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    Usa "keen on" in una frase

    keen on frasi di esempio

    keen on

    1. I spend the evening wondering if Liz is keen on gardening

    2. Rode around on his bike with the boys where we lived … was quite keen on kicking a ball around whenever he could

    3. She has taken to coming along now and we’ve had one or two weird conversations about both of us being Dave’s wife! The baby is a sweet little thing but not keen on sleeping nights … I reckon I would go off any baby, however sweet it might be, under those circumstances, but it’s probably different if it’s yours

    4. The Guilds, being built on commerce, are very keen on maintaining the peace

    5. I’m keen on birds

    6. Miss Jones had few vices and few interests that could be described as hobbies, but she was very keen on politics

    7. It is strange standing in there looking at all his belongings - there’s that book you gave him one Christmas when we were both teenagers – he was mad keen on motorbikes at the time – look there’s the inscription you wrote all those years ago - and there’s a photo of the two of us on the wall, it must have been taken some time ago - your hair was long then, plaited and lying over your shoulder

    8. She enthuses about the cottage but I know Anna is not keen on having students here

    9. described as hobbies, but she was very keen on politics

    10. Did she just sit in her flat in the evenings on her own? Tracy mentioned that Bunty was keen on knitting and that sort of thing, would she have spent her time doing that? Whereabouts in Naples was her flat? Could she have walked somewhere

    11. Then there’s Roland … whatever else he was, he must have been educated and socially aware … he was very keen on her

    12. Sounds as though she was a very hands-on person … Bert said she wanted to know how to do things … she was keen on knitting and stuff like that … all very practical and sensible

    13. Dave didn’t say much but I get the idea that Becky wanted him to accompany her to corporate events – let’s admit it, he’s an attractive guy – but he was invariably tied up with work and isn’t keen on jumping through corporate hoops at the best of times

    14. He was also keen on the little girl

    15. The boys aren’t very keen on cities

    16. He was none too keen on that, took his cup, downed some of the water, poured the rest out, and set off up the lane in search of something acceptable to put in it

    17. During their talks, he never seemed too keen on speaking at length about himself or his past, rather simply answering questions with general statements and a readiness to shift the subject at hand

    18. But our parents were real keen on some bizarre old books in the library in the DRAFT

    19. “I trust that you’ll keep those eyes and ears open and most keen on my behalf…”

    20. People who are keen on knowing their past lives may undergo hypnotic regression or deep meditation but even then only parts of their previous incarnations would be revealed

    21. “She was very keen on the idea…”

    22. “Actually I had been thinking about it, but though I can handle the dramatics, I am not too keen on handing people over to the procrastinators for spilling oil or eating sugar on a Watchday

    23. He was keen on at least walking to the base of those glaciers this time, no matter how much pain he was in

    24. I’m not keen on the hookers

    25. so keen on pleasing man that we avoid correcting

    26. not too keen on her staying for so long without

    27. drugs, and was not too keen on giving that up

    28. We were not too keen on continuing with them, but could not really go back as we were already a number of miles on our way on the McCarthy Highway

    29. I hate to lose at chess, but I’m not that keen on winning either

    30. Yukio Hatoyama, (2009-2010) Prime Minister, Japan; was keen on finding solutions for all economic problems of Japan

    31. wasn’t keen on what Ra had said about the gods leaving the earth for a

    32. me, but I don't think she's too keen on that idea

    33. Satisfied I was indeed keen on the job, he explained that if Alwyn approved I'd be given most of the younger male roles, be responsible for getting them safely to their destination, and in charge of van maintenance

    34. The Scottish teachers were pleased to have a month out of the classroom, but not so keen on getting too physical with the kids

    35. “You’re not keen on men with beards and moustaches, are you?” she said

    36. They’re as keen on this as we are

    37. Neither of us was keen on soppy romantic pap so we ended up catching a movie

    38. I’m sure it won’t come as a surprise to you that if your partner is stressed that she won’t be quite as keen on sex as she is normally

    39. He had lost the services of Mandy, Janice wasn’t so keen on screwing any more, and recent rumblings of mutiny from Nigel and Ernest were beginning to irritate

    40. Very rarely, we’d have sleepovers but my dad wasn’t keen on that

    41. He wasn’t too keen on going into the

    42. I was keen on the idea and when we arrived at the library we were pleasantly relieved that no one was there and that the two cubicles with Internet access were free

    43. Yeah, she was keen on making money on the side

    44. �You are the keen one, anyway you like your job I hate mine

    45. Being keen on a good time we were taking them up on the offer that morning

    46. with only one mystery guest; but the Echo was still keen on the idea, and

    47. Homer before he left his room that he was not very keen on

    48. It was time to mention the topic that Badshah wasn’t keen on discussing but one that needed to be brought to attention, it was time for the girls to leave the camp

    49. I was always the dominant figure in our relationship and for a while, I thought this might have been the reason why he was never keen on making love

    50. “And that is how I hurt my forehead, hence the oversized plaster, it was this patch or the head band which I wasn‘t too keen on because it’s not the eighties you know,” added Gulab with laughter

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