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    Usa "life work" in una frase

    life work frasi di esempio

    life work

    1. ‘Well, we looked round the slate mine – it’s a terrible place, no green at all, just the grey exposed slate … I hated the atmosphere of the place – it would have been a hard life working the slate

    2. Both of us watch the purification happen, and I wonder if he is thinking what I am: that it would be nice if life worked this way, stripping the dirt from our lives and sending us out into the world clean

    3. He feared that he would spend his life working to provide

    4. However great or terrible your life works out to be, you are responsible for yourself

    5. know what I need to take to make my life work? I don't have any certifications in the

    6. who spent more than half of his life working as a spy; he said that ‘espionage is a special form of

    7. When Siri had first decided to abandon his secure life working on the EADUN project and return to the Maasai Mara, he thought his chances of succeeding were pretty slim, but he now considered it to have been well worth the gamble, if only to be rid of the claustrophobic environment inside the hermetically sealed cities

    8. fifty years old, and he’d spent much of his life working in the house of

    9. That’s how life works; organic matter must be recycled or the circle of life is broken

    10. that the sun symbolizes honor, reputation in the world, career, life work, life purpose; the father, the husband, boss or authorities

    11. So many things you find in life, people are struggling trying to make life work, but God says listen, tune in

    12. The Principal of Maturation explains how the obstacles of life work together to make your PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY more refined, resilient and focused

    13. These examples proved how human females once made life work here on earth

    14. You have often called yourself a seaman! You spent all of your life working on the sea and building your empire on the water

    15. What’s interesting is that Foxwood appears as number nine in the body of Anderson’s life work

    16. ‘It’s strange how life works,’ said Anandmayi, without turning towards Parvateshwar

    17. He was never concerned about how the world operated and trying to fit in or make his life work in the world, therefore he was never burdened for more than a few seconds at a time

    18. He hated it and with each passing day he became convinced that he was wasting his life working for the Communist system, as it was a dismal failure

    19. How organic cells split, how Life works is nothing new

    20. That it is perfectly okay to spend your entire life working on, building, and creating dead things

    21. What has this obsession with spending one’s life working done to humans? It has created dysfunctional families; where the parents spend more of their time working, rather than looking after and loving their children and helping them to grow up properly

    22. The entire idea of being forced to spend most of your life working, and slaving… just so you can have a few hours, or days with no work: is insane

    23. � He discovered his mind worked well and held values and ideas that would make his life work for him after years of wandering around rather aimlessly

    24. After five thousand attempts a newspaper reporter who asked why he pursued this folly questioned him? After all, everyone knew that you had to light your way in the world with a paraffin lantern, so why did he waste his time and money on this fool’s errand? Edison relied stating that the reporter didn’t know how life worked

    25. Remember nothing is easy in this life work hard for it is the best solution but a even better one dont get yourself in trouble in the first place, and if trouble is there for you, even better still TRUST TRUE GOD

    26. In any case, such was life working in Beverly Hills, and it added an entertaining aspect to my early days as a stockbroker

    27. I swore to myself, to my dead parents, and to my dear sister that if I had to, I would spend the rest of my life working to clear the Angel name

    28. He said: “It is like a firstborn son: you spend your life working for him, sacrificing everything for him, and at the moment of truth he does just as he pleases

    29. “When his wife died he lost interest in everything but his life work,” they were accustomed to say

    30. “You have both, always, little girl; but is it worth it, this ‘life work’? Is it enough to repay you for sacrificing all that other women find good in life? I wish that you would tell me about your troubles in it; your struggles and disappointments and what you hope for

    31. “Is this the way you attend to your ‘life work,’ young woman?” he asked, with mock severity, and she seemed a little shamefaced; but when the waiter brought the luncheon, he found all three of them on the floor, and Elizabeth not at all pleased with the fickle Carlotta’s preference for the house which Tom had built with the blocks

    32. Ruskin and all his life work to the contrary, notwithstanding, the business of building is not to tell tales about the world and its contents, not to set forth the truths of botany or of zoology, or of humanity, or of theology

    33. He was capable of high degrees of indignation, and his life work, championing the rights of wronged and depressed classes and races, furnished him with but too many occasions for holy anger

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