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    Usa "luminescent" in una frase

    luminescent frasi di esempio


    1. Inside the room behind that balcony is a complicated crystal pillar with a luminescent panel protruding from it

    2. Its magazine capacity was way too low, and it did not have luminescent sights for night shooting

    3. A youth in a luminescent green shirt with trim of black fringe and patent leather shoes with taps grabbed her hand and gave her lessons in the middle of San José's busiest street

    4. Above, ten thousand crystal chandeliers, hung on cables that disappeared into a smog that reflected the light back down, like a luminescent artificial sky

    5. The strange luminescent stone had been carved into buildings that snaked about several chasms in the stone

    6. He loses control of his body and collapses on what is now a luminescent scarlet grave

    7. I stare east at the shimmering red ocean, the luminescent scarlet sky

    8. She squinted at the luminescent numbers glowing on her

    9. the sky is filled with undulating sheets of luminescent colors that move

    10. A luminescent, red ring surrounded the mercenaries

    11. The night vision makes the scene other worldly, eyes and teeth hyper luminescent as explosions rack the streets

    12. A luminescent, red matrix appeared before the adept mage

    13. A luminescent wood nymph hovered over the four travelers

    14. The luminescent nymph gazed at the clearing in the forest with concern

    15. Deformed trees created a secluded and deeply shadowed grove all around, black branches aglow with small, luminescent orbs as white as the moon

    16. Trails of a luminescent world passed over his tired eyes

    17. He then checked the green luminescent scope of their radar

    18. Her attempt however triggered a kind of sound alarm accompanied by the rapid flashing of a blue luminescent panel near the frame of the sliding panel

    19. deliberate stream of smoke across the top of it, which caught the smoke in a static electric field and closing, luminescent force fields designed to look like a mini black hole

    20. Natai then changed her aspect, turning from the shape of Nancy ‘A’ to that of a luminescent humanoid being of no defined sex that floated silently to Charles, who quickly knelt before her, in a near trance at the sight of the supernatural being

    21. There were no shadows now, only apparitions carrying that luminescent blue

    22. He disengaged the wormhole and the luminescent membrane snapped off like a monitor that had had its power disconnected

    23. He stared at the shiny, silver surface of the button, surrounded by a gold and luminescent concentric circles

    24. The ocean surface was still, but very much alive with the stirrings of luminescent fish

    25. looked as if it were marble, but in-bedded in the marble were lines of luminescent rock, as if threaded with raw veins of molten ore, or frozen lightening

    26. Instead, I stared blankly at the luminescent screen

    27. luminescent slugs inching along all sides of the chamber

    28. energy source, a throbbing, luminescent glow

    29. were luminescent fibers or lines emanating from its center, and those lines

    30. She glowered at the luminescent insect where it flittered back and forth, as if taunting Nyah, nyah, come get me; she couldn’t guess how the damned thing had gotten through the decontamination screens at that last way-station, or how it had come to harbor at an open-space outpost in the first place

    31. have much of a luminescent quality in the bathroom light

    32. From their luminescent fusion arose something else; a spiraling column of primal fire that changed hues and seemed to reach up infinitely high through cyclonic brume and far down beyond Patala

    33. Leaning back and staring into the luminescent

    34. There was something that not even the Sea People had grasped about the scroll, which was where it had gotten its luminescent power

    35. The Lanorians, in order to aid such a fearful thought in the minds of their enemies, had splashed luminescent color all over their bodies

    36. There are luminescent rocks, plants, fungi, and animals that light up the caves and tunnels of the underworld, and

    37. It felt like it had been ten minutes instead of the two my watch’s luminescent dial recorded to have passed by

    38. weird pond, where if you look into its luminescent waters and thought about someone or

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