Usa "intelligence operation" in una frase
intelligence operation frasi di esempio
intelligence operation
1. The second phase was an intensive intelligence operation using operatives and the data system
2. Colling’s opinion of the OSS was, as with most Americans, derived principally from the movies, where it was portrayed as an efficient intelligence operation filled with courageous volunteers who were more than willing to sacrifice their lives for the United States of America
3. He addressed the group telling them that his intelligence operations which included informers within the state and Federal Police had informed him that a raid was planned on several of his facilities
4. " Intelligence operations never appealed to Travis
5. “The largest, best trained, most fanatical intelligence operation in the history of mankind with more people in deep cover than all the other current intelligence operations put together,” the Admiral replied proudly
6. We have discovered some, shall we say, problems in our intelligence operations
7. Still runs an amazing intelligence operation
8. When they were finished, Warren summed up by saying, “Greg, you need to understand that I have the utmost respect for the intelligence operation at Eretz
9. If the French corporation were a front for this intelligence operation, they would have bought the cocaine from the Iranian opposition, thus taking the drugs out of circulation and providing financial support for the opposition party
10. You may think that I don’t know anything of your top secret city operations, with your code words and city surveillance and intelligence operations, but I do
11. The Spacers League’s counter-intelligence operation was thus hopelessly compromised, with Michel himself now probably unmasked as a traitor to the HSF
12. “He was also involved in a multiplatform intelligence operation that cut across all branches