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    Usa "landowner" in una frase

    landowner frasi di esempio


    1. He was listed as a landowner of a two thousand acre husbandry preserve just north of the main enclave of Brazilians

    2. The Parable of The Great landowner and His beloved sheep

    3. Without the permission of the landowner, you had to camp somewhere off the beaten path

    4. Many people believed that it was intolerable that the final choice of a minister rested with a patron, often a local landowner who was frequently an absentee and with little interest in the Kirk

    5. The system used was that of tax farming, in which the landowner would sell to the Jew the right to collect taxes

    6. The hole in the floor will be made good to the satisfaction of the landowner once this case has been resolved

    7. City, the largest landowner in the area, and owner of several prominent

    8. He was dressed like a southern landowner, his crushed top hat in one hand and monocle hanging from his waistcoat

    9. "The slaves of the landowner came and said to him, 'Sir, did

    10. On the Old Roman Road, on the A5, at Atcham they stopped at a coaching inn, The Talbot, named after a the family of a local prominent landowner, that John Mytton had often frequented

    11. The next day, Kris met the landowner at the site of the property to discuss the terms of the sale

    12. After five minutes of routine conversation, Kris had an intuitive realization that something was amiss with the behavior of the landowner

    13. This then meant that if he had to rely on his intuition, the landowner was desperate to sell the land

    14. Instead, the landowner gulped and almost begged Kris to increase the offer considering the market rate of the land

    15. Grandsires with venerable hair are rather at a discount; the young men's way of trudging cannot be described as elastic; and their talk, when there is any, does not consist of praise of the local landowner

    16. One day she will marry a landowner and be of enormous assistance to him

    17. small village doctor, and she was the child of a wealthy landowner

    18. became a great landowner after her father’s will was settled

    19. "It was Svidrigailov, that landowner in whose house my sister was insulted when she was their governess

    20. How funny it was! I present myself--a landowner, a widower, of a well-known name, with connections, with a fortune

    21.  Rancho del Cielo (“Ranch in the Sky”) was originally developed in 1841 by Mexican landowner José Jésus Pico

    22. This makes our government by far the largest landowner in the country

    23. Ten years before, the old man had rented three hundred acres from the lady who owned them, and a year ago he had bought them and rented another three hundred from a neighboring landowner

    24. He earthed up his potatoes with a modern plough borrowed from a neighboring landowner

    25. He indicated the other landowner

    26. Do you call that a rational system?’ said the landowner, obviously rather proud of the word ‘rational

    27. The landowner unmistakably spoke his own individual

    28. ‘That never could be so with the Russian peasantry; we’ve no power over them,’ answered the landowner

    29. Not one conversation with Sviazhsky, though he had said a great deal that was clever, had interested Levin; but the conclusions of the irascible landowner required consideration

    30. Moreover (Levin felt that the irascible landowner had been right) the peasants made their first and unalterable condition of any agreement whatever that they should not be forced to any new methods of tillage of any kind, nor to use new implements

    31. It’s only in that way I can pay for the advantages I enjoy as a landowner

    32. Sergey Ivanovitch read the act and began to explain its meaning, but at that point a tall, stout, round-shouldered landowner, with dyed whiskers, in a tight uniform that cut the back of his neck, interrupted him

    33. ‘Oh, still just the same, always at a loss,’ the landowner answered with a resigned smile, but with an expression of serenity and conviction that so it must be

    34. ‘You’re married, I’ve heard?’ said the landowner

    35. Vronsky had come to the elections partly because he was bored in the country and wanted to show Anna his right to independence, and also to repay Sviazhsky by his support at the election for all the trouble he had taken for Vronsky at the district council election, but chiefly in order strictly to perform all those duties of a nobleman and landowner which he had taken upon himself

    36. He might with equal probability have been an eccentric landowner or a gentlemanly ploughman

    37. He did not milk cows because he was obliged to milk cows, but because he was learning to be a rich and prosperous dairyman, landowner, agriculturist, and breeder of cattle

    38. "Of course he won't marry any one of us, or Tess either—a gentleman's son, who's going to be a great landowner and farmer abroad! More likely to ask us to come wi'en as farm-hands at so much a year!"

    39. He went as the deputy of some missionary society to preach in the neighbourhood of Trantridge, a place forty miles from here, and made it his business to expostulate with a lax young cynic he met with somewhere about there—son of some landowner up that way—and who has a mother afflicted with blindness

    40. "It was Svidrigaïlov, that landowner in whose house my sister was insulted when she was their governess

    41. If only I'd been something, a landowner, a father, a cavalry officer, a photographer, a journalist

    42. How funny it was! I present myself—a landowner, a widower, of a well‐known name, with connections, with a fortune

    43. In Kiev Pierre found some people he knew, and strangers hastened to make his acquaintance and joyfully welcomed the rich newcomer, the largest landowner of the province

    44. At that time while with his regiment in Poland, a Polish landowner of small means had forced him to marry his daughter

    45. The landowner to whom Nicholas went was a bachelor, an old cavalryman, a horse fancier, a sportsman, the possessor of some century-old brandy and some old Hungarian wine, who had a snuggery where he smoked, and who owned some splendid horses

    46. Here is Emil, beside me—lover, swordsman, artist, landowner

    47. There are several people in the neighbourhood, however, and among them Miss Turner, the daughter of the neighbouring landowner, who believe in his innocence, and who have retained Lestrade, whom you may recollect in connection with the Study in Scarlet, to work out the case in his interest

    48. ‘It was Svidrigaïlov, that landowner in whose house my sister was insulted when she was their governess

    49. landowner, a widower, of a well- known name, with connections, with a fortune

    50. Do you call that a rational system?" said the landowner, obviously rather proud of the word "rational

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    Sinonimi per "landowner"

    landholder landowner property owner investor financier banker capitalist businessperson