Usa "kick around" in una frase
kick around frasi di esempio
kick around
1. "At the very worst it will be just one more theory to kick around
2. The world was not going to have the Starlet Waitress to kick around anymore
3. I can kick around in Amber and other places until years have passed here so that they won’t be looking for us
4. The perverted mind wants a kick around through power to climb over the minds of ordinary men to claim hell
5. Their friends Paul and Louise came to visit and Paul had grown a beard! Ryan had met Paul before and had enjoyed a kick around of his new football with him in the garden the last time he visited
6. “The article he wrote after the ’62 governor’s race?” Nixon had lost that race and had declared to the media, “You won’t have Nixon to kick around anymore because, gentlemen, this is my last press conference