Usa "loner" in una frase
loner frasi di esempio
1. I had a bedroom with en suite bathroom facilities as well and thought myself very lucky: I was a bit of a loner even then
2. Intrapersonal: Introverted and reserved, appears to be shy and a loner
3. All of this added up to a dreary existence for young Sammy, who was by nature not quite the loner that circumstances made him be
4. My personality is basically a loner type
5. From childhood he had always been a loner – an oddball, some would say; never one of the gang, never part of the in-crowd
6. All his life a loner
7. Interestingly I read a report stating that none of the US Secret Service profiles of the loner or threatening person ever murdered a President before which made it totally wrong
8. he was a loner
9. “This is really good! Hey you guys, want a taste?” William turned to his friends, who seemed to be shocked that he had actually accepted food from some weird Italian kid who was the biggest loner in school
10. Usually a loner, there were mornings when he simply couldn’t abide conversation, not even the old man
11. I’d passed through a succession of homes and hostels, which made me a bit of a loner, so while everyone else was busy celebrating the birth of Christianity, I usually shut myself away in my room, reading a book
12. She’d always been a loner
13. Always a loner, he became more reserved and withdrawn
14. He was a loner and the others ignored his chosen path
15. “So, I was always considered a bit weird and a loner
16. Although George was a bit of a loner, he did his bit to protect his patch of land from wildfires by yearly burn offs, and was a member of the volunteer State Emergency Service
17. I was a loner, did not look forward to the prospect of working for someone else
18. had influential friends pulling strings against a redneck, loner sergeant and what happened? He got off with a transfer to the states and an honorable discharge
19. Who would have thought? Bill Goetz, a loner from Rye, NY, and graduate of Monmouth (after spending freshman year at U
20. He was never that bad, he was more of a loner than anything else
21. Because two different worlds fought for supremacy in his blood, and neither could win, he was always a loner
22. little loner with balls that universe, huh?”
23. He was known to be a bit of a loner, he had never married and much of his family was from China, and so it fits that he was lonely and de-pressed
24. All through the school years he had involved himself in the school sports as a loner
25. I guess that’s one of the pitfalls of being a loner – every now and then you get tired of fending for yourself and long for someone to ‘take care’ of you
26. I, the proud loner, was suffering an overwhelming urge to sit with a friend in a café; to wander hand in hand and share the experience of Tangiers at night
27. He became a loner with no understanding of other boys his age
28. This immense quantity of thinking leaves little time for social relations and most every-1 out here is, for the most part, a loner
29. In the army there was at least a sense of brotherhood and although being a loner Mario was never a part
30. As he was now he was nothing but a loner with no friends and little or no social skills
31. She had always been a loner and a moody person
32. always a bit of a loner you see, and even after a few beers at the Inverness
33. He may have no friends, be a loner, insecure and withdrawn
34. I’ve been a loner since my father
35. Saint Peter at formal occasions, StiP to his friends, points to the loner sitting on a stool with a six two-pack at his feet
36. Without hesitation, he promptly handed the loner his joint
37. hero, the loner who follows his own morals no matter what, no matter
38. college in a small town in Ohio (Oberlin), and was a loner with few friends
39. Rationalist: The Loner who survives for a few years in an alien and mechanical universe by using
40. I am a loner; I have always had to find my own way in life
41. In many ways, Jeremy was a loner, a hermit of sorts
42. Pretty odd, since he was such a loner most of the time
43. As a loner, she had been able to move on very quickly from past relationships and had no problem with falling in love with other people, but they were a restriction she didn’t need
44. She enjoyed the single life, being a loner who went to the beat of her own drum and worked all the hours ever made
45. Strong was a loner with no known next of kin
46. Evans also told Annie that Brett now had more friends in the class, although he was still something of a loner
47. Rumor has it he’s spoiled, difficult to get along with, a loner, arrogant, and, the fact that he’s a celebrity and skates on his celebrity status makes me believe he shouldn’t be in Star Fleet
48. Notice the interesting thing that He commissioned him to do: Elijah was a loner, and God got him out of being a loner; made him connect, and actually get into a team flow
49. Then it occurred to the loner that she no longer struggled
50. The loner lowered his head to the green tufts under his