Usa "irresolute" in una frase
irresolute frasi di esempio
1. Brixby scampered past the oxen and halted, irresolute whether to move forward to the treasure cart or back to help the rear
2. ‘’Do you really believe that France is so weak and irresolute, General Dows?’’
3. As for being irresolute, I could point out to you that your own government refuses to send French conscripts to serve in Indochina, because the war here is too unpopular with the French public
4. France is definitely irresolute politically, as well as being militarily weak, General Salan, and I believe that it is high time that you face the stark reality here
5. ures and dominance, men without discrimination have irresolute
6. Irresolution is as much a curse as laziness for the result is the same, though the irresolute person often suffers from his constant vacillation
7. Which way should I go? How can I know the right thing? Will I be safe from harm? What will happen to me if I go in that direction? These and many other agonies torture the irresolute
8. The same is true of those who are lazy, irresolute, addicted to pleasure, undisciplined in their sensual indulgence: they have no moral fiber, no strength of will, no inner integrity
9. From being irresolute and purposeless, his feet became animated by an intention, and, in the working out of that intention, they took him to the Doctor's door
10. When I came to you last week and found you alone, I came determined to know the truth; though irresolute what to do when it was known
11. Her boots had that queer, irresolute, rather pathetic look about them, which showed how self-conscious and self-mistrustful she was
12. But how sad, despairing, and irresolute he must have felt, to judge from this ship whose soul he was, which reflected his every mood! The Nautilus no longer kept to a fixed heading
13. Fourteen years had changed the worthy merchant, who, in his thirty-sixth year at the opening of this history, was now in his fiftieth; his hair had turned white, time and sorrow had ploughed deep furrows on his brow, and his look, once so firm and penetrating, was now irresolute and wandering, as if he feared being forced to fix his attention on some particular thought or person
14. And he remained irresolute
15. He hesitated, felt irresolute and remorseful
16. Then I looked at my watch, and, finding that it was past nine, called again, "Is there any one here?" There being still no answer, I went out at the door, irresolute what to do
17. and irresolute concerning this marriage, did you not?"
18. shavings, and ashplant, stands irresolute
19. words arrested me, and I stood irresolute before the door
20. When they had been left alone he stood looking down, irresolute and silent,
21. He remained before it, irresolute, like a fugitive, like a man betrayed
22. She stood in the hall, irresolute, frightened, and the glaring light of the fire in the sitting room threw tall dim shadows on the walls about her
23. At length Will, seeming to bethink himself, took up his hat, yet stood some moments irresolute
24. Amid the smoke, deafened by the incessant reports which always made him jump, Tushin not taking his pipe from his mouth ran from gun to gun, now aiming, now counting the charges, now giving orders about replacing dead or wounded horses and harnessing fresh ones, and shouting in his feeble voice, so high pitched and irresolute
25. unpleasantly irritated and irresolute face, and said:
26. On his thin, weak legs were heavy chains which hampered his irresolute movements
27. At the battle of Borodino, when Bagration was killed and nine tenths of the men of our left flank had fallen and the full force of the French artillery fire was directed against it, the man sent there was this same irresolute
28. Marius, still concealed in the turn of the Rue Mondetour, had witnessed, shuddering and irresolute, the first phase of the combat
29. When I came to you last week and found you alone, I came determined to know the truth; though irresolute what to do when it WAS known
30. Holmes paused irresolute, and then he glanced back at the road which he had just traversed
31. Alyosha remained for some time irresolute after hearing the command his father shouted to him from the carriage
32. Thanks to their impetuosity they always come off second-best; but it is this impetuosity that gives them their influences over the masses; their ardent, honest indignation does its work, and draws in the more irresolute
33. Pavel Pavlovitch laden with bed clothes had been standing in the middle of the room with a stupid drunken leer on his face, irresolute; but at Velchaninoff's second bidding he hurriedly began the task of making his bed, moving the table away from in front of it, and smoothing a sheet over the seat of the divan
34. Amid the smoke, deafened by the incessant reports which always made him jump, Túshin not taking his pipe from his mouth ran from gun to gun, now aiming, now counting the charges, now giving orders about replacing dead or wounded horses and harnessing fresh ones, and shouting in his feeble voice, so high pitched and irresolute
35. He checked himself in the middle of the sentence, lowered his eyes to avoid seeing her unpleasantly irritated and irresolute face, and said:
36. At the battle of Borodinó, when Bagratión was killed and nine tenths of the men of our left flank had fallen and the full force of the French artillery fire was directed against it, the man sent there was this same irresolute and undiscerning Dokhtúrov—Kutúzov hastening to rectify a mistake he had made by sending someone else there first
37. He stood irresolute in the middle of the room, a prey to a somber, agonizing thought, the thought that he was going mad, that at that moment he was not in a fit state to come to a determination and to watch over his security, that his way of going to work was probably not the one the circumstances demanded
38. For a moment the engineer stood irresolute
39. She stood irresolute
40. Then she walked slowly away from the window, and stood irresolute for a moment, in the center of the room