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    Usa "mainspring" in una frase

    mainspring frasi di esempio


    1. But the mainspring and backbone of its strength lay in the zeal, intelligence, and activity of its laity

    2. A watch without a mainspring is not more unserviceable than is religion without Christ

    3. With the simple faith of women, that faith that holds out against so many enlightenments and whose artless mainspring is vanity, she had believed quite firmly that every sweet and admiring assurance he had ever given her would go on changelessly and indefinitely holding good, she had believed she knew and understood him better than he did himself, and that at any time she wanted to she had only to reach out her hand to be able to help herself to more of his love

    4. ideal, as the mainspring of dramatic motiveand of chivalrous

    5. This hitch in the mainspring of the domestic machinery had a bad effect upon the whole concern, but Amy's motto was 'Nil desperandum', and having made up her mind what to do, she proceeded to do it in spite of all obstacles

    6. ‘I’ll tell you, then,’ he said with heat, ‘I imagine the mainspring of all our actions is, after all, self-interest

    7. The mainspring of his existence was taken away when she died and with it had gone his bounding assurance, his impudence and his restless vitality

    8. Everybody’s mainspring is different

    9. The mainspring gleamed silver on the outside and gold inside

    10. Without speaking again, Spindle lifted the tweezers to present the bomb’s mainspring

    11. To this semicouncil had been invited the Swedish General Armfeldt, Adjutant General Wolzogen, Wintzingerode (whom Napoleon had referred to as a renegade French subject), Michaud, Toll, Count Stein who was not a military man at all, and Pfuel himself, who, as Prince Andrew had heard, was the mainspring of the whole affair

    12. From the moment Pierre had witnessed those terrible murders committed by men who did not wish to commit them, it was as if the mainspring of his life, on which everything depended and which made everything appear alive, had suddenly been wrenched out and everything had collapsed into a heap of meaningless rubbish

    13. "I'll tell you, then," he said with heat, "I imagine the mainspring of all our actions is, after all, self-interest

    14. His egotism was of the sort that is most frequently found developed in masculine and especially in military circles, and which had become a part of his life to such a degree that he understood no other choice than to domineer or to humiliate himself; and his egotism was the mainspring even of his private impulses; he liked to usurp the first place over people with whom he put himself on a level

    15. One has but to remember the persistent and undying passion for gain among men, the mainspring of human action in these days, to become convinced that the advantages of the rich over the poor can be maintained in no other way

    16. One would think that a man, the mainspring of whose activity is what he himself in his own language calls shrewdness, ought to feel ashamed of this, and never dream of calling himself Christian or liberal while he continues a merchant

    17. It was on the way to the gate that Hastings asked the question which was really the mainspring of his call

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