Usa "kind-hearted" in una frase
kind-hearted frasi di esempio
1. revolutionary and a kind-hearted lad he was indeed the
2. with Marie, a beautiful and kind-hearted patient in
3. trade from a kind-hearted master, and that there could only be one
4. “Kulai’s a decent guy, he’s too kind-hearted
5. think he is kind-hearted the one who save so few souls
6. Which God? The kind-hearted one or the
7. weight lost on the voyage, thanks to constant extra helpings from Thea, the kind-hearted cook’s borrowed garment still was loose
8. kind-hearted city missionary, visiting one of the unfortunate families
9. are nice to others who are of equal status, but only genuinely kind-hearted souls--the ones
10. know, not to mention one of the nicest, most kind-hearted, most passionate, most
11. Becky was a kind-hearted child, always willing to help her mother
12. He is as honest as the day is long, kind-hearted to a fault, and loves everyone
13. I could sense that Angie was kind-hearted
14. When I saw his beautiful smile and his kind-hearted expression, it all clicked
15. addition, he was a kind-hearted man
16. unstable she’s really a kind-hearted woman
17. He was a kind-hearted person, indeed
18. a kind-hearted man, instantly got the message
19. lowly novice in training? No wonder he could be kind-hearted to my
20. He took on the role of the ’kind-hearted’ one,
21. ‘If a man of thirty were to remain that way, he must either be kind-hearted or dung-headed
22. always very kind-hearted to us kids
23. But what bowled me in the end are these from the Bhakti Yoga - Scores thought over mere rotting / Betters meditation awareness too / What helps man to find moorings / Are acts his with no axe to grind; Kind-hearted ’n considerate / Friendly natured, forgiving too / Lays no store on highs and lows / Suffers no pride ’n possessive not; Who's patient ’n cheerful / Self-willed as well persevering / Who's hearty ever at work / Makes he devout My beloved; Who’s simple, never in want / Covets he not in vantage post / Shakes him none, he keeps his nerve / It’s such who Me please the most; He’s My darling who craves not / Yet won’t shun the pleasures of life / Takes but things all as they come; Treats he equal friends ’n foes / Scorn or honour minds he not / Keeps he cool in grief and joy / Nurses for none soft centre, and above all, Pats ’n slights all in the score / Treats as equal score My man / Takes he lot of his in stride/ But won’t put the blame on Me
24. He knew for as kind-hearted as Luna could be her help in the war had corrupted her too
25. My mother, usually kind-hearted
26. you are a kind-hearted man, I know
27. The innkeeper had a wife whose disposition was not such as those of her calling commonly have, for she was by nature kind-hearted and felt for the sufferings of her neighbours, so she at once set about tending Don Quixote, and made her young daughter, a very comely girl, help her in taking care of her guest
28. He could be kind-hearted, as she expressed it, when he pleased
29. "You are a good fellow and a kind-hearted messmate," replied Edmond, "and heaven will
30. The kind-hearted capitalist consumed twice as much as any one of them and his pile of wealth continually increased
31. After a while the rest of the crowd began to laugh, and their merriment increased when the kind-hearted capitalist, just after having sold a pound's worth of necessaries to each of his workers, suddenly took their tools - the Machinery of Production - the knives away from them, and informed them that as owing to Over Production all his store-houses were glutted with the necessaries of life, he had decided to close down the works
32. As Philpot held out his cap for subscriptions, some of them attempted to expectorate into it, but the more charitable put in pieces of cinder or dirt from the floor, and the kind-hearted capitalist was so affected by the sight of their misery that he gave them one of the sovereigns he had in us pocket: but as this was of no use to them they immediately returned it to him in exchange for one of the small squares of the necessaries of life, which they divided and greedily devoured
33. One morning that he had demanded money, threatening her with the severest consequences if she did not supply him with what he desired, he disappeared and remained away all day, leaving the kind-hearted Assunta, who loved him as if he were her own child, to weep over his conduct and bewail his absence
34. `Meanwhile, as a result of all this, the kind-hearted private employers and capitalists would find that no one would come and work for them to be driven and bullied and sweated for a
35. `These kind-hearted capitalists will protest against what they will call the unfair competition of State industry, and some of them may threaten to leave the country and take their capital with them
36. As to his character, he was reliable on duty, but a wild, desperate fellow off the deck of his ship, hot-headed, excitable, but loyal, honest, and kind-hearted
37. She was a woman of most distinguished family, proud, rich, and kind-hearted
38. Levin heard the secretary hesitatingly read the minutes which he obviously did not himself understand; but Levin saw from this secretary’s face what a good, nice, kind-hearted person he was
39. This expression in the marshal’s face was particularly touching to Levin, because, only the day before, he had been at his house about his trustee business and had seen him in all his grandeur, a kind-hearted, fatherly man
40. There was no servant so stupid that she did not find some redeeming trait of loyalty and kind-heartedness, no girl so ugly and disagreeable that worthless or so boring that she did not view him in the light of his possibilities rather than she could not discover grace of form or nobility of character in her, and no man so his actualities
41. "Don't fear for me, father," said Mary, gravely meeting her father's eyes; "Fred has always been very good to me; he is kind-hearted and affectionate, and not false, I think, with all his self-indulgence
42. Such magnanimity and sensibility are like the magnanimity and sensibility of a lady who faints when she sees a calf being killed: she is so kind-hearted that she can’t look at blood, but enjoys eating the calf served up with sauce
43. As to his character, he was reliable on duty, but a wild, desperate fellow off the deck of his ship—hot-headed, excitable, but loyal, honest, and kind-hearted
44. She was so cold and hungry and tired that her face began to have a pinched look, and now and then some kind-hearted person passing her in the street glanced at her with sudden sympathy
45. And the kind-hearted servitors:
46. The people surrounded the transport train containing the wounded, and kind-hearted women threw money into the carts, forgetful that the copper coins might seriously hurt the sufferers
47. Try and cheer her up, if possible … you are a kind-hearted man, I know …’ he added with a smile, looking straight in his face
48. This obstinate old fellow, who was really a very good sort, kind-hearted and hospitable, had had two wives, both dead
49. He was eight years older than I was, of hasty irritable temperament, but kind-hearted and never ironical
50. He gave lessons in the house of the prison superintendent, too, who, though scrupulous in the performance of his duties, was a kind-hearted old man