Usa "microbes" in una frase
microbes frasi di esempio
1. This practice will also benefit the microbes as well as the beneficial insects
2. you will see a mass of living microbes
3. i will put under the microscope and you will see that the microbes will
4. They had to take what they were told at face value, there wasn't much of these lessons they could actually verify in practice without the animals and microbes these classes were about
5. But you're playing for us, the Microbes
6. The microbes could have lain dormant in his system for quite some time
7. Without microbes, plants, and animals, you lose your food, health, wealth, and consumer goods
8. The reason this land will hardly grow crops is that there are still a lot of the native microbes
9. In the soil of the Beaucoup Valley, there are only Terrestrial microbes
10. The Terrestrial microbes are slightly smaller, and their cell walls are thicker
11. This means that when Terrestrial microbes are present in a certain minimum quantity, they will displace the native Altgeld microflora and microfauna
12. He was wearing the breathing filter because they were in the Dead Zone and if you breathed the air directly you would get a lungful of hssswwx microbes and eventually die
13. The native microfauna were at odds with terrestrial life, the same way that terrestrial microbes were deadly for the native lifeforms
14. However, as long as General Armstrong could remember, the Environmentalists had been preaching that human microbes and body chemistry were poison to the hssswwx
15. This far into human territory the terrestrial microbes will be getting to them
16. There are other gases containing viruses or microbes that can destroy populations of millions
17. And they always appear as though they will never show any promise at all of evolving beyond microbes or slime creatures due to the crappy conditions of the planets that they live on
18. And still other aromatherapy oils are used as topical aids to aid in the destruction of microbes and other fungi; the oils are simply applied to the skin
19. On the basis of this force, a struggle is activated between the numerous microbes for the assertion of one or the other; a circuit is activated to let the strongest of these microorganisms survive (in a certain moment)
20. These microbes are vicious little sods, and I don’t want to make things worse
21. made up of billions of living microbes that symbiotically live in unison
22. Indeed, the negligence of pronouncing Al’lah’s Name over the slaughtered animal makes its meat a focus of blood filled with microbes
23. So, what are the opinions of doctors and specialists about the presence of this blood and these microbes inside the meat tissues? And what is the extent of its effect on the public health?
24. And after revealing the great importance of pronouncing the words ‘God is Greater’ over the animal when slaughtering in preventing blood from remaining in it and the consequent growth of microbes, it has become clear that this is very much the cause
25. They may also cause food poisoning as some of the enzymes secreted by the microbes have a high ability to resist heat and pass through the mucous membrane of the stomach
26. This allows a great deal of blood to stay in the carcass and this is a perfect medium for the multiplication of microbes
27. Adel Mehyo says: since the blood is a medium for the growth of microbes it may contain them even when the animal enjoys good health, but it is unable to resist their reproductions after slaughtering as all antibiosis activity of antibodies stops
28. Such ecstatic excitement reflects on its body as an extreme shake releasing it from its blood which is contaminated by germs (microbes), so that its flesh becomes pure, healthy and edible to the eaters
29. Therefore, the Name of Al’lah should be pronounced over the slaughtered animal because if the blood remains in the flesh of the dead animal, it will help the growth of microbes and will make the meat rot quickly
30. Blood is one of the tissues that contain a great deal of water as well as many suitable nutrients for microbes
31. A pig is a neutral animal that has its function in eating dirty things and wastes, and consequently cleansing the environment from microbes and germs which would have grown out of these remains that form focus for gathering the bugs, flies and insects
32. Actually, the freezing prevents the growth of germs in meat, so if the killed animal is of those which killed without pronouncing the statement "Al'lah is Greater" while slaughtering then the blood remains inside its meat with its contents of the microbes of pathogenic ones such as staphylococcus, streptococcus, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa and E
33. “or transgress”: he does not eat again unless he is constrained, that is because the hungry stomach secrete too effective juices which can kill the microbes
34. If he ate and became satisfied, would his fullness make the other children become satisfied, without eating? Similarly, the first animal which has these words pronounced over it will not suffer the pain of slaughtering, and it will enjoy lasting pleasure, as well as it will release its blood which contains the microbes
35. This makes the meat in a state fit to eat for no microbes remain therein
36. “You are forbidden the meat of carrion”: because it contains microbes, so beware not to eat it lest you become sick
37. “…blood”: the microbes and germs are in it
38. of (Microbes and Viruses) from France, Professor of (Microbes Course) in the Veterinary Medicine faculty
39. It allowed us to see microbes and huge amounts of
40. Since viruses are considered neither cellular nor possessing of internal metabolism, they’re said by many to be merely infectious microscopic microbes
41. Extremeophile microbes live in soil and water under sheets of ice in Antarctica and Siberia, in pressure and heat hundreds and thousands of feet underground, under the
42. Today’s variety of plants and animals is as diverse and fascinating as any time in earth’s history; ranging from tiny colonies of microbes inhabiting deep ocean vents and the digestive tracts of animals, to the giant redwoods of California blocking the sun as they tower to heights greater than 370 ft
43. ‘’I am not sure that the strains of microbes currently running around correspond to the vaccines we use
44. At least, our antibiotics should kill the local microbes easily
45. It was patently obvious to the meanest of intellects that we had approximately three minutes before the multitude of microbes festering in the pipe ate us from the inside out and had to decide whether to spit or swallow
46. This die-off releases stored endotoxins (within the microbes themselves) that circulate and again interfere with normalized function
47. And what deadly disease would kill itself off to save its host? As is, a dying host, gathering the strength of a will to survive, rejects the lethal microbes and casts them from its system
48. They fight the microbes and excrete poisons to kill them, in addition to other functions
49. The resin of the herb myrrh has been shown to kill various microbes and to stimulate macrophages (a type of white blood cell)
50. In this era of the baroquely ornamental plate, masters of food as art for art's sake must look not only at the critics' faces at the table, but also, and most importantly, at those absent: the uninvited, the hungry, the one's who do not understand meals judged but uneaten, constructed but inedible, and discarded but not recycled as leftover meals for mouths or microbes