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    Usa "make poor" in una frase

    make poor frasi di esempio

    make poor

    1. Never you try to bamboozle me into that! A hundred a year to the salary and church once a month--but no spoiling good heathens to make poor Christians! Why, girl, they wouldn't be fit for heaven or hell--clean spoiled for either place--clean spoiled

    2. Young adults who make poor social choices that lead to breaking the law or injuring themselves or

    3. In their ignorance they claimed as a well-established fact that due to a deficiency of vitamin C the Japanese lacked good vision; hence, they would make poor air pilots and their naval personnel would be no match for their Western adversaries, particularly after sunset

    4. as we make poor learners without those basics), our status as emotional

    5. Now the guy became more vehement himself: “Always the same story of the poor, poor victims! Always the same brainless feeling of collective guilt in which our whole society is wallowing! I tell you, we’re not the ones starving the poor children in Africa, we’re not responsible for ethnic cleansing, and we’re not the ones who make poor girls into prostitutes, because these things are NATURAL!!!”

    6. Now, that’s not to say that we didn’t make poor decisions or get involved in things that we shouldn’t have

    7. These liquors have so far truth in them that they were not false enough to make poor Dagley seem merry: they only made his discontent less tongue-tied than usual

    8. Dead men make poor company

    9. Using a moving average for a stop is better than having no plan at all, but moving averages usually make poor choices for stop levels

    10. ” You must be ready, willing and able to take advantage of traders that make poor decisions or are uninformed

    11. It’s strange how many people make an effort to save on things like clothes and eating out, but when it comes to large purchases like cars, make poor decisions and erase any savings they’ve accumulated along the way

    12. Because of the unpredictable nature of individual stocks, they make poor candidates for gap fills

    13. The song was sung, but it was a very poor imitation of the real thing, for quavering voices make poor songs

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