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    Usa "malay" in una frase

    malay frasi di esempio


    1. Phuket enjoys a beautiful setting off the west coast of the Malay Peninsula

    2. It was the body of a Malay, but he didn't look familiar

    3. Pacific Fleet was taking place at Hawaii, Japanese troops were already landing on the Malay Peninsula and preparing to advance overland to Singapore, later to capitulate after Japan inflicted on the British army the most humiliating defeat in its history

    4. In that time, Japanese forces had steadily driven the forces defending the Malay Peninsula southwards in a relentless but short campaign

    5. An old Malay patient of mine whom I have seen for many years for chronic cough began to develop cataracts in both eyes

    6. Nguyen also taught them how to rig booby traps, from the simple punji and bamboo stake pits to the lethal Malay whip log, two large logs suspended from two opposite facing trees, when the trap on the ground was tripped the logs came together crushing the unfortunate victims, messy but very effective

    7. Mr Tan; and stand on a chair by my Malay science teacher Cikgu

    8. Both the Malay and Chinese neighbours behind us were

    9. doctor; the Indian lead actress who was raised by a Malay family

    10. The playmaker at the heart of the midfield was a youthful Malay

    11. On the walls, over the doors, on the ceiling, were swords, daggers, Malay creeses, maces, battle-axes; gilded, damasked, and inlaid suits of armor; dried plants, minerals, and stuffed birds, their flame-colored wings outspread in motionless flight, and their beaks forever open

    12. She had been told that, rough and brutal as they seemed just then, they were not like this all the year round, but were, in fact, quite civil persons save during certain weeks of autumn and winter, when, like the inhabitants of the Malay Peninsula, they ran amuck, and made it their purpose to destroy life—in this case harmless feathered creatures, brought into being by artificial means solely to gratify these propensities—at once so unmannerly and so unchivalrous towards their weaker fellows in Nature's teeming family

    13. Most of the women could speak no language but their own; a few of them, including Eileen Holland, could speak enough Malay to control their servants, but no more

    14. This place was a Malay village which housed the labour for a number of rubber plantations in the vicinity

    15. The Malay woman who supplied the sweets refused to take money for them

    16. There was no burial ground at hand but the Malay headman showed them where they could dig the grave, in a corner of the compound, near a rubbish heap

    17. The sergeant spoke little Malay and had difficulty in understanding the Malay women latex- tappers that he asked for directions from time to time

    18. place was a typical Malay village, the houses built of wood and palm thatch raised about four feet from the ground on posts, leaving a space beneath where dogs slept and fowls nested

    19. They stood or sat wearily while the sergeant negotiated with the Malay headman: very soon he called for Jean, and she joined the tri- lingual discussion

    20. Jean crossed to him and said rather shyly in Malay, "I am sorry we have been forced to come here, and have made trouble for you

    21. Presently the wife came from within the house bearing two cups of coffee without sugar or milk; Jean thanked her in Malay, and she smiled shyly, and withdrew into the house again

    22. The women by that time were acquiring a few words of Japanese, but the only one who could talk Malay fluently was Jean,

    23. " The fact that he had called her Mrs Boong pleased her; it was a little tenuous bond between herself and this strange man that he should pull her leg about her sunburn, her native dress, and the baby that she carried on her hip like a Malay woman

    24. That evening, in the house that they had been put into at Pohoi; a little Malay boy came to Jean with a green canvas sack; he said that he had been sent by a Chinaman in Gambang

    25. But there is very little industry between Kuantan and Kota Bahru and no town larger than a fishing village, nor was there any prospect of an enemy attack upon the eastern side of the Malay Peninsula

    26. Here Mat Amin took her to see an official of the Malay administration at his house,

    27. To ease the situation I said idly, "It would take me years to learn how to remember these Malay names

    28. They stopped in front of the headman's hous e, and she got out of the jeep a little wearily, and went to him, and put her hands up in the praying gesture, and said in Malay, "I have come back, Mat Amin, lest you should think the white mems have forgotten all about you when their need is past

    29. The three still stood overlooking the courts, and underneath it a couple of Malay women sat exactly where the feet of the tortured man had hung, on ground that had been soaked in blood, and gossiped while their children played around

    30. They spent most of the war in a Malay village working in the paddy fields

    31. She was a very sunburnt girl, almost as brown as a Malay

    32. In the half light he turned as she c ame out of the hut, and he was back in the Malay scene of six years ago

    33. As I entered, a sallow Malay attendant had hurried up with a pipe for me and a supply of the drug, beckoning me to an empty berth

    34. Without here entering on further details I may state that I have collected cases of leg and shoulder stripes in horses of very different breeds in various countries from Britain to Eastern China; and from Norway in the north to the Malay Archipelago in the south

    35. A trailing palm in the Malay Archipelago climbs the loftiest trees by the aid of exquisitely constructed hooks clustered around the ends of the branches, and this contrivance, no doubt, is of the highest service to the plant; but as we see nearly similar hooks on many trees which are not climbers, and which, as there is reason to believe from the distribution of the thorn-bearing species in Africa and South America, serve as a defence against browsing quadrupeds, so the spikes on the palm may at first have been developed for this object, and subsequently have been improved and taken advantage of by the plant, as it underwent further modification and became a climber

    36. In the case of an extensive and shallow sea, such as that within a large part of the Malay Archipelago, where the depth varies from thirty or forty to sixty fathoms, a widely extended formation might be formed during a period of elevation, and yet not suffer excessively from denudation during its slow upheaval; but the thickness of the formation could not be great, for owing to the elevatory movement it would be less than the depth in which it was formed; nor would the deposit be much consolidated, nor be capped by overlying formations, so that it would run a good chance of being worn away by atmospheric degradation and by the action of the sea during subsequent oscillations of level

    37. The Malay Archipelago is about the size of Europe from the North Cape to the Mediterranean, and from Britain to Russia; and therefore equals all the geological formations which have been examined with any accuracy, excepting those of the United States of America

    38. Godwin-Austen, that the present condition of the Malay Archipelago, with its numerous large islands separated by wide and shallow seas, probably represents the former state of Europe, while most of our formations were accumulating

    39. The Malay Archipelago is one of the richest regions in organic beings; yet if all the species were to be collected which have ever lived there, how imperfectly would they represent the natural history of the world!

    40. Even at this day, if the Malay Archipelago were converted into land, the tropical parts of the Indian Ocean would form a large and perfectly enclosed basin, in which any great group of marine animals might be multiplied; and here they would remain confined, until some of the species became adapted to a cooler climate, and were enabled to double the southern capes of Africa or Australia, and thus reach other and distant seas

    41. From the foregoing facts, namely, the presence of temperate forms on the highlands across the whole of equatorial Africa, and along the Peninsula of India, to Ceylon and the Malay Archipelago, and in a less well-marked manner across the wide expanse of tropical South America, it appears almost certain that at some former period, no doubt during the most severe part of a Glacial period, the lowlands of these great continents were everywhere tenanted under the equator by a considerable number of temperate forms

    42. Wallace's admirable researches, in regard to the great Malay Archipelago, which is traversed near Celebes by a space of deep ocean, and this separates two widely distinct mammalian faunas

    43. Wallace and Trimen have likewise described several equally striking cases of imitation in the Lepidoptera of the Malay Archipelago and Africa, and with some other insects

    44. —on races in the Malay Archipelago

    45. No turbaned Turk, no hired Venetian or Malay, could have smote him with more seeming malice

    46. Here vast forests and jungle scrub extend everywhere, though the trees are being rapidly cut down by the numerous Chinese tin-miners in the settlement; and here also is the capital of the Federated Malay States, whose petty rulers within recent years have united their forces under a British Protectorate

    47. One-half of the world's tin is produced in the Malay States; it is mined chiefly in Selangor and Malacca, and forms the mainstay of the country's prosperity, though, curiously enough, little or no stanniferous deposits have been found on the eastern side of the dividing range

    48. So we embarked on a Malay trader bound for Klang, the port of Selangor, and commenced an expedition which I can recall now as being one of the most interesting of all my travels

    49. Perak, I should mention, is the Malay word for silver, it having been supposed that vast lodes of that metal abounded in the river valley; but, as a matter of fact, there has been very little silver located anywhere near its vicinity

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    malay malayan