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    Usa "lifelong" in una frase

    lifelong frasi di esempio


    1. There is nothing wrong with retiring from a lifelong career, but to cease working in

    2. “I cannot thank you enough Healer Murdock, you have ended a lifelong search with news that puts peace in my heart

    3. That was the beginning of his lifelong attachment to 'his little green-eyed cats

    4. They had a church where you could attend mass and then downs stairs they had like a recreation area for the students and again that's where I met most of my best friends many of whom were lifelong friends that I still stay in touch with today about almost 50 years later

    5. Over time, children learn to monitor and control their feelings of frustration, anger and fear – it’s a lifelong process that begins with an intimate, caring connection to our parents

    6. To him, however, it had been a lifelong and very serious pursuit

    7. Doreen Virtue is a lifelong clairvoyant who holds degrees in counseling psychology and an author of many books concerning angels)

    8. I thought I was mature when I entered the fellowship program! But this process made me know that growth is a lifelong process and I got a double dose of growth producing agents

    9. Nonsense! Education is a lifelong process

    10. I did feel a pang of regret, but it was far overshadowed by relief at being able to continue with my lifelong affinity for breathing

    11. Surely becoming a powerful wizard was a full-time, lifelong pursuit, not something one did between pruning, harvesting, and selling apples

    12. That gave me a lifelong respect for the rugged reliability of the Liberation Movements weapons

    13. That was the day he earned his lifelong nickname, ‘The Mutant

    14. They were true heroes, and earned our lifelong gratitude

    15. This was a lifelong pattern

    16. And if there’s no conflict, there are no stories worth telling—or reading! It would be all “Jenny thought she might not be able to attain her lifelong dream of marshmallow taste tester for a little while … but she did!” and “John’s dad said he couldn’t go to the movies, so John asked really nicely and his dad changed his mind

    17. In addition to this guy giving you one or more lifelong S

    18. For them these rooms were a lifelong dream, and for me it almost seemed like a step back to my previous life

    19. If her visions were fact and not madness, then the things she saw proved the validity of Lord Robert’s lifelong belief in another world alongside his own

    20. Becky saw him approach and smiled as best she could and he gave a huge smile in return as if the two were lifelong friends

    21. Little was said, even by his stumbling Republican opponent, of Obama’s lifelong radical left associations, of his refusal to reveal his Harvard Law School records, or the effect of his twenty years absorbing the hate America ranting of Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s “God DAMN America” Trinity United Church

    22. This had been a lifelong aspiration of mine and I wanted to absorb the

    23. break some of the lifelong habits that have been formed

    24. Lifelong changes will not happen if every time you have to eat it is a chore

    25. Ramasamy’s daughter must have seen him like Meenu’s mother—a person mouthing cacophony of useless knowledge that was far away from reality; a person who dreamt and expressed imaginative concepts; a person who experimented and researched all his life; a person who somehow was lucky to land a working wife and run away to foreign lands leaving behind marriage responsibilities; and a lifelong jerk

    26. his lifelong friend had accomplished something good – no, more than

    27. Not the lifelong

    28. We shared a deep love of our native state, and a lifelong devotion to our alma mater, North Carolina State University

    29. you can’t support the illusion that a dog can be your lifelong companion: There’s such beauty in the hard honesty of that, in accepting and giving love while always aware it comes with an unbearable price

    30. Although my son would never see me again and would have to deal with the pain of loss, they would never have to deal with the lifelong disgrace my condition would bring if found out

    31. I think that their vow of lifelong service to me is far more atonement than they deserve, especially considering what lifelong service can be with an elven lifespan

    32. fact that one of our lifelong companions had died, and it wasn’t

    33. of a lifelong journey, and that everyone was sure to have more

    34. Manley was his only lifelong friend

    35. For such impertinence, Tell was arrested and sentenced to lifelong imprisonment in the dungeons of Gessler’s castle at Küssnacht, northeast of Luzern

    36. dedicated lifelong Student of Ashland Theological Seminary

    37. become my lifelong friend

    38. getting information in ways other than from the lifelong

    39. If a consultant accomplishes these objectives, then they will leave but may become lifelong friends

    40. Rob founded Zero to Hero Fitness and created the Fat Burning Furnace fitness principles so he could spread the word to others interested in seeking out lifelong fitness and health

    41. Within one year, Marvin saved enough money to obtain his lifelong dream, his very own auto repair shop

    42. Gardens are seasonal and one may think of the current relationship as either a lifelong growing season or as one of possibly many seasons of relationships

    43. An occasional runner and a lifelong drummer, he has continued to write and is now the author of Reunion, an Amazon Bestseller, Twisted Vengeance and Creepy: A collection of scary stories

    44. He accepted that if you put your finger in the fire you’ll get burnt, but where was the justice in punishing a simple mistake with a lifelong curse?

    45. By the time Ceder acclimated herself to the acrid netherworld that had been Jai’s lifelong prison, the tunnel and the river came alive with light as bright as smelted gold and they were at last able to see where the underground current came to an end

    46. He made it clear that his first and paramount duty was the rearing of his father's family, that he could not consider marriage until that was accomplished; and then he added: "If I am a son of destiny, I must not assume obligations of lifelong duration until such a time as my destiny shall be made manifest

    47. The elder of these two women died a short time thereafter, with bright hopes of eternal survival, and the younger woman worked at Justus' place of business and later became a lifelong member of the first Christian church in Corinth

    48. The Jews regarded a Nazarite with almost the respect and veneration accorded the high priest, and this was not strange since Nazarites of lifelong consecration were the only persons, except high priests, who were ever permitted to enter the holy of holies in the temple

    49. The Engedi colony included not only Nazarites of lifelong and time-period consecration but numerous other ascetic herdsmen who congregated in this region with their herds and fraternized with the Nazarite brotherhood

    50. The two old scientists and now lifelong brothers just smiled at each other, they knew this was a friendship that would last forever

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