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    Usa "juxtapose" in una frase

    juxtapose frasi di esempio





    1. It's interesting to juxtapose the timid wedge turner with the

    2. As covered earlier, the Hebrew calendar was also used to juxtapose seven 360-year cycles against

    3. Just as Graham and Dodd illustratively juxtapose the perspectives of the private businessperson and the public investor, my partners and I often ask ourselves the question: If this were a private business, how would we measure its value?

    1. Scattered amongst the courtyards, alleys and quadrangles were warrens of dingy living quarters and storerooms, juxtaposed with larger houses that were highly and attractively embellished, the walls being stuccoed in red and finished in white

    2. Frank had always loved this part of London - the old buildings standing so proud, juxtaposed with the newer architecture

    3. These two juxtaposed sources of intelligence must combine in their search for the Unified Force that Man’s science still seeks

    4. Juxtaposed with old Soviet

    5. They are mentioned as if they were juxtaposed to one another, leading some translators to speculate the laws mentioned are on different sides of the scroll

    6. They are juxtaposed

    7. bringing together of elements previously not associated but suddenly juxtaposed during a

    8. ‘Couldn’t my mind just have juxtaposed them into the same trip?’

    9. amount of debt in juxtaposed years, although we do not test for the statistical viability of a debt increase by itself

    10. Above the sideboard on the rear there were two portraits juxtaposed, one of God and another Satan

    11. Above one of the bookcases a picture of Mandela was juxtaposed with Hitler’s

    12. On top of the other bookcase a portrait of Jesus Christ was juxtaposed with that of Charles Manson

    13. Instead of ancient wonders being juxtaposed with pristine neo-architecture, and the highly advanced infrastructure of a modern-day European-city, they witnessed a city that looked as if it had been bombed out

    14. These diverse religions, through their own unique experiences, traditions, rituals, faiths and beliefs are commutatively, ultimately directed towards understanding more deeply the idea and reality about the existence and nature of a Supreme Being juxtaposed with living life, and life after death

    15. The past, present and future are holograms; images juxtaposed each within the other

    16. Those who contemplate suicide are feeling — not death in them, but life — but that feeling, juxtaposed with their feeling of hopelessness, is not in accord with this feeling of life within

    17. juxtaposed with the symbolism of rivers and streams (flow of time, change, deeds) tells us that our

    18. point within a circle, where the point is a single degree juxtaposed against a full 360-degree circle

    19. capstone are juxtaposed against a whole mountain or pyramid to model the rules for wisdom

    20. The cross and four elements juxtaposed within the zodiac in this manner also clearly models the

    21. the microcosmos is juxtaposed against the macrocosmos so that the simple representative and

    22. also evidences that they knew about galaxies and their long-term motions, and juxtaposed them with

    23. time, as is the hourglass juxtaposed against

    24. The screen cuts to another photo of me juxtaposed with Amazing Amy

    25. It juxtaposed with the ready-to-flee tension in her posture

    26. When poetry in toto was juxtaposed to prose, rhythm was found the differentia and the organizing principle of the poet’s language

    1. Khoruzhij also juxtaposes the image of a Staretz with an-

    1. All people therefore, have the natural right to be recognised as unique, free, and independent beings, with the integrity to be both responsible and accountable juxtaposing individual rights

    2. This is one aspect of what juxtaposing the myriad stars of the

    3. juxtaposing dual sevens, directly matching the Doctrine of Two Spirits, Two Tables of Stone,

    4. and juxtaposing the immediate contents of such experiences

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