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    Usa "manganese" in una frase

    manganese frasi di esempio


    1. The change between carrying ICBMs and collecting manganese nodules from the sea bed was mainly by switching sections of hull

    2. A chance observation of the sea bed revealed millions of manganese nodules, probably a site larger than any other she had ever heard about

    3. Manganese will help your

    4. Manganite’s name reflects its chemical composition: manganese oxide

    5. It is a fairly common manganese ore, but it is rarely found in fine crystals

    6. Interest in the effect of manganese and bone health began when famed basketball player Bill Walton’s repeated fractures were halted with manganese supplementation

    7. Other trace minerals, such as manganese, copper, and silicon, are known to be important in the biochemistry of tissue healing

    8. Gold had been discovered recently, not far from Kimberley, along with manganese and zinc

    9. It is said that deficiency of manganese not only causes the low sperm count

    10. Manganese plays an important role in carbohydrate metabolism, thereby

    11. It is said that imbalance levels of manganese may cause sperm quality and

    12. Onions are a good source of dietary fiber, manganese, vitamins C and B6, potassium and folate

    13. persuasion that her brother Peter Featherstone could never leave his chief property away from his blood-relations:—else, why had the Almighty carried off his two wives both childless, after he had gained so much by manganese and things, turning up when nobody expected it?— and why was there a Lowick parish church, and the Waules and Powderells all sit ting in the same pew for generations, and the Featherstone pew next to them, if, the Sunday after her brother Peter's death, everybody was to know that the property was gone out of the family? The human mind has at no period accepted a moral chaos; and so preposterous a result was not strictly conceivable

    14. "Brother Peter," he said, in a wheedling yet gravely official tone, "It's nothing but right I should speak to you about the Three Crofts and the Manganese

    15. "But that was for the manganese

    16. ) This latter is frequently diffused over the whole, and gives it a green tinge: the colour has been thought by some to proceed from the impregnation of copper, but I am rather of opinion that is owing to manganese and iron

    17. This latter ore is the wolfram, composed of oxid of tungsten, or as some choose to say, tungstic oxid combined with iron and manganese

    18. For the display of the heat effects, the addition of manganese, red lead, or the nitrates, is advantageous

    19. The mass, when lixiviated, gave only a greenish solution, becoming colourless by nitric acid, and again greenish by an alkali; this was supposed to be owing to iron and manganese

    20. —, on crystallized steatite, and ores of iron and manganese, v, 249

    21. —, ores of iron and manganese in Vermont, iii, 57

    22. Otto, on the separation of zinc from manganese, xlvii, 194

    23. —, on ores of manganese, xxi, 364

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    Sinonimi per "manganese"

    atomic number 25 manganese mn