Usa "logical thinking" in una frase
logical thinking frasi di esempio
logical thinking
1. It is having confidence in one’s ability to resolve difficulties; and includes the executive functions of analysis, planning, logical thinking and problem-solving
2. To which I say: Try building a bridge without engaging in linear, logical thinking
3. “Neither Augustine nor Aquinas was a proto-Darwinist…What is striking about both of them, however, is their insistence on understanding and incorporating the best available non-theological thinking into our religious views
4. We have no evidence either way, but the earliest theological thinking stressed that the principle of serving others was somehow superior to selfish individual acquisition
5. The Apostolic church fought to maintain the purity of its message against its slightly older twin whose wildly imaginative nature made it the “hunter-gatherer” of the theological thinking of their day
6. Even serial logical argument, like this, becomes an approximation of meta-logical thinking
7. Sometimes, it's hard to comprehend the illogical thinking
8. knowing that comes from physical sensation and logical thinking to the
9. The other two nodded and both secretly admired his logical thinking around
10. controls your logical thinking
11. Much of the content in this book focuses on the author's understanding and interpretation of Goldratt's logical Thinking Process
12. A mind sworn to the preservation and protection—and propagation, if possible—of logical thinking, has to take serious issue with the issue of our own issuance
13. Slow realisation of inconceivable coincidences threw bricks at his minimal logical thinking processes, and he questioned the likelihood of a man accidentally tripping into a puddle of scorpions, and where would you get a puddle of scorpions? Unless… The man very much alive standing behind the deceased glared at him in an inhospitable manner, he had not moved until now, his anger was spurred by an itching fear as to where the oddly dressed stranger had appeared from
14. value of logical thinking for dealing with emotion-driven notions
15. So, this scheme may be seriously considered only as a hint at definite directions of analytical and logical thinking processes
16. are your enemy but the brainwashing you are victim of that holds your logical thinking captured behind
17. It shies away from logical thinking
18. The fucking POINT is… when you put the words together: Princep’s statement seems to express the muddled illogical thinking of an ignorant young boy who had swallowed a certain political dogma, and was merely repeating what he had been taught… and was belatedly professing his naïve innocence of the realization of the consequences of his own actions
19. Yet several times that summer, when driven by lack of amusement to try and engage Lubotshka and Katenka in conversation, I always encountered in them such an absence of any capacity for logical thinking, and such an ignorance of the simplest, most ordinary matters (as, for instance, the nature of money, the subjects studied at universities, the effect of war, and so forth), as well as such indifference to my explanations of such matters, that these attempts of mine only ended in confirming my unfavourable opinion of feminine ability