Usa "magnifying glass" in una frase
magnifying glass frasi di esempio
magnifying glass
1. Paul grabbed the bag from Helen and opened a side pocket to extract a square handled magnifying glass
2. “What do you see peculiar about the photo?” Helen had leaned over Paul’s shoulder to see through the magnifying glass
3. “Let me see your magnifying glass
4. ” Helen sat beside Paul with her left arm around his chair and with her right hand she held the magnifying glass over the image
5. “Oh… my… God!” Helen dropped the magnifying glass and placed her hand over her mouth
6. Helen pulled her hand toward the magnifying glass and with Paul’s hand still over her wrist she placed the magnifying glass once again slightly over the image of the two men in the photograph looking up to the underside of the bridge
7. ” She looked up from the magnifying glass
8. Kate was still staring at the photograph with the magnifying glass
9. “Helen, how could he say that!” Kate picked up the magnifying glass again and hovered it over the photograph
10. The Patriarch stood in the middle of the tower with a magnifying glass to his eye, surveying the battle
11. And Molly…she’s the kind of person who fries ants with a magnifying glass just to watch them flail around
12. A magnifying glass can start a fire even on an overcast day
13. It looked like an old library, so old that there were scrolls in the corner and magnifying glasses, model ships dangling from the ceiling, and other knick-knacks
14. Maggie had a huge magnifying glass in her hands
15. The magnifying glass was still in her hands
16. I took the magnifying glass from the desk and threw it at her with all my strength
17. Shaping their perceptions on the one gig entertainment debt that clawed at the reservoir, and there were a lot of magnifying glasses calculating the scores
18. When a child, did you ever play with a magnifying glass, using it to focus the rays
19. The sand was like polished glass on which the lances of the sun broke and drove in under our eyelids as white-hot splinters, a savage sun that scorched us with the power of a magnifying glass, that sucked the moisture from our skin
20. By the end of the weekend, those charts would be ready for a magnifying glass – if it came down to it
21. He was anxious to begin putting the test results under a magnifying glass
22. It was also around that time that the gypsies returned, the last heirs to Melquíades’ science, and they found the town so defeated and its inhabitants so removed from the rest of the world that once more they went through the houses dragging magnetized ingots as if that really were the Babylonian wise men’s latest discovery, and once again they concentrated the sun’s rays with the giant magnifying glass, and there was no lack of people standing open-mouthed watching kettles fall and pots roll and who paid fifty cents to be startled as a gypsy woman put in her false teeth and took them out again
23. Certain that she would be defeated by the realities, he did not even take the trouble to put his velocipede together, but he set about hunting for the largest eggs among the spider webs that the masons had knocked down, and he would open them with his fingernails and spend hours looking through a magnifying glass at the tiny spiders that emerged
24. A minute later he took a magnifying glass to the
25. Fishing out one of the bugs, he then produced a small magnifying glass from the top pocket of his lab coat and examined the bug more closely
26. John produced a magnifying glass from his pocket and held
27. A few hours later, Sam and Meg had returned to the station and the lab boys were still busy searching and scouring the whole house with magnifying glasses, tweezers, microscopes and a variety of powders and chemicals
28. once torched a bug with a magnifying glass, only once, way back in the young sierras of
29. He brought out his magnifying glass, and studied the brown paper
30. Morse examined each of the organ pipes on the ground with his magnifying glass
31. Holding the ends down with his fingers, he examined the metal tape with his magnifying glass
32. Have you ever played with a magnifying glass in the sun? When you focus the light just right it sets whatever is in its sights ablaze
33. Your dreams are the sun and your mind is the magnifying glass
34. There are mites that require the use of size enlargers such as microscopes and magnifying glasses to be seen
35. ” Jennie pointed the strong magnifying glasses toward the north and barely spotted Homer and Baldazar
36. “Even the magnifying glass did nothing to help
37. He read through the spells and eager for more, accidentally finished the book while the absent-minded enchanter was searching his robes for a better magnifying glass
38. He needed a magnifying glass, but the
39. He is peering over Hoenir’s shoulder and through a magnifying glass, a magical device Hoenir is holding over a small twig
40. “That magnifying glass has powerful magic!”
41. Several hours later, Anderson was still going over every inch of the photograph with a magnifying glass
42. I bought out of my own hard-up pocket a large, splendid magnifying glass, a few basic chemicals and wrote my first reports with their help, the help of my nose and sense of touch of thumb and index finger
43. My lovely magnifying glass was the only serious thing in my office
44. A simple magnifying glass proves that
45. He had a magnifying glass and he was looking at something in the grass
46. He took out a magnifying glass and had a closer look
47. As Philip Mauro puts it, "The strongest magnifying glass fails to reveal the slightest sign of such a remarkable 'break'
48. And he always looks at my expense bill with a magnifying glass
49. Spindle pursed his lips, but he lifted a pair of long tweezers, and handed Thaniel a magnifying glass
50. magnifying glass and handed it to me
51. The iPhone gives you a number of ways to assist in editing text, including using a magnifying glass to place an insertion point; selecting the text you want to change; and cutting, copying, and pasting text as needed:
52. • A magnifying glass is displayed when you hold your finger on a piece of text
53. The boy was holding a magnifying glass over a postcard and writing on it
54. Contrary to her normal custom and even her own desires, she found herself in her husband’s office one afternoon as if she were someone else, doing something that she would never do, deciphering with an exquisite Bengalese magnifying glass his intricate notes on the house calls he had made during the last few months
55. With a magnifying glass you can see them as hooks rather than straight hairs and they will irritate the mouth and digestive tract
56. Having packed, he combed and trimmed his brown beard, saw that his pencils were in his shirt pocket and his magnifying glass attached to his lapel
57. You take a microscope, that is a sort of magnifying glass that magnifies a thousand times, and look through it at a drop of water, and you will see in it a whole new world, a whole world of living creatures, yet this, too, was once a mystery, but it has been revealed by science