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    Usa "make certain" in una frase

    make certain frasi di esempio

    make certain

    1. The Inspector thought it best to make certain before he started that particular hare running

    2. better, make certain that it is what you are accomplishing!

    3. You should make certain of this before we go further

    4. ) His sole role in California was in supporting its immediate admission as a state to make certain Congress would have no say over its status as slave or free

    5. Without subtle ingenuity of mind, one cannot make certain of the truth of their reports

    6. “With your history of violence, and your history of mental illness, including a persecution complex, what with being all paranoid and delusional; we have to make certain types of assumptions,” the sergeant was explaining earnestly in a friendly, and non-judgmental fashion, and Bru just sat there drinking it all in

    7. Then, to take Teresa to the Advanced Level, from which she would graduate - if she wished - and he really had to make certain that she DID wish - to Faery Wizard level

    8. Before I entered the house, I locked the Jaguar in the garage and checked the entire area to make certain that no one was there to give me a nasty surprise

    9. I assured him that his fellows need not be concerned; I would make certain he was with them when they were ready to go

    10. He would be leaving the next morning and wanted to make certain we were aware of the march route

    11. • Make certain that you have the right targeted audience to lengthen interest

    12. He was going to make certain there was nothing left behind that could link Eva to the Resistance

    13. Now, she had to make certain that Zoe knew where they were headed

    14. He looked at her again to make certain she was dead, and then took a large breath of freedom for the first time since his marriage

    15. So you make certain that they never do evolve and rob them of the opportunity, being ever cautious of possible future foes

    16. He puts out his hand to touch them, just to make certain; a warrior should always have his weapons ready and close at hand

    17. But make certain

    18. Make certain you are not merely wishing for better conditions

    19. elements from foodstuffs presumed to contain them, but wil make certain of a

    20. make certain that the suggestions wil be given at the right time, the above

    21. As a builder wil read and reread the plans to make certain they are al clear to

    22. We will also make certain comments dealing with the subsequent outworking of the kingdom idea as it is related to the later Christian church

    23. In applying makeup, you need to make certain considerations to be on the safe side

    24. “All they had to do was make certain concessions on the label," Jerry said, shaking his head

    25. He wanted to make certain Jill

    26. of toys to purchase and make certain that they’re cat friendly

    27. Make certain that your cat

    28. When searching for a dog breeder make certain that the

    29. wanted to make certain that Cameron Anderson had ceased to exist

    30. But we have to make certain we don’t become the antagonists in this fiasco

    31. to make certain that the officer in the patrol car hadn’t

    32. persistent prodding of the Holy Spirit to make certain that both readers and hearers of Paul’s

    33. Search your heart and make certain that you are truly one of

    34. ” This is intentional to make certain that

    35. The revolution has begun – make certain that you don’t miss out!

    36. Aerith, the Cetra who had brought about Holy to save the world from Meteor and had died in the doing, still remained as a ghost in the Lifestream that would appear when she was needed by the Planet to impart a thing, or to make certain things went as they should

    37. Just make certain you get me those robots!” He hung up on her, not caring about her feelings in the matter nor that she was upset by the number of deaths that had occurred as a result of trying to finalize his plans

    38. Don't worry, he's a handful, but he's my handful to deal with, and I will make certain he stays mostly out of trouble

    39. order to make certain that it was safe

    40. First, you must make certain that whoever is going to care for Bootsie or Fluffy or Shadow, actually likes them and wants to have them around

    41. He then claimed that in the first stages of setting up The New World Order there would be a huge global economical disaster that will help to empower the rich and make certain nations become bankrupt causing mass kayos

    42. make certain sacrifices, they will be protected

    43. The landscaper needs to take into consideration from what area of the house residents and guests attain glimpses of the garden arrangement and make certain that the presentation is very eye-appealing from that angle

    44. If the region where you reside receives a good bit of snow and ice you will want to make certain the roof of the deck has enough pitch to accommodate it

    45. prepared with technology to make certain that there would not be any recordings, other than the brains of those in attendance

    46. He had won 11-7 (though he had had to move the net ten inches closer to his opponent every time they changed ends, to make certain of victory)

    47. Make certain the content you use is beneficial, even if that means

    48. She got hold of my ear to make certain it was me

    49. It is his/her responsibility to make certain that each employee knows

    50. Focus the Site - Make certain your website is focused on a

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