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    Usa "lash out at" in una frase

    lash out at frasi di esempio

    lash out at

    1. A part of me, the lingering essence of the creature in the box, wanted to lash out at him, but I kept my calm, breathing slowly, not wanting to antagonise the beast

    2. " He wants to lash out at her but then he notices her voice

    3. He expected Nicola the lash out at him, but instead she merely nodded her scarred head

    4. Edward wanted to lash out at the man, yet he knew that for the moment he had to keep his senses and remain calm

    5. And she had to lash out at something

    6. However, before I could lash out at him, Ozzie scampered across the room to where my son’s toy box was stashed inside the closet

    7. He jumped to his feet in the pitch black, and with a scream of rage, began to lash out at the walls around him

    8. This was ridiculous, wanting to lash out at an underling, a secretary for crimes her boss and his whore had committed

    9. This festering feeling of anger makes us to lash out at our opponent and lose an argument or destroy a relationship

    10. Before Amanda could lash out at Jarek he had his right arm round her neck and was pressing the point of his dagger up under her rib cage

    11. He awakes with a jump and grabs for his sword, ready to lash out at the slightest noise, yet he hears nothing in the cave with him

    12. reject all he was being told, and to lash out at the messenger

    13. The fact that her character is a prostitute has no bearing on the real Maggie, but I must admit to a certain usage of a variation of that term when I’m in the mood to tease or lash out at Maggie during one of our marathon editing sessions

    14. Now they lash out at a helpless world, for no reason that our spies can surmise

    15. couldn't even lash out at anything

    16. Joey had the notion that if he pushed Lezura she would lash out at him, but he just had to know

    17. They can lash out at you, in an

    18. The latter category of people, lash out at me

    19. Mary Catherine clenched her teeth and resisted the urge to lash out at

    20. would lash out at him just to reinforce that he should never try to wake Shoop in a

    21. She didn’t say anything that might negate McCoy’s feelings of failure, nor did she lash out at him for the pain she was feeling

    22. She offered me Limca and a plate of cashews, and then proceeded to lash out at the media

    23. Please forgive me for my past errors and try not to misconstrue my stupidity when I lash out at you

    24. would hit or lash out at me in some way; I constantly

    25. And what has happened since we came back? My mother treats her badly, she gives in to her hunger, and I lash out at her because I was frustrated

    26. She expected him to lash out at her

    27. He wanted to lash out at Claire—Annie wouldn’t be in danger if she wasn’t friends with this witch—

    28. When we are stressed we lash out at those closest to us mainly because we are

    29. He could sense the panic in Detroit; his thoughts were wandering to how irate this would make Rancor after he told him and how he would lash out at him in his anger

    30. I lash out at him with a speed that I would have never been capable of without Gregory's recent training

    31. He will lash out at the Christians left, those who

    32. My foolish decision to go on was going to get her killed! I gripped the wheel hard wanting to strangle it to death in my anger and the need to lash out at something

    33. She wanted to lash out at those around her, but couldn't summon the

    34. Getting close, he feinted, making the cat lash out at thin air; then he delivered a carefully aimed strike right at the beast’ s head

    35. So, yes, no doubt he did want to lash out at whatever enemies he could find

    36. I was afraid that if I opened my mouth, I’d lash out at her

    37. The smell of hot metal remained to assure us that the light was still there, ready to flash out at a moment’s notice

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