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    Usa "many people" in una frase

    many people frasi di esempio

    many people

    1. The courtyard was shaded by the trees above, many people were out on their balconies now that they were getting into the warm part of the week

    2. Scar entered the dimly lit room, making sure to keep a wide berth around the many people in the room

    3. That is to say, how many people would have had to die as a result of this shipment alone?"

    4. So many people – men and women – become boring as they become older, you know

    5. been affected by this flu!” Yes, many people may have, but this flu will not

    6. Poor sod! Although they moved into the village some three years ago, his wife has been working in Bristol so doesn’t know many people and the other week he was worrying at me that she was lonely, so I suggested that he tell her about the Granny & Grandpa Club

    7. many people who have qualms about including a picture in the profile

    8. "Why do you need any more patience with me, I already told you I give you my permission to have sex with as many people as you want

    9. Initially she dismissed it, there were so many people around that it would be virtually impossible to detect someone following her … all the same, the prickly feeling in the back of her neck persisted and she started taking it seriously

    10. It is right that you have this incentive to eat for it is necessary to take food in order to live, but many people, far too many, take far more food than they need

    11. He was now so angry with the old woman because of her continual sniping about his nose that he stormed out of the bar and strode through the city streets in a foul temper for the rest of the night, but no matter how hard he looked or how many people he questioned, no one seemed to know anything about his stolen lover or about the evil kidnapper and his clapped out motor

    12. I have known many people learn this posture in one or two lessons, but do not be discouraged if you take a little longer

    13. ‘How many people live here?’ I asked, fascinated by the recent exchange and what it says about monastic life

    14. Tomorrow, as you know, is the concert your father always organised so in a few days, many, many people come here for the festival of the Virgin

    15. One question that many people ask about online dating is what colors they should wear in their

    16. Many people suspect their loves ones might not

    17. been such an incredible thing, as it has advanced so many people in their career, relationships

    18. obvious, as many people wish to be the initiators in any conversation; however, one of the most

    19. On the one hand this was emotionally challenging, but on the other, it’s lovely feeling that so many people care

    20. Many people declined to re-inhabit the old cities

    21. I wondered how many people had blundered into these very stones, perhaps fleeing in the dark from pillaging, murderous pirates

    22. Even those close friends and relatives who knew about the hole were amazed at the couple’s loving resilience in the face of such deep shadow, and unlike so many people who find that their strength and union is built on sand rather than on firm foundations, Ken and Eileen simply wouldn’t let the darkness at the heart of their marriage tear their relationship apart, choosing instead to face their enemy in a committed search for the one thing that could complete the turn of the seasons in their lives

    23. I glance across at Alastair, engrossed in the music – he’s not what you’d by any stretch of the imagination call classically good looking but has a pleasant face and is considered attractive by many people … his hair is dark but there are grey hairs showing in places now – it needs a cut by the look of the way it’s starting to dangle over his ears

    24. Following up with positive statements has proven to be effective for many people because they help reinforce a positive outlook after clearing out the negative emotions

    25. this form of testing for many people is that it requires

    26. So many people have gathered to see me off and there are cries of ‘Good luck, Anna’

    27. to help as many people as she could with this new

    28. “How many people live here,” Ava grunted as they strained at the oars

    29. “Many people here have spent a lot of time studying this system

    30. To many people, he is wonderful, and it's my misfortune to be the only person he wishes to abuse

    31. was a considerable undertaking, with a great many people involved

    32. 'Our priority at this stage is to ensure that as many people

    33. It was tragic that we had to kill so many people to open the portal, but it was worth it

    34. Then he thought, he had told many people with eye connections that he suspected someone at the Kassikan of arranging Tdeshi’s overdose

    35. Because really his administration is not a very democratic government and also many people doesn't receive a good salary

    36. There were so many people passing back and forth

    37. ‘You told us that you saw many people in the forest

    38. There were still many people on Earth who weren't as technically sophisticated as these

    39. Roman knew nowhere near that many people, but somehow his legend had touched

    40. As in the one case they exclude many people from his employment, so in the other they exclude him from many employments

    41. In 1740, a year of extraordinary scarcity, many people were willing to work for bare subsistence

    42. Many people must borrow, and nobody will lend without such a consideration for the use of their money as is suitable, not only to what can be made by the use of it, but to the difficulty and danger of evading the law

    43. less advantageous than the rest, so many people would crowd into it in the one case, and so

    44. But though many people have

    45. Many people have been seeing 11:11 on the clock repeatedly

    46. It amazed me how many people wanted to dispose of great grandpa's pride and joy

    47. That abundance of food, of which, in consequence of the improvement of land, many people have the disposal beyond what they themselves can consume, is the great cause of the demand, both for the precious metals and the precious stones, as well as for every other conveniency and ornament of dress, lodging, household furniture, and equipage

    48. They were astonished to observe the rage of the Spaniards to obtain them; and had no notion that there could anywhere be a country in which many people had the disposal of so great a superfluity of food; so scanty always among themselves, that, for a very small quantity of those glittering baubles, they would willingly give as much as might maintain a whole family for many years

    49. There are many people in Dos I told that I would return, but I know now that I will not

    50. The bounty, it has been thought by many people, by encouraging tillage, may, in a long course of years, have occasioned a greater abundance, and, consequently, a greater cheapness of corn in the home market, than what would otherwise have taken place there

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