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    Usa "intended for" in una frase

    intended for frasi di esempio

    intended for

    1. God intended for him to be, God appeared to him, and

    2. Enough to put the notion into the head of a baggage handler that the brand new bright pink carry-on there, ostensibly marked for that very flight, was actually intended for a different airline entirely

    3. ’ She didn’t mention that whoever had left Kara there clearly intended for the train to finish off what they had started

    4. Finding something small enough for me is difficult – most of the garments are for men and far too large, but eventually, we come across a set of leggings and jacket intended for a teenage boy which fit reasonably well

    5. It was settled that, once again, they would form an entourage and tour the little town, with particular attention to the apartments intended for Kaitlyn, and the Memorial Theater

    6. This, in exchange for room and board in the apartments which were intended for Mrs

    7. Again, he lowered his head and whispered something, she didn't hear, it obviously wasn’t intended for her ears, and then responded “About fifteen minutes

    8. It was obviously intended for ultra high speed flight and had some kind of reactive-explosive propulsion device

    9. “Stop,” Adros yelled, his command intended for the children and Magi behind him, as well as for the Magi in front of him

    10. familiar with the cave’s passageways, and though the lantern may have been intended for her

    11. There are only two rooms with four beds – originally intended for Aunt Azubah, you two and then Father, of course

    12. Under the feudal governments, the many public ordinances, that the citizens of every district should practise archery, as well as several other military exercises, were intended for promoting the same purpose, but do not seem to have promoted it so well

    13. intended for the use of the federal armies

    14. or indignity was intended for him

    15. Afterwards, having moved to an adjacent studio, Chief correspondent Dolan Cranali said: ‘Although this broadcast had never been intended for Western media, the president has sent out an unequivocal message to the rest of the world – that India is a force to be reckoned with

    16. other reality, so that we would never be aware of what was truly intended for this world – and it turns out his beliefs were not completely unfounded

    17. Thus the single surgeon apportioned to each regiment not only found before him the work of six, but he had nothing save the first-aid packages intended for application on the firing-line, to stay the life-blood that gushed from the rows of men awaiting attention

    18. (―If he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent?‖) His (eternal) promises were not intended for this world but markers pledged for the next

    19. that is not intended for your model will most likely wreck your com-

    20. Crooked agents often stole funds intended for the Dakota, or supplied spoiled food and shoddy equipment

    21. I imagined that it had been intended for the lady of the house to spend hours every day going over her longhand correspondence or something equally refined and outdated

    22. That is only because those captured were intended for use as shields later on

    23. Utterly sacred once imbued with Fire by Divine sources, the stones were kept in the possession only of those they were divinely intended for

    24. “Produce intended for local consumption,” Sim advised

    25. Had there been just one stream running into the great water, or were there more? Was this the forest that the light had intended for him to notice? Why this one? But he couldn’t deny it; the pull seemed the strongest when he thought of this forest!

    26. Hilderich grimaced with distaste at the sight of the greenish liquid, an expression to which the machine answered with a derisive comment wholly intended for Hilderich’s ears:

    27. Save for another eye brow raise that may or may not have been intended for me

    28. This isn’t the Wild West) - Takuapa District Police are on the lookout for two former cemetery workers who allegedly confessed to stealing eleven aluminium coffins which were intended for Tsunami victims

    29. Boal was his father’s second in command and had taken a spear intended for him

    30. What follows is intended for the personal reflection of each reader, and not an attempt to influence or convince in any way regarding the matter of rebirth

    31. It was one of those grabbing devices, the sort that extends up to several feet if you squeeze the handle, and was intended for use by anyone who had difficulty with their grip, especially older people

    32. The book/guide is not intended for use as a source of

    33. I told him he would very much please me if he gave me a room that was not intended for anyone else and if he could convince his crew to stop bowing all the time

    34. “The first verse of this chapter is intended for a title to the whole book, and it

    35. Full of exultation, they parted out the place intended for their fall and

    36. They knew exactly who it was intended for

    37. He intended for us to read about the disciples' fear and how

    38. I can sense the disappointment in his arms as he holds me tighter, and drops the kiss he intended for my lips by my ear

    39. table that had originally been intended for the formal conference

    40. car had never been intended for the kind of driving Selma was

    41. intended for paper are not used as ashtrays, and

    42. I realized (it was slow in coming, I admit) that he really never intended for outdoor to become much more than a vehicle for depreciation and a source of fees and rent payments to his company

    43. Full of exultation they parted out the place intended for their fall and burial into banqueting booths

    44. “Perhaps I AM intended for me to cause others to question their limitations

    45. I intended for him to die, but on second thought realized I did not have permission to take his life

    46. If it’s intended for you to be back with your family, Breath will see to it, and if not, you can continue on the same course you have always followed

    47. After Tesar and I had successfully recovered his missing fragments, Nuke agreed to a session intended for healing, not regression

    48. And the six men called the virgins and bade them carry all the stones that were intended for the building and to pass through the gate and give them to the men who were about to build the tower

    49. in Christ, as intended for 'all nations' and this soon leads to the creation of a

    50. Unlike many of the devices and tools intended for children with Enuresis, alarms can actually treat bedwetting rather than just making the symptoms more bearable

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