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    Usa "medicine man" in una frase

    medicine man frasi di esempio

    medicine man

    1. and the Medicine Man allows himself to have his hands securely

    2. The lights are extinguished, and the medicine man prays out loud

    3. It certainly did look like the Medicine Man, but how could he be so small and on the

    4. From what I observe, my guess is that I’m doing magic, a medicine man of sorts

    5. My life changed and I became a medicine man

    6. I went from a Native American chief in love, to a cruel warrior, to a medicine man feeling guilty

    7. This is not fun, trust me! You were a medicine man like me in your past life

    8. The purpose of it was to restore in me the power of a medicine man, a Native American shaman, as it seems I was in past lives

    9. The medicine man then set about the task of carefully applying tattoos to these “gods” before them

    10. Mi’kmaq she was a medicine man revered by our people throughout the northern

    11. It looked as if the Medicine Man was in front

    12. The fever came several days before and the local Hindi medicine man had done all he could do

    13. He healed many and so the people there thought he was a great medicine man sent from the gods

    14. them, and the medicine man was throwing herbs and sage into the fire as

    15. was now sitting in front of the medicine man

    16. The medicine man had a clay jar of coyote blood and was putting stripes on

    17. I hurried back to mothers side, unfortunately there didn’t seem to be any improvement in her condition, I questioned the medicine man and learnt that actually there was a major development, mothers fever had run its course and he was optimistic that she would be back to her old self in a couple of weeks or less, after hearing his positive report I felt as I imagine a child would feel being pulled from a deep well after falling in, I started laughing and try as I might I couldn’t stop until Gled came out and told me to be quiet, I grabbed her and whirled her around telling her what the practitioner had said, we stopped and just stood there hugging each other

    18. The medicine man chuckled and sat his weathered hands

    19. The medicine man shook the amulet once in his grasp

    20. The medicine man made it all sound way too easy

    21. He especially wanted the ability to beat death at his own game and become all-powerful in the eyes of the Lord, and in those of mankind itself! He understood that he would need a real Indian medicine man to assist him on his journey

    22. And as far as the doctor was concerned, he was actually a real professionally trained doctor who just so happened to be a Shoshone medicine man

    23. The natives look at the Medicine Man and each other with

    24. The Medicine Man holds a curious white staff made of wrapped

    25. The Medicine Man throws his white staff into the fire

    26. Loco pats out a small fire on the unconcerned Medicine Man

    27. surprised to see the Medicine Man

    28. The Medicine Man places some bones and other charms on the

    29. The Chief, Medicine Man and Loco exit the cave and see the

    30. Medicine Man, Loco, Big Boy and the others watch Willie

    31. The live Chief and Medicine Man and several ghost Chiefs and

    32. The claim was originally staked in the name of the Shoshone Indian medicine man Henry “Hunting Sticks” Madison

    33. The Hopis also wanted to know how she’d become a man recognized as a Shoshone Indian medicine man

    34. Giving up their own personal-communal autonomy to preserve and perpetuate this amassed accumulation of given power in the form of a medicine man, a leader, a council, a ruling class, an army, a king, a senate, an elected body of representatives, an Emperor

    35. If a tribal medicine man claims to have accumulated special knowledge and if his knowledge is indeed true and not based upon superstition, then why should he keep that knowledge secret? Why not share it with everyone? Unless his knowledge is a hoax and he is afraid his bullshit will be exposed as bullshit

    36. How was status earned 100,000 years ago by the first hunter-gatherers? By hunting and gathering? By learned and earned expertise, experience, and wisdom? By the experience, wisdom and expertise that could help heal a broken bone or an ailing psyche? By leadership? By charisma, or charm, or personality? By prowess with tools? By a built-up knowledge of herbal medicine that could appear magical… and kept secret, so that the medicine man could claim to possess supernatural powers? By cunning, power-hungry individuals preying upon the fears and superstitions of their fellow community members? But then again… this is how status is still gained today

    37. The man smiles and runs off to see the medicine man

    38. Macgoozleum, the Celebrated Blackfoot Medicine Man

    39. One spoke fairly good Spanish, and explained that the son of their chief had broken his leg by a fall from his horse, and he begged Simeon—whom he conceived, from his occupation of gathering simples, to be a medicine man—to come to their assistance

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