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    Usa "many a" in una frase

    many a frasi di esempio

    many a

    1. Mal: 2:6: The law of truth was in his mouth, and iniquity was not found in his lips: he walked with me in peace and equity, and did turn many away from iniquity

    2. Levi in his walk with God, he turns many away from

    3. While many are available at local stores many are not

    4. Also there are various electronic devices such as Yard Guard (Arbico) that really work! Another helpful tool is your dog or cat since they can keep many animals at bay

    5. While the government has reduced ‘license raj’ in many areas, corruption is still rampant in most areas

    6. Many a brothers have fought court battles for it

    7. There are said to be as many as twenty remaining in the Dromedian hills

    8. Many are set up to save taxes and arrange funds for activities that have no connection to the aims and objectives

    9. What the world ahead dared call the 'sovereign individual' in many a serious treatise

    10. It was true many Angels forgot the fundamental difference between Angels and mortals

    11. It was true he hadn't been alert when he landed here, but then not many are alert while they sleep

    12. "We're going to land as many atmosphere landers as we can safely produce in many areas where Alan has found the vegetation thin

    13. They are so many and you so few

    14. For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call

    15. She'd shared love with Yarin three times since the day of the first rotate, not as many as Desa, and Nuran was as much as moved in and sleeping shifts with Desa

    16. They have sent too many at us

    17. The population of the world was already over twenty billion and growing rapidly, faster than agricultural science and prosperity could keep up with in many areas

    18. We humans have made so many arrogant mistakes

    19. Now it was, of course, very presumptuous of him to dare to say to her: “Fancy a drink on Friday?”, but he dared, for he had a good job, was full of the confidence of youth and he knew deep in his bones that there was many a young lady who would be glad to join him for a drink

    20. opposite sex in this way, you may start to notice that not many approach your pack

    21. You have shown great leadership in many areas James

    22. This is how many abusive

    23. Many adherents were former proponents of brane space

    24. He no longer felt the need to confine his online activities to his bedroom and had spent many a happy evening hour running cables around the house and setting up a new wireless router

    25. He knew many Angels were fleeing to smaller bodies, the size of Gordon's Lamp, in hopes of escaping notice, but he knew billions would not escape in time from the killer comets that were already on the way from regions light-days out of the solar system

    26. He and his mother slept in many a field under the stars on the way to Mississippi, the only state south of the Ohio that was accepting half-Americans

    27. ” Keep going until you‘ve explored as many alternatives as you can come up with

    28. He had no idea how many atoms there were in a substrate

    29. Throughout history, as many as 97 diverse and

    30. “Duncan sent word of you and your many accomplishments

    31. many ancient healing methods and ideas have been

    32. “On a happy note,” a smiling Rayne continued, “your Hold is filled with loyal subjects; many are concerned for you

    33. bones that there was many a young lady who would be glad to join

    34. Many animals could probably be tested directly– if

    35. The cynical say they bowed only to the power of gold, but in this day and age most of the people here believed the Goddess of nature was real and many attended celebrations

    36. look around and wonder why in the hell are there so many anti-Christian

    37. and I have many amazing stories that I could share,

    38. Lord Tarak and Lady Rayne spent many a night in Miner's Hold during the first few weeks

    39. because of his importunity he will rise and give him as many as he needed

    40. 9Go ye therefore into the highways, and as many as ye shall find, bid to the marriage

    41. 10So those servants went out into the highways, and gathered together all as many as

    42. “How many are there?” Arthur asked before she could think of a simpler answer

    43. He knew there were many active women and had sampled two of them so far, but it was understood both times he was just stopping by for a boink on the way to his cabin

    44. “We’d had trouble with dragons for many a year, when I was a

    45. In many a place like this I’ve had to be awakened to go home

    46. She knew that many a charter confidentiality rule was broken when wrapped in a quilt and she had heard he had a weakness for women

    47. torn off trying to be peacekeeper with the ruling majority in many a battle

    48. It seemed that their destinations would be many and varied, and

    49. “Many a true word spoken in jest, as they say,” he muttered, “But

    50. One was a respected writer, and very influential in the circles of Sportsmen for his candid and considered opinions of many aspects of the athletic and recreational industries

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