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    Usa "lyricism" in una frase

    lyricism frasi di esempio


    1. We regularly have a memory verse for the children to learn and the new versions just do not have the lyricism of texts I grew up with

    2. Odyssey Resumed ought to be read not only for the measured movements of its prose and its lyricism, but also for its respect of the immense diversity of every phenomenon, including the most elusive of all: human happiness

    3. action of the playin its first form was impeded by the excessive lyricism of some of thescenes;

    4. Excuse me: the name for the most ancient Greek musical instrument is not spelled: liar: It’s spelled lyre…as in lyrical … preserving the older spelling: instead of the modern one… The ancient lyricism of Greece: its legends, myths, words and music, and poetry etc; are all sweetened lies

    5. Florentino Ariza did not see the resemblance that people observed, but according to his Uncle Leo XII, Pius V was also reprimanded for the lyricism of his documents

    6. The drama of Florentino Ariza while he was a clerk for the River Company of the Caribbean was that he could not avoid lyricism because he was always thinking about Fermina Daza, and he had never learned to write without thinking about her

    7. It was the same ornate handwriting as in his earlier letters, the same will to lyricism, but applied to a simple paragraph of gratitude for the courtesy of her greeting in the Cathedral

    8. Of course musical comedy might be made a vehicle for keen satire, for delicate humor, for gracious lyricism, and what not

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