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    Usa "meticulously" in una frase

    meticulously frasi di esempio


    1. It was of course George's Great-uncle Fong Li who had directed the construction, and it was Fong Li who meticulously explained the subtleties of sailing a small craft to Belle and George during the long construction process

    2. He opened it, meticulously extracted the pendant

    3. ” They watched the emphatic hands and urgent manner of a man in a vest and shirt-sleeves across the street apparently offending the meticulously dressed gentleman and woman in front of him, as neither of them seemed to be the least bit sympathetic to his cause

    4. and more meticulously than anyone else

    5. meticulously before you got here, and it still will be

    6. Without further words she reached out to him with her remaining charred hand and then meticulously began to inspect his massive body for infection

    7. What had she said wrong? Did he think she expected him to pay for her wedding? Did the prospect of marriage dig up old bones? She watched as he meticulously saddled Ed and tightened the cinch

    8. He checked everything meticulously, knowing that he would suffer horribly if anything went awry with the Preceptor's plans

    9. Becky should have been dead, he had planned it meticulously but as always, there were complications and variables he couldn’t control

    10. The original Veda’s had been bound meticulously, rarely opened due to the fragility of the pages, just brushing them lightly was susceptible to destroying the ancient words in a cloud of dust within a matter of minutes

    11. I shaved my legs meticulously, careful not to nick myself around the ankles and knees,

    12. Hoping for the best, Mike meticulously counted the drawer a third time

    13. places were meticulously set with the appropriate silverware, napkins, drinking glasses

    14. meticulously laid a paper trail of notes of conversations with senior

    15. She kept her eyes lowered to the dishtowel she was meticulously folding

    16. weighing me out, meticulously watching my hesitations,

    17. meticulously sifting through the grass with their fingers in hopes

    18. I had just spent a full week of my life meticulously constructing an enemy out of thin air

    19. Everything looked meticulously organized, and he had a huge safe that stored an enormous amount of cash

    20. He alone had stuck meticulously to his father’s teachings

    21. spend the next two to three hours out there, slowly munching away as he meticulously read

    22. meticulously for all her flowers was now spread on the patio

    23. Aside, an immense white candle was burning and some golden ornaments had been placed meticulously on the surface of the table for the ceremony of the day


    25. Long after midnight, he meticulously burned all his notes in a metal wastepaper box

    26. Elise had taken several empty tins to the nearest water and finding an undisturbed spot meticulously collected the surface water

    27. Musab was meticulously correct in his assessment of Siri’s situation, and it irked him

    28. And carve it meticulously

    29. Why? Because as I meticulously typed with

    30. I meticulously edited the entire book with

    31. Everything then had to be meticulously

    32. The grandfather clock still meticulously marked out the minutes and hours

    33. He moved the beads slowly, purposefully, meticulously

    34. Beneath our indoctrinations, I saw specialized expectations upon which we nurtured our cultures, and the meticulously shaped silences that had delicately directed me to believe only what others had made apparent—insisted upon, while other options were cleverly hushed… as was I

    35. More than this,” she said in a rush, “you have been meticulously designed to play a difficult role in an unfathomably intricate play, in a constantly evolving Now

    36. At this point, Bonnie acknowledged that for all of her efforts to meticulously train the “self” out of my thinking, she had “self” involved in her own thinking the entire time

    37. Beneath our indoctrinations, I saw specialized expectations upon which we nurtured our cultures, and the meticulously shaped silences that had delicately directed me to believe only what others had made apparent—insisted upon, while other options were cleverly hushed

    38. More than this,” she said in a rush, “you have been meticulously designed to play a difficult role in an unfathomably intricate play, in a constantly evolving Now, and that,” she pointed at my chest with her empty hand, “is the Truth! If that’s not magical…” she said, surrendering the remainder of the thought to an open-palm

    39. There they had lunch that was meticulously prepared by Robbie and brought in a special waterproof hamper, which he strapped to the mast of the boat

    40. For the next two hours, Anna and I walked the meticulously landscaped grounds

    41. Their correspondence was something to behold, meticulously typed on the intricately art worked letterhead paper

    42. folded maps, all meticulously labeled with appropriate names relating

    43. Then meticulously going through each coin, I placed it in the correct cup

    44. Earlier this afternoon, Santiago had taken the bricks of homemade C4 and meticulously applied a layer of C4 explosives around the entire statue like a mud mask

    45. When all of Peter's remains were meticulously picked

    46. awe with the way Vincent meticulously had the place set up

    47. other senses and by a whole set of patterns meticulously stored in

    48. meticulously ate the lot

    49. standing at the sink in the galley and was meticulously cleaning up after their

    50. After the handing over ceremony at the seat of Northern Ireland’s many and various forms of Government, the meticulously planned motorcade would sweep down the long driveway from Stormont to the Newtownards Road, and cross the River Lagan at the Albert Bridge for a State drive through the streets of Belfast, past City Hall

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