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    Usa "left-handed" in una frase

    left-handed frasi di esempio


    1. cemetery as he could left-handed

    2. His broken left arm was bandaged up as well as they could manage, but as he was left-handed he still felt annoyingly disabled

    3. He signed our contract left-handed,� one of the men stated

    4. “What if I were left-handed?” He had to raise his voice a little over the noise

    5. Colling shook in the aftermath of an adrenaline rush, then shivered again when realized in an instant that the Pole was left-handed, and during his swing, Colling’s left arm had shoved the gun to one side, resulting in the bullet passing harmlessly an inch or two from Colling’s left side

    6. I hate it because I’m left-handed

    7. But when the children of Israel cried unto the LORD, the LORD raised them up a deliverer, Ehud the son of Gera, a Benjamite, a man left-handed: and by him the children of Israel sent a present unto Eglon the king of Moab

    8. Connor began, while giving me a left-handed hand shake

    9. Chirality is the ‘right-handedness’ or ‘left-handedness’ of the universe, that is, it is the asymmetry associated with parity

    10. When the perfect symmetry of the superposed-void is ‘disturbed,’ it collapses and manifests as this or that, left-handed or right-handed universe — which counter-balance each other

    11. have left-handed interactions Physicists called this a violation of ‘parity ’ If we

    12. except that they are ‘right-handed’ rather than ‘left-handed ’ The universe

    13. metry This means that the partners of left-handed particles in our universe

    14. Players will have to flip their DS sideways (with options for left-handed users) and play with the screens in a vertical orientation

    15. He also practices left-handed throws at the nets on a regular basis

    16. Avi and Wendy were left-handed

    17. unless your first name happens to be Elvis, in which case you should eat nothing but cheese for eight days straight, and then eat nothing but peas for the rest of your life (left-handed Scandinavian fisherman should add hot sauce to their peas)

    18. “Desford Crawley was left-handed, Sheriff! Why would he decide to

    19. left-handed? Maybe the stuff on the desk is just out of place

    20. corroborate that he was left-handed, an enemies list of possible suspects,

    21. He said that left-handed people were smarter

    22. I quickly cut out a series of holes for the high powered speakers using a pair of left-handed scissors and returned to the porch where I handed it over to the entrepreneurial hooker

    23. As the medical qigong treatment continued, the abbot pointed the first two fingers of his left hand, since he was left-handed and this was the most natural for him, toward the area of the lungs, while circling the bottom two fingers back toward his thumb so that the fourth finger and thumb created a circle

    24. world came from the left-handed twenty year old R

    25. ‘That’s Tara for you,’ he said turning to Roopa, ‘an expert at handing out left-handed compliments

    26. ‘Tell Roopa,’ he said, mocking exasperation, ‘is it not another left-handed give

    27. Sensei thought a bit and said half in jest, half seriously, “Why exactly the left hand? Is the Devil really left-handed? I didn’t notice that

    28. They could probably tell you how many people in your organization are left-handed Taurus’ with a strong affinity for seafood

    29. zel, because it is the only left-handed Northern-Hemispheric

    30. The Benelli is a left-handed gun, which means that the cartridge case is ejected on the left side

    31. I threw left-handed and still thrashed him

    32. All of them drawn to me and asking me questions, whether I had been blessed by some god or goddess of the heavens, or was it because I was left-handed and this gave me secret powers?

    33. I lifted my fists as he came at me like a madman, and when he came close, I moved right and punched him once hard to the centre of his face and he staggered back, not expecting maybe to be struck left-handed

    34. Enemies of mine never expect to be hit left-handed and it was always my first advantage and the crowd roared! Sending me high with a hit of power rushing through me

    35. Whether you are advertising acne treatment, dog training, how to be a better left-handed golfer, home business opportunities, etc

    36. Take lots of practice swings, and avoid your ankle! Trust me, this is much easier than trying to hit it left-handed

    37. "I would have avenged myself too if I could," said Sancho, "whether I had been dubbed knight or not, but I could not; though for my part I am persuaded those who amused themselves with me were not phantoms or enchanted men, as your worship says, but men of flesh and bone like ourselves; and they all had their names, for I heard them name them when they were tossing me, and one was called Pedro Martinez, and another Tenorio Hernandez, and the innkeeper, I heard, was called Juan Palomeque the Left-handed; so that, senor, your not being able to leap over the wall of the yard or dismount from your horse came of something else besides enchantments; and what I make out clearly from all this is, that these adventures we go seeking will in the end lead us into such

    38. "Ah, sinner that I am!" said Don Quixote, "how bad it looks in governors not to know how to read or write; for let me tell thee, Sancho, when a man knows not how to read, or is left-handed, it argues one of two things; either that he was the son of exceedingly mean and lowly parents, or that he himself was so incorrigible and ill-conditioned that neither good company nor good teaching could make any impression on him

    39. He is right-handed, and while the bullet destroyed those portions of the brain that govern left-handed function, it spared those areas specific to right-handed behavior

    40. He was bewildered, but he managed, left-handed, to draw his sword

    41. He attacked his opponent with the energy of outrage, despite being forced to fight left-handed

    42. There’s one on the right arm (or the left if the astronaut is left-handed) and another above the faceplate

    43. I told myself that if I could find a left-handed piano, I might be able to play it properly

    44. The greatest number of home runs in an MLB career – and the most career home runs by a left-handed batter – is 762, by Barry Bonds (USA, b

    45. Phil Mickelson (USA) is right-handed in everything except golf, and won 41 tournaments playing left-handed between 1998 and 2013

    46. One of the things that the gamin is fondest of saying is: "I am fine and strong, come now!" To be left-handed renders you very enviable

    47. Left-handed men are precious; they take the places that are inconvenient to the rest

    48. “Is a tall man, left-handed, limps with the right leg, wears thick-soled shooting-boots and a grey cloak, smokes Indian cigars, uses a cigar-holder, and carries a blunt pen-knife in his pocket

    49. “I am a practical man,” he said, “and I really cannot undertake to go about the country looking for a left-handed gentleman with a game leg

    50. Now, how can that be unless it were by a left-handed man? He had stood behind that tree during the interview between the father and son

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