Usa "men" in una frase
men frasi di esempio
1. “You and your dad are just two men
2. Ensure that she is exposed of both men and women doing all sorts of
3. Studies have led to the realization that sexual interest and the need for sexual contact continue throughout the life cycle, although patterns differ somewhat for women and men
4. Various factors can limit sexual interest and capacity in men as they age
5. Women differ from men in that the decline in sexual responsiveness with aging is quite gradual
6. I look to the two men hunched on the ground with the churning realization that there’s an innocent man dying in my dad’s home
7. Tit: 2:11: For the grace of God that brings salvation hath appeared to all men,
8. One of the other men switches it on to North of Armageddon
9. The men all snicker and nudge at each other
10. Another study revealed that 57 percent of women and 36 percent of men who die of injuries received the damage in a fall
11. It was just the instincts of this body that turned her head when big, broad-shouldered men with cleft chins walked by
12. When David had his men turned against him, when their
13. 1Sam: 30:3: So David and his men came to the city, and, behold, it was burned with fire; and their wives, and their
14. 1Tim: 2:4: Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth
15. As most couples are aware, men and women respond differently to stress
16. Men are more likely than women to respond to stressful experiences by developing certain stress-related disorders, including hypertension, aggressive behavior, or abuse of alcohol, or hard drugs
17. (This may also explain as to why men are reluctant to ask for directions when lost, why men are more vulnerable to the adverse health effects of stress, and why women enjoy a significantly longer life expectancy than men do)
18. Men also have very strong tendencies to conceal stressful things
19. Men need to learn to deal with stress through mental shielding which involves developing the ability to disengage from hostile comments and remain in control, first by achieving a calm, relaxed state, and then creating a mental shield between yourself and person responsible for causing stress
20. Women are particularly susceptible to developing depression and anxiety disorders in response to stress as compared to men
21. Men go to war and are exposed to combat stress
22. Men are exposed to more acts of random physical violence
23. 1Cor: 1:25: Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men
24. It grinds men apart slowly to feed off their terror
25. He could see their ancient ash clubs clearly now, stained now with the blood and shattered remains of the brave men lost in the East Towers
26. With his free hand, Vald swatted and twisted apart the men running and crawling from the wreckage
27. But not as men
28. Neither of the men say anything
29. especially where men are concerned
30. oh well, if he wants to be secretive about it! Men!
31. · The rules of Dharma have been laid down for regulating the worldly affairs of men
32. She hadn't been a native as long then, she hadn't adjusted to sharing her men, not even a copy
33. "The native men on the ground could easily have you distracted
34. She didn't see what she could do about it, other than make another copy of her soul to have a few more of the native men without her
35. We are all the time comparing the characteristics of men and women and wanting them to be same
36. His men took the kargirs and tended them, more of his staff served lunch on a patio
37. Men usually find women too complex to understand
38. One has to realize that women evolved as child bearing and home defender- hence nurturing, loving and caring while men evolved as hunter (chaser!), protector, provider and problem solver
39. A detailed understanding of this hard fact is essential for all men but all the more for senior citizens as they spend time in each other’s company most of the time
40. · The false belief of men to have all the power to take advantage of women’s weaknesses is the root cause of them feeling oppressed and getting angry
41. · Men complain of her nagging; but she is just extending her care-taking job that irritates men
42. · Men have to appreciate that girls have to shift their loyalty from a woman to a man, from mother to husband
43. · Men are transactional leaders; they hand out rewards and punishments
44. · Men have ‘adversarial approach’
45. Men are mono tracking; if a phone call comes they would ask for the TV to shut, child to stop crying and so on
46. Therefore use hair from a men’s salon instead of a woman’s, as most men do not use these chemicals
47. "I know several men in this city who could sneeze at that," doostEr told him about those rates
48. From her picture, not a woman men refuse
49. John sits with five other men on fold-up chairs while a YOUNG PSYCHOLOGIST in a cheap suit leads a session
50. The men seemed bored as the therapist chatters away in an animated way