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    Usa "many a person" in una frase

    many a person frasi di esempio

    many a person

    1. They had the consistency of iron and I knew many a person who had chipped a tooth or teeth trying to bite into them the best way to eat them without suffering damage to the teeth was to soak them in tea which softened them before you bit into one

    2. Many a person aimed and shot finishing him off

    3. Now many a person has given a verbal guarantee, or given a written guarantee, that they would be a surety, or they would back up someone's loan, and then the person defaulted on their loan

    4. Many a person was attracted by this worldly life until their whole lifetime had passed without their feeling it

    5. Those whose vocal cords were burned, whose box in their voice stopped working, whose brains cannot process the words from the chest to the throat into the mouth and then out through the lips—there is many a person who suffers from this sort of thing

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