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    Usa "jump on" in una frase

    jump on frasi di esempio

    jump on

    1. The girls both knew it was just like a keda, just jump on it's back and grab it between the first and second legs

    2. Alan's attempt to jump on it was pinned to the ground by the creature's foot as it sprang into the panic

    3. He likes to jump on the comforter when I shake it out

    4. rest, then jump on her back again

    5. That way, the Justicars will surely jump on the opportunity to take out that other group along with Blackburn's men

    6. jump onto the stage injured his leg quite severely, and he

    7. “I’d come to that conclusion too, but he sort of got the jump on me

    8. Them weasels would jump on motorcycles and race all around the area

    9. Knowing this tactic a few men would jump on the moving truck, and throw the boxes off before jumping themselves for the lieutenant did not slow down

    10. Hilderich was making good speed having noticed that going down was much easier because one could easily slide across the surface of the steps with his bottom and then dangle his feet before making a little jump onto the step below, and so on

    11. Clicking metallic sounds alerted Ethan that the shotgun was being reloaded, even as Adu had rolled on his back and turned around to jump on Ethan

    12. Now I have met the men and women who operate them, and some of that mystery is gone, but what they mean to me will never be gone—my first act as a Dauntless was to jump on one, and every day afterward they were the source of my freedom, they gave me the power to move within this world when I had once felt so trapped in the Abnegation sector, in the house that was a prison to me

    13. People must not jump on and off these trains

    14. But she was ready for the fight, and when it was over, she would jump on a plane and return home in time to be there for Sherrie and for the rest of her family

    15. The lobsters jump on the sharks’ backs and quickly bite into their fins

    16. Jaden runs and jump on the left wall with Bellona

    17. Without hesitation, I rush for the driveway and jump on my bike, fire the engine, and like a flash of lighting, I speed after him

    18. I run to him with more speed than I’d intended, and jump on him, my hands circling his neck

    19. to do the very same thing and jump on your list to find out what to promote and how,

    20. “Everybody!” Moshe shouted, “Throw the ropes over the side and jump onto the bank, quickly!”

    21. drinking that caused me to jump on the wagon real quick

    22. prayer was answered, then everyone would jump on the

    23. Some of the mob looked ready to jump onto the boat, but Bahkælt raised his sword and shouted, "Know that the foot which touches this deck shall instantly from its leg be parted!"

    24. He got the jump on me, and held me to the floor

    25. was hearing and I did not know whether to continue crying, jump on

    26. Michael ran across the classroom and began to jump on Robert, when Mrs

    27. Then he ordered the three to jump onto the rabbits

    28. Instinctively they understood this was their only hope, but neither Jai nor Ceder could think how to use the line to their benefit short of trying to jump onto it, which would surely be a suicidal endeavor

    29. He lunges for me and I roll away, then jump onto his back and wrap my arms around his thick neck

    30. were so stunned by Mario’s appearing that it gave him enough time to jump on one of the intruders

    31. I am ready to tell him where his money is so, as I can’t jump on a bus and go to him he will have to come and see me

    32. In the farmyard at Dyffryn Farm he understood sufficient of what Terry Pugh had said to his brother to know he planned to get the jump on the two detectives as soon as they were well away from the farm

    33. But DC Potter had gotten the jump on Terry Pugh, but not before he had contacted whoever he was in league with, probably the people responsible for the mayhem in the town, and made them aware of his predicament

    34. She concentrated her remaining lasers on the small ship that had gotten the jump on them while they were distracted by Buddy’s frantic shouting

    35. sitting in the boat, worried about Florence, still eager to jump on the rainbow and

    36. I thought we would jump on the hovercraft and take off, but she had other

    37. Puett's device replaced other starting methods which often failed to produce a fair start, with extra judges employed to catch horses who got a jump on the rest of the field

    38. Credit cards have been around for about fifty years and many banks jumped on the opportunity the past years to jump on offering attractive cards at low rates to get more people on them

    39. The mountain lion was foaming at the month and looks as if he was going to jump on the

    40. Don’t jump on to the first

    41. One part of me wants to jump on the bandwagon but there’s a gnawing feeling inside

    42. I would probably tell me to jump onto that ship as quickly as possible

    43. “It is a nossil,” said Lezura, and when she saw the rider on the animal’s back jump onto the ground she added and an elated smile, “and a friend…”

    44. When I even hinted that Triplet International had reason to believe immortality might be possible, Forrest was the first person to jump on the bandwagon

    45. “Sir, we should jump on their bandwagon without question

    46. To her relief, she soon saw Karla jump on a time scooter and disappear in a flash of white light

    47. We have so many ideas that we don’t think out; we jump on the bandwagon without listening to and understanding the music

    48. The trader grabbed her jaw and forced her to look up at him, something that made the boy next to her tense up as if to jump on the trader, who made a mean grin

    49. the big jump on the 15th of September, the 7-day moving average moved up

    50. I know that some reporters would readily jump on those rumors in order to produce a juicy article, but I know that you are not that kind of journalist

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