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    Usa "messes" in una frase

    messes frasi di esempio


    1. But what about, you know, when he messes? Does Tragus let you wash him?”

    2. What if he messes with your mind and then makes you happy about the change?

    3. Well, there were other reasons for separate messes

    4. “Will this be another of the collateral messes you’ll be assigned?”

    5. 18 Delicates poured on a mouth shut up are as messes of meat set on a grave

    6. Jaden chuckles to himself, but thinks the old man might have a heart attack if he messes with him

    7. Now the computer messes up those funny little things on top of the letters

    8. 34 And he took and sent messes to them from before him: but Benjamin's mess was five times so much as any of theirs

    9. 34 And he took and sent messes unto them from before him: but Benjamin's

    10. “Aren’t you the man who only messes with females younger than yourself?”

    11. There were messes of a more sinister nature to be cleaned

    12. But nobody messes with my baby sister

    13. Plus if he messes up this time I’ll put him in the desert myself

    14. Grover messes up everything he touches

    15. Of course, everything will be done off-the-record and sub rosa so both governments can clean up their respective messes without the public ever learning what happened

    16. Lots of killing and horror and bloody messes involving intestines and other soggy bits

    17. Quite honestly I’m used to you making messes that I eventually have

    18. Well, except for the messes they left when thousands of them at once ate and roosted for the night

    19. But she had a feeling that in a world run by people neither manners nor messes would matter, only what people wanted

    20. She had no doubts at all that Palomita would find the flock, since Passenger Pigeons traveled in such large numbers that when they fed and roosted at night, they left behind a wide trail of horrendous messes

    21. It messes with Medusa, sending feedback to her audio input

    22. The curse he spoke of is that no one messes with King Foymama’s treasure and lives

    23. It can be hard because children sometimes have to hear one parent talk bad about the other and it messes with their heads

    24. First Max goes mad and attacks a pro, he messes up, she has to sort it out with well-aimed shots to the pro’s shoulders to spoil his aim and finally, a good pistol whipping to close him down

    25. Third, all the personnel, and I mean all, will be armed at all times or will have a weapon within arm’s reach, including in messes or when on permission in town

    26. “I guess you could say I clean up the messes that you all make

    27. If you saw some of the hot messes that were shambling around with wedding rings on their deformed, scaly, gnarled fingers you'd want to track down their spouse and give them some sort of award

    28. was too late that is, and they were lying in crumpled messes on the floor grasping

    29. We get patients that Burman messes up all

    30. A navy lieutenant commander finally had to ask the paratroopers to stay in their cabins until lunch time, promising to provide sailors then to guide the soldiers to their messes

    31. Nobody messes with the barmaids at Rudy's

    32. “Nobody messes in the Professor’s lab!” he hissed

    33. How many have known what it's like to be in a place like that, where you've been tight, it's been difficult, it's been tense for you; and instead of actually waiting for God to give you directions, and show you what to do, you actually had to force yourself; but you tried to make something happen? When you do that, it always messes up

    34. Everyone else has got children with problems, [laughter] isn't at right Brett? [Laughter] They got the perfect child, and then one day at the age of 12, He does something that really messes with them

    35. How many have known what it's like to be in a place like that, where you've been tight, it's been difficult, it's been tense for you and instead of actually waiting for God to give you directions and show you what to do, you actually had to force yourself but you tried to make something happen? When you do that it always messes up

    36. that hit you subtly and messes around with your state of consciousness

    37. Politicians make messes on one leg and cleaning the mess out on the other leg because of unclear clarity

    38. The two officers who had stood guard, who I had ineffectually flirted with only a few hours previously, lay face down at the door, their heads dusty and bloody messes

    39. "So often messes are

    40. Every parent that so completely messes up the upbringing of his child that the kid

    41. “We discovered long ago that a sudden change in oxygen levels midway through the process somehow messes things up

    42. (This whatever-the-hell-governs-all) messes itself up

    43. Stress is instigating many messes today in society

    44. Let Schmidt get out of his own messes as best he could! Let

    45. I've been trying to clean up everyone's messes since I arrived

    46. If a 3-year-old messes his pants five min-

    47. "If the instructor messes his pants, well, maybe he'd

    48. they just want to kill him, because it messes things up for the civilized people, that they hate

    49. Why, though, were there splinters still scattered over the carpet? Ingrid hated to leave messes be

    50. If a person bothers or messes with any of Dana's sisters, boy Dana is ready to go after that person! Either she'll wind up killing the person during a fight, or she'll wind up breaking a couple of their bones, or the person is found murdered!"

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