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    Usa "join forces" in una frase

    join forces frasi di esempio

    join forces

    1. Though they join forces, the wicked will not go unpunished; but

    2. “The king of the kingdom of War has come here to join forces with his

    3. Before the battle begins, a White would always emerge and join forces with the side of Light

    4. was to join forces with General Johnston and together they could take on both Grant and Sherman, and with the enhanced force of

    5. Lokdon claims to have pretended to join forces with him to unearth his plans and feed the information back to Hollowcrest, but something went badly between them, and now she wants to share all her information with you

    6. When you join forces with the flow of creativity, you connect with the power that has

    7. Need of circumstance, and Presque’s political influence, allowed them to join forces with the

    8. The women agreed to join forces in order to help solve the riddle and oversee their men’s recovery, since it appeared the men shared the malady, what the hell ever it was

    9. They decided to join forces with those refugees and stayed in the compound until the number reached 10,000 when the Cuban and Peruvian authorities worked out a deal whereby the refugees would leave the Embassy without reprisals

    10. Our suggestion is that you join forces with Tucker and implement your plans immediately and quickly, taking advantage of their established infrastructure," Larsen stated

    11. Do you really expect us to join forces with you when you’re not telling us everything?”

    12. Groups of individual voters may join forces for air time when their own moneys (limited to $250/voter) all endorse the same message, and it is totally paid by summing their small donations for it

    13. Dahms was quick to say, "Lieutenant, take your fifty men and one of the rapid fire PC's, meet and join forces with the rebels

    14. In the spirit of cooperation, Admiral Pressman and I decided to join forces against the enemies that would see us destroyed

    15. · “Everyone who is PROUD IN HEART IS AN ABOMINATION TO THE LORD; though they join forces, none will go unpunished

    16. He was sure they had gone to join forces with an existing small ‘sleeper’ unit of the Real IRA, somewhere in the capital

    17. It’s a shame that as we speak, she’s headed to the Northlandic Castle to join forces with the Empress,” he said, his hand fondling Ailia’s overcoat

    18. feud over who will tend the prospectors’ coiffure, until they have to join forces to avoid losing their

    19. If the two of you will to join forces with me, in the future, the whole world will belong to us brothers!”

    20. He could have even try to force Wei Qi to join forces with

    21. Should he escape or join forces with Denver to defeat Rancor and his leader? Whether he joined or not, returning to the clan would still be their goal unless they died

    22. join forces with Iran, taking the oilfields with them

    23. tried to enlist the Valle to join forces and exterminate all of the Equites

    24. general’s demand that he should join forces with him for an attack on the transport

    25. America and Pakistan would stop their clandestine war against each other and join forces

    26. The world’s greatest actor and the movies’ love goddess join forces to bring Terence Rattigan’s stage play The Sleeping Prince to the screen, with Olivier repeating his stage role and Monroe playing the role essayed by Olivier’s then wife, Vivien Leigh

    27. And Denísov told the esaul that the dispatch just delivered was a repetition of the German general’s demand that he should join forces with him for an attack on the transport

    28. Nevertheless he never let a lecture pass without taking careful notes of it in his fine handwriting, and eventually we decided to join forces, and to do our preparation together

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