Bodies were exhumed and it came to light that instead of bones, the bodies had plastic pipes (PVC) inserted into the legs in place of the leg bones just to keep the normal shape of the body intact

    46. Below is an x-ray taken of such an exhumed body where PVC pipes have been inserted to retain the normal body posture

    47. amount of text to be inserted into each post

    48. And Malia inserted the gas nozzle

    49. Sachie inserted the key and

    50. a small portable gas cooker and inserted a gas cartridge and turned it on

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