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    Usa "legitimacy" in una frase

    legitimacy frasi di esempio


    1. She told them about the political situation, how the Warlord of Pennsylvania had moved his forces all the way to the Potomac as soon as the Nigerians went home, using the judges and their constables and a tenuous membership in the Commonwealth of Laurentia as a facade of legitimacy

    2. If one is of the impression that he is alone in his universe and that all other creations are only accessories to allow him to carry on his life, why would he care about honesty, legitimacy, faithfulness and other such noble sentiments?

    3. We have reached a stage in our ―evolution‖ where, as a society, we are no longer willing or able to (either) appreciate or acknowledge the legitimacy of anything or any idea extending beyond our own immediate interests thereby engendering a Ptolemaic mindset where Man has become the center of his own universe

    4. The litany of abuses predicated in the name of free expression, or proxy ―decisions‖ made on behalf of others who are unable to make informed decisions, are understood by the hordes of mentally ill people roaming the streets, who should be otherwise institutionalized for their own safety, if not for the safety of our society, for that matter, who remain on the streets, unable to properly care for themselves, mandated by civil rights organizations fearful that their rights may be jeopardized, people otherwise incapable of making a rational assessment of their own condition; not to mention conferring legitimacy to sexual deviancy in all its varieties that many of us have casually resigned ourselves to as ―simply‖ alternative lifestyles or championing (equal) protection under the law, that, in some instances, should call for censorship, or implausible assumptions regarding the ―unborn,‖ (Abortion) remanding millions of innocents to an early grave, a convenience for women fretting over their figures or professional careers, abetted by spineless politicians, who for expediency sake, continue advancing legislation denying them (―unborn‖) their own inalienable right to choose, had they the means, or encouraging a culture of death (Euthanasia) for the convenience of (the) would-be custodians of the terminally ill or perhaps to (simply) reduce the increasing costs of Healthcare, or the legalization of drugs because that too is a convenient alternative for a number of individuals who have seemingly lost the will to rid our society of rampant drug abuse and therefore justify such (hare-brained) schemes from the vantage point of opportunity savings or reduced social costs, or movements to eliminate God from the public consciousness lest society be reminded of its sins or perhaps because many of us have (conveniently) chosen to become our own gods

    5. Timid and/or expedient politicians pandering to off the wall, lunatic fringe groups, whose members should have their collective heads examined, have lent legitimacy to peevish, ill-tempered designs in exchange for political party loyalty

    6. When the Rule of Law is uneven; that is to say, arbitrarily applied, its inconsistencies or lack of uniformity must necessarily call its legitimacy into question

    7. and the legitimacy of rendered opinions (morally) non-binding to the sensibilities of affected establishments

    8. Christ‘s principled teachings are oftentimes questioned by Secularists, Atheists and (nominal) ―Christians‖ alike who routinely disclaim their authenticity by either challenging scriptural interpretations or biblical precedence(s) mentioned in His teachings; that is to say, questioning whether or not Christ specifically said this or said that or whether His (contemporary) followers/biographers simply put words in His mouth in order to lend legitimacy to an incipient religious movement inasmuch as Christ, Himself, never 122

    9. ‖ It provides the framework that governs our motives, informs our decisions and provides legitimacy to our beliefs

    10. The evolution of uniform military standards, however, subsequently rendered militias, in the traditional sense, obsolete until the events of 9/11 raised important questions about our nation‘s seemingly impregnable borders that have subsequently lent legitimacy to the efforts of ―Minutemen‖ who routinely patrol our porous Southwestern borders with this one notable exception: most are likely to employ binoculars rather than muskets

    11. On a more radical plane, however, members of the Nation of Islam seem united in large measure by a common hatred of American (―White‖) Institutions with ―religion‖ merely serving as a convenient prop that seeks to lend legitimacy to a separatist/nationalist agenda

    12. Jury Nullification, precipitated by perceived historical injustices, rejects or makes void rules or articles of evidence and their proper application as instructed by law because of pre-conceived biases unwilling to concede the legitimacy of such statutes or official practices of the court

    13. The political opponents of the present administration might choose to carefully weigh the (uncertain) consequences that are (certain) to arise by lending legitimacy to world leaders whose questionable character and destabilizing military designs should provide thoughtful pause

    14. Of course, I do not refer here to the editorials, which in any democracy enjoy a degree of legitimacy and demand respect

    15. The South Vietnamese government had little support or legitimacy with its population

    16. That was hidden behind a screen of legitimacy to the highest levels in the governments of Costa Rica, Panama and Columbia

    17. Was the “new name” that of the highest Christian leader, the bishop of Rome, which seemed to mysteriously morph into the title of “pope”? And might the “white stone” be metaphorically the headpiece and vestments put upon the newly anointed as he ascended to the highest office in the Catholic (universal) hierarchy, in the name of Jesus? And regarding the “new name that no one knows,” does this explain the many challenges to the later addition of and legitimacy of the “Office of the Papacy

    18. And with those originals would have Muawiyah’s usurpation have been revealed as without legitimacy? Then, following the suspicious death of Ali, he took the caliphate for himself in AD 661, just five years short of the date that I seek

    19. His and his new partner’s first act in AD 313 was to grant the mightily struggling Christian sect legitimacy in all of the Roman territories and to return previously confiscated property to them

    20. Simply isolated attacks, individually, would have been tragic, but several incidents only add to the chaos and the legitimacy of the story of terror and terrorists, and fundamentalist ideals as the core reason for the attacks taking place

    21. “The continuity of the regime is more important to you than its, shall we say, legitimacy?”

    22. Liberal whites earn their badge of moral legitimacy by accepting this hidden guilt and acceding to demands for amelioration, however false or mendacious the guilt or the demands

    23. The legitimacy of the American Constitution is based squarely on the consent of the people whom it is to govern

    24. Amazingly, to coat this screw job with a very thin patina of legitimacy despite his having already having his mind made up for him by Assistant SecNav MacDonald, Macmillan—out of the blue—called both me and Pressly at the shipyard and demanded that we meet him, separately, the following day at the Mobile airport to interview for the SupShip Counsel’s job which I presently, but not for long, held

    25. gained some legitimacy as a would-be successor to Hyrcanus II

    26. and at some point during all of that began to question the legitimacy

    27. The animal protection associations legally constituted have legitimacy to require

    28. I'm not a banker myself, of course, but I have always assumed you fellows had mysterious and occult ways of determining the legitimacy of financial instruments

    29. But must we give this deprivation a total legitimacy? By

    30. Details of the father were added to the records for registration, and the new parents were encouraged to spend some time in the clinic both before and after the 'birth' so as to give the scheme the veneer of legitimacy

    31. Whatever veneer of respectable legitimacy there was on the main street in Gulagh was lost the further one got from it

    32. The legitimacy of the Raj was never re-established for the majority of Indians and an ever increasing number of British subjects

    33. determination as to the legitimacy of the answer

    34. Moreover, in order to accord legitimacy to the receivables and the dispatches, he obtained, again from Palit’s office, a marine cover for those fictitious transactions

    35. depth in theory, along with professional legitimacy

    36. legitimacy of the activity, not an end in themselves

    37. The way Betty‘s car was parked was blocking one of the main dirt roads the ambulance could use to get to the injured guest, so my indignation at her refusal to move it suddenly gained legitimacy

    38. The expression actually questions the legitimacy of those who were born after the encounters in these hammocks

    39. this staff would prove beyond the shadow of a doubt the legitimacy there

    40. authoritarian and brutal, have no legitimacy because for the

    41. Under-neath it all, Aureliano Segundo did not believe in the legitimacy of the proof

    42. Nancy was careful to film that part, along with anything else that would support the legitimacy and authenticity of her future report about this visit

    43. “If the current situation persists, we will continue fighting one form of Iraqi insurgency after another – with too little legitimacy, too little will and too few resources

    44. Relying on a genealogy that someone else began can have legitimacy concerns, but laying the groundwork without it is more of a challenge

    45. ����������� ��Secretary Hull, I believe that this only reinforces the legitimacy of our present policies towards Japan

    46. any fears they may have concerning your legitimacy

    47. stands to give reinforcement of that illuminating legitimacy

    48. In return you will get income beyond your wildest dreams and complete legitimacy

    49. discount model to evaluate stocks because the models do indeed have legitimacy when the

    50. exotic derivatives have gained legitimacy because their proper use offers risk reduction and

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