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    Usa "middle finger" in una frase

    middle finger frasi di esempio

    middle finger

    1. “I found his ring on his middle finger,” he said, knowing it was the final blow that would dash any hopes she may have had that he might still be alive

    2. then shift your attention to your middle finger and count ten beats there

    3. " He tapped his temple with his middle finger

    4. When they came rushing out he gave them the old middle finger salute which they ignored as both he and his girl were naked and she was by all accounts not unattractive and deserved a second glance

    5. Uncle Hobart stuck his middle finger in the air, stamping his foot on the accelerator

    6. He glared, curling his lip in disgust and displayed his middle finger to them while mouthing the words, ‘fuck you

    7. I just sat there, with my back against a wall, carrying an improvised flag strapped around my back with a very big, plainly drawn, stuck up middle finger

    8. Another had made a circle of his thumb and forefinger and was rapidly shoving the middle finger of his other hand through the circle

    9. His hands were a lot bigger than mine, but his pinky finger seemed to match my middle finger

    10. The tip of my middle finger was brushing the top of the phone

    11. both of her hands into the air, with the middle finger of her

    12. "Up yours, Wolf," Monaghan yelled against the whining and whopping helicopter noise, using his good hand to hold up the bloody middle finger of the wounded hand

    13. Lead kept his navigation lights at Bright Steady as they flew in a loose five-man finger tip formation, Pintail Lead being the middle finger

    14. He nodded his head and raised his fingers in the ‘peace’ sign, the pointer and middle fingers up

    15. Hayley responded with a casual middle finger

    16. thumb and the middle fingers (alternately) of

    17. "You know what to do" she said and so his middle finger stroked upwards and searched for her clitoris

    18. Peter continued to massage her wet clitoris with his middle finger in circular movements faster and faster, his teeth gently biting her nipples until she could hold on no more

    19. He put his middle finger onto her labia and stroked upwards

    20. The Dangler’s hook was pinned in the middle finger

    21. That hand had lost its middle finger in a battle with the butterfly; the hand in the fisherman’s spine had all three long claws in tact

    22. His fingers, first cupping her wet mound, quickly separated, his middle finger searching for the spot that would bring her close, but not completely, to where she wanted to be

    23. The last thing Jasra’s men saw was Murphy’s middle finger as they disappeared from the road

    24. Aguero raised his middle finger at Gomes who ignored the insult and drove back to the De Jesus farm

    25. It is believed that if an Aye-aye points its middle finger

    26. But if one were to look at his hand they would have seen him applying a pulpy mass of plant matter to where his left middle finger had been severed off the mech’s hidden blades

    27. But as he stretched upward, his arm aching, his middle finger was able to get a slight hold on the black plastic casing

    28. Joey decided he would salute the general too; with his middle finger

    29. offered a salute using a middle finger for the network cameras at halftime, while joining a performance of Madonna’s new single, Give Me All Your Luvin’

    30. 'It has a timeless beauty,’ she smiled, slipping it onto the middle finger of her

    31. Waving the money, slowly between his index and middle fingers, Mitchell envisioned another encounter with Rhonda, one that would take on a completely different tone

    32. Otherwise the middle finger wouldn't be the middle finger

    33. Putting the ring around her left middle finger, she saw the ring shrink at once to fit perfectly her finger

    34. after thrusting his index and middle fingers into the man’s throat

    35. “I need more information,” Garcia said, taking hold of her wrist with his thumb and middle finger to

    36. Her index and middle fingers brushed over the pouch once more, just to make sure

    37. And in reply, you gave him a middle finger salute

    38. Praying with her hands together, with the middle fingers split to form a

    39. the last joint of his middle finger

    40. Pat set his right index and middle fingers in this beam of light, and manipulated the virtual mouse

    41. ” He added his middle finger to the first one

    42. Move your hand shape so your middle finger is over the A key

    43. When you play A with you middle finger (finger no 3) Move you hand shape back to the original position

    44. then proceeded to make a cut on his middle finger and dripped his blood on the top of the purple coffin

    45. He slipped it over my middle finger and stood back so he could have

    46. Cam dug the blade of his sharp shooter shovel into the earth and blessed the groundhog for having given the middle finger to winter

    47. Practice moving the pen up and down using only your index finger, middle finger and thumb

    48. Position the patient in sitting with their hand in mid-pronation, a ruler placed between their index and middle finger, and their thumb resting on top of the ruler

    49. " She traces the edges of her wine glass with her middle finger

    50. Valera helped me into Desiree’s dress, then put the earrings in place, while I slipped the ring on the middle finger of my left hand

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